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redux provides a low-level interface to Redis, allowing execution of arbitrary Redis commands with almost no interface. While it can be used standalone, it is designed to be used with RedisAPI which provides a much friendlier interface to the Redis commands.

As well as supporting Redis commands, redux supports:

  • pipelineing: execute more than one command in a single Redis roundtrip, which can greatly increase performance, especially over high-latency connections.
  • socket connections: can connect to a locally running Redis instance over a unix socket (if Redis is configured to do so) for faster communication.
  • flexible serialisation: serialise any part of a Redis command, including keys and fields. Binary serialisation is supported (see RedisAPI for a helper functions).
  • subscriptions: create a simple blocking subscribe client, applying a callback function to every message recieved (see RedisAPI for a more friendly interface).
  • error handling: Every Redis error becomes an R error.


Create a hiredis object:

r <- redux::hiredis()

The hiredis object is a hiredis object with many (many methods), each corresponding to a different Redis command.

## <redis_api>
##   Redis commands:
##     APPEND: function
##     AUTH: function
##     BGREWRITEAOF: function
##     BGSAVE: function
##     ...
##     ZSCORE: function
##     ZUNIONSTORE: function
##   Other public methods:
##     clone: function
##     command: function
##     config: function
##     initialize: function
##     pipeline: function
##     reconnect: function
##     subscribe: function
##     type: function

All the methods are available from this object; for example to set "foo" to "bar", use:

r$SET("foo", "bar")

See the package vignette for more information (vignette("redux")) or



See also

  • rredis, the original R Redis client
  • RcppRedis, Dirk Eddelbuettel's R Redis client, which greatly influenced the design decisions here
  • hiredis-rb, the Ruby Redis client that influenced the subscribe and pipeline support here.
  • rrlite, an almost identical interface to rlite, a serverless-zero configuration database with an identical interface to Redis.


GPL-2 © Rich FitzJohn.