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File metadata and controls

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This contract is a media value system. it interacts with ZapMarket and the AuctionHouse contracts to provide a perpetual equity to its creators. This contract allows for the minting, burning, and transferral of ERC721 tokens utilizing a market owned by the creator.



Require that the token has not been burned and has been minted

Arguments Type Description
tokenId uint256 The Identifier for a specific ERC721


Require that the token has had a content hash set

Arguments Type Description
tokenId uint256 The Identifier for a specific ERC721


Require that the token has had a metadata hash set

Arguments Type Description
tokenId uint256 The Identifier for a specific ERC721

onlyApprovedOrOwner(address, uint256)

Ensure that the provided spendder is approved or the owner of the media for the specified tokenID

Arguments Type Description
spender address Usually the msg.sender address; whoever is spending for the specific transaction
tokenId uint256 The Identifier for a specific ERC721


Ensure that the ttoken has been created, even if it had been burned

Arguments Type Description
tokenId uint256 The Identifier for a specific ERC721

onlyValidURI(string memory)

Ensure that the provided URI is not empty

Arguments Type Description
uri string memory Uniform Resource Identifier to be validated


initialize(string calldata, string calldata, address, bool, string calldata)

Creates the initial ERC721, establishes the ZapMarket, and registers an interface based on the generated interface ID.

Arguments Type Description
name string calldata Name of the proposed media
symbol string calldata Symbol for the proposed media
marketContractAddr address Address of the relevant ZapMarket
permissive bool Allows the creator to mint more media tokens
_collectionMetadata string calldata Sets the public collection metadata


Returns a boolean showing whether or not the given interfaceID is supported

Arguments Type Description
interfaceID bytes4 a bytes4 formatted representation of a contract interface. Id to be validated


Returns the URI for a particular piece of media with the specified tokenID

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 Token whose URI is to be fetched


Sets an interface ID to be supported

Arguments Type Description
interfaceID bytes4 Interface ID to be registered

_beforeTokenTransfer(address, address, uint256)

TokenTransfer hook function

Arguments Type Description
to address Current token owner. If this is the zero address, the token will be minted for to
from address Destination Address. If this is the zero address, the token will be burned
tokenID uint256 Token ID to be transferred

View Functions


Return the metadata URI for a piece of media given the token URI

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 the token whose metadata will be attached

Public Functions

mint(MediaData memory, IMarket.bidshares memory)

Mint new media for msg.sender.

Arguments Type Description
data MediaData memory The media's metadata and content data, includes content and metadata hash, and token's URI
bidShares IMarket.BidShares memory The share percentages of the owners and creators of the media as determined by ZapMarket

mintWithSig(address, MediaData memory, IMarket.bidshares memory, EIP712Signature memory)

EIP-712 mintWithSig method. Mints new media for a creator given a valid signature.

Arguments Type Description
creator address Address of media creator
data MediaData memory The media's metadata and content data, includes content and metadata hash, and token's URI
bidShares IMarket.BidShares memory The share percentages of the owners and creators of the media as determined by ZapMarket
sig EIP712Signature memory Creator's signature to be confirmed

auctionTransfer(uint256, address)

Transfer the token with the given ID to a given address.

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 Token to be transferred
recipient address Address of token destination

setAsk(uint256, IMarket.Ask memory)

Set the ask on a piece of media

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token being offered an ask
ask IMarket.Ask memory Value of ask to be set


Remove the ask on a piece of media

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token determine which ask to remove

setBid(uint256, IMarket.Ask memory)

Set the bid on a piece of media

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token whose metadata will be attached
bid IMarket.Ask memory Value of bid to be set


Remove the bid on a piece of media

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token whose bid is to be removed

acceptBid(uint256, IMarket.Ask memory)

Accept the bid on a piece of media

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token whose bid is to be accepted
bid IMarket.Ask memory Value of bid to be accepted


Burn a token

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token to burn


Revoke the approvals for a token. The provided approve function is not sufficient for this protocol, as it does not allow an approved address to revoke it's own approval. In instances where a 3rd party is interacting on a user's behalf via permit, they should revoke their approval once their task is complete as a best practice.

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token whose approval is to be revoked

updateTokenURI(uint256, string calldata)

Update the token URI

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 The token whose URI is to be updated
tokenURIlocal string calldata The URI to be updated

updateTokenMetadataURI(uint256, string calldata)

Update the token metadata uri

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 the token whose metadata is to be updated
metadataURI string calldata The metadata to be updated

permit(address,uint256, EIP712Signature memory)

EIP-712 permit method. Sets an approved spender given a valid signature.

Arguments Type Description
spender address Spender address to be approved
tokenID uint256 The token to be given an approved spender
sig EIP712Signature Signature to confirm access

Private Functions

_hasShares(uint256, IMarket.BidShares memory)

Returns a bool depicting whether or not the i'th collaborator has shares

Arguments Type Description
index uint256 the i'th collaborator
bidShares IMarket.BidShares memory The bidshares defined for the Collection's NFTs

_mintForCreator(address,MediaData memory, Imarket.BidShares memory)

Creates a new token for creator. Its token ID will be automatically assigned (and available on the emitted {IERC721-Transfer} event), and the token URI autogenerated based on the base URI passed at construction.

Arguments Type Description
creator address Creator of media token
data MediaData The media's metadata and content data
bidShares Imarket.BidShares The bidshares defined for the Collection's NFTs


Setter for tokenContentHash

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 Token ID to set Content
contentHash bytes32 Content Hash to be assigned to token


Setter for tokenMetadataHash

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 Token ID to set metadata
metadataHash bytes32 Metadata to be assigned to token


Setter for tokenMetadataURI

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 Token ID to set metadata URI
metaDataURI bytes32 URI to be assigned to token


Destroys tokenId.

Arguments Type Description
tokenID uint256 ID of token to be burned

_transfer(address, address,uint256)

transfer a token and remove the ask for it.
|Arguments| Type | Description| |to|address| Current token owner.| |from|address| Destination Address.| |tokenID|uint256| Token ID to be transferred|


Calculates EIP712 DOMAIN_SEPARATOR based on the current contract and chain ID.

Arguments Type Description
No arguments