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In the following sections it will be explained the steps necessary to release a new version of the libraries. In all steps the version to be released is referred to as <version-to-release>, which should be replaced with appropriate version number (e.g. 2.1.0).

Release Branching

The project follows the git-flow branching model. To release a new version it needs to be created a new release branch, update the version, and tag:

  1. Create a release branch: git checkout -b release-<version-to-release> develop;
  2. Update version in:
    1. build.gradle file (e.g. remove -SNAPSHOT);
    2. source code (e.g. @since and @deprecated JavaDoc tags);
    3. file (in How to Obtain section);
  3. Review that everything is correct and commit the changes: git commit -S -m "Bump version number to <version-to-release>"
  4. Checkout master and merge the release branch:
    1. git checkout master
    2. git merge -S --no-ff release-<version-to-release> -m "Merge branch 'release-<version-to-release>' into master"
  5. Tag the new version: git tag -s v<version-to-release> -m "Version <version-to-release>"

Reintegrate the changes into develop branch:

  1. Checkout develop branch: git checkout develop
  2. Merge the release-<version-to-release> branch: git merge -S --no-ff release-<version-to-release> -m "Merge branch 'release-<version-to-release>' into develop"
    1. Resolve possible conflicts;
      1. The version can be bumped to the next developing version (e.g. increase the minor version and add -SNAPSHOT);
      2. Continue with the merge (if the version was bumped mention it in the commit message);
  3. Bump to the next developing version now (e.g. increase the minor version and add -SNAPSHOT), if not done during the merge: git commit -S -m "Bump version number to <developing-version>-SNAPSHOT"

Delete the release branch:

git branch -d release-<version-to-release>

Push the branches (develop and master) and tag:

git push upstream develop master v<version-to-release>

(Assuming upstream is the zaproxy repo.)

Build for Release

Checkout the tagged version:

git checkout v<version-to-release>

Create the artifacts/libraries necessary for the release:

./gradlew clean build

Release to Maven Central

To upload the built artifacts to OSSRH you can run the following:

./gradlew publish

Once uploaded continue with the release process in OSSRH:

NOTE: The following properties must be defined (e.g. in file GRADLE_HOME/ ) to successfully sign and upload the artifacts:

  • signing.keyId - the ID of the GPG key, used to sign the artifacts;
  • ossrhUsername - the OSSRH username;
  • ossrhPassword - the OSSRH password for above username.

Also, the user must have permissions to upload to GroupId org.zaproxy.

GitHub Release

Release in GitHub:

  1. Draft a new release:
    • Tag: v<version-to-release>
    • Title: Version <version-to-release>
    • Description: (Add a summary of the changes done in the new version and mention the artifacts/libraries available.)
  2. Upload the libraries:
    • zap-api-<version-to-release>.jar
    • zap-clientapi-<version-to-release>.jar
  3. Publish release.