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Ken Malinich edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the BMW-XDFs wiki!

First and foremost, this project can and might hurt you. If you rely on the auto lights, and they cut out at night, you might die. If you are trapped in the vehicle, and the app locks up the GM and the door locks don't work, you might die. If you drive into a body of water and need to roll down the window to release the pressure, and the app locks up the GM and the windows don't work, you might die. If the app develops some bug/level of sentience .. it's worth knowing that it can talk to/hear from the airbag computer. If they deploy randomly.. you guessed it, you might die. If it breaks/hurts/kills you/your car/your something else/etc... not my fault. Harsh disclaimer but it is what it is. See MIT license.

-- disclaimer stolen from @kmalinich