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What you can unstructure and how

Unstructuring is intended to convert high-level, structured Python data (like instances of complex classes) into simple, unstructured data (like dictionaries).

Unstructuring is simpler than structuring in that no target types are required. Simply provide an argument to unstructure and convclasses will produce a result based on the registered unstructuring hooks. A number of default unstructuring hooks are documented here.

Unstructuring is primarily done using :py:attr:`.Converter.unstructure`.

Primitive types and collections

Primitive types (integers, floats, strings...) are simply passed through. Collections are copied. There's relatively little value in unstructuring these types directly as they are already unstructured and third-party libraries tend to support them directly.

A useful use case for unstructuring collections is to create a deep copy of a complex or recursive collection.

>>> # A dictionary of strings to lists of tuples of floats.
>>> data = {'a': [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]}
>>> copy = convclasses.unstructure(data)
>>> data == copy
>>> data is copy

dataclasses classes

dataclasses classes are supported out of the box. :class:`.Converter` s support two unstructuring strategies:

  • UnstructureStrategy.AS_DICT - similar to dataclasses.asdict, unstructures dataclasses instances into dictionaries. This is the default.
  • UnstructureStrategy.AS_TUPLE - similar to dataclasses.astuple, unstructures dataclasses instances into tuples.
>>> @dataclass
... class C:
...     a: Any
...     b: Any
>>> inst = C(1, 'a')
>>> converter = convclasses.Converter(unstruct_strat=convclasses.UnstructureStrategy.AS_TUPLE)
>>> converter.unstructure(inst)
(1, 'a')

Mixing and matching strategies

Converters publicly expose two helper metods, :meth:`.Converter.unstructure_attrs_asdict` and :meth:`.Converter.unstructure_attrs_astuple`. These methods can be used with custom unstructuring hooks to selectively apply one strategy to instances of particular classes.

Assume two nested dataclasses classes, Inner and Outer; instances of Outer contain instances of Inner. Instances of Outer should be unstructured as dictionaries, and instances of Inner as tuples. Here's how to do this.

>>> @dataclass
... class Inner:
...     a: int
>>> @dataclass
... class Outer:
...     i: Inner
>>> inst = Outer(i=Inner(a=1))
>>> converter = convclasses.Converter()
>>> converter.register_unstructure_hook(Inner, converter.unstructure_dataclass_astuple)
>>> converter.unstructure(inst)
{'i': (1,)}

Of course, these methods can be used directly as well, without changing the converter strategy.

>>> @dataclass
... class C:
...     a: int
...     b: str
>>> inst = C(1, 'a')
>>> converter = convclasses.Converter()
>>> converter.unstructure_dataclass_astuple(inst)  # Default is AS_DICT.
(1, 'a')