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File metadata and controls

39 lines (30 loc) · 1.48 KB


All convclasses functionality is exposed through a convclasses.Converter object. Global convclasses functions, such as convclasses.unstructure(), use a single global converter. Changes done to this global converter, such as registering new structure and unstructure hooks, affect all code using the global functions.

Global converter

A global converter is provided for convenience as convclasses.global_converter. The following functions implicitly use this global converter:

  • convclasses.structure
  • convclasses.unstructure
  • convclasses.structure_dataclass_fromtuple
  • convclasses.structure_dataclass_fromdict

Changes made to the global converter will affect the behavior of these functions.

Larger applications are strongly encouraged to create and customize a different, private instance of Converter.

Converter objects

To create a private converter, simply instantiate a convclasses.Converter. Currently, a converter contains the following state:

  • a registry of unstructure hooks, backed by a singledispatch and a function_dispatch.
  • a registry of structure hooks, backed by a different singledispatch and function_dispatch.
  • a LRU cache of union disambiguation functions.
  • a reference to an unstructuring strategy (either AS_DICT or AS_TUPLE).
  • a dict_factory callable, used for creating dicts when dumping dataclasses classes using AS_DICT.