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Releases: zed-industries/zed


17 Jun 22:05
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  • Fixed a bug where editors were treated as having unsaved changes even after all of the unsaved changes were undone (#25).
  • Fixed a bug where temporarily-opened files were displayed as part of the current project in the project panel and contacts panel.
  • Fixed a bug where surrounding the selected text with bracket characters didn't work correctly with multiple cursors (#41).
  • Fixed a bug where the editor would scroll unexpectedly when adding cursors with the mouse (#28)
  • Fixed a bug where indentation would be adjusted incorrectly in Markdown files.
  • Fixed a bug where autocompletion would sometimes replace the wrong text in Typescript files.
  • Fixed a bug where Zed failed to prompt you to save any unsaved work before quitting the app.
  • Added the ability to open a file in the project panel with the Enter key.
  • Added pane-splitting actions to the command palette.
  • Added tooltips for some buttons in the title and status bars.
  • Added the ability to show the cause of language server installation errors by clicking on the error message in the status bar.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for toggling whole-word, regex, and case-sensitive modes when searching.
  • Added the ability to switch focus from a side panel back to the active editor using the Escape key.
  • Added multi-stroke keyboard shortcuts in the application menu.
  • Automatically open files created from the project panel (#30)
  • Improved the performance of using key bindings for actions that are present in the application menu.


10 Jun 18:20
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  • Added "hovers" that show information about the symbol or construct beneath the mouse cursor.


  • Added support for the Go language.

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 10 42 10 AM

  • Added a button and tooltip for jumping from a multibuffer excerpt into the same location in the original buffer.

  • Added a "Give Feedback" button in the status bar. Please give us feedback on your experience with Zed!

  • Added settings for disabling specific language servers. For example, to turn off Rust-analyzer when editing Rust code, add the following to your ~/.zed/settings.json:

        "Rust": {
            "enable_language_server": false
  • Improved the consistency between project search and buffer search: pre-populate the search field with the currently-selected text when deploying the project search.

  • Improved the positioning of the autocomplete menu, preventing it from overflowing the window when possible.

  • Fixed a bug where diagnostic messages were sometimes cut off.

  • Fixed a bug where TypeScript errors in the project diagnostics view would update abruptly while typing.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented clicking on some status bar items when the project panel was open.


06 Jun 19:32
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  • Added offline projects - Zed now allows you to mark a project as "offline". This prevents your contacts from seeing that project under your name in the contacts panel. Projects remember their online/offline state when you reopen them, so you only need to do this one time.


  • Added C++ support.
  • Fixed an issue where key bindings would sometimes invoke the wrong action if that action was present in the application menu.
  • Fixed an issue where editors' selections were unexpectedly cleared when opening a modal or activating the search bar.
  • Fixed a crash when a certain kind of invalid data was reported by a language server.


02 Jun 10:48
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Fixed a panic that would sometimes occur when opening Project Diagnostics when multiple files had diagnostics.


02 Jun 09:42
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Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 10 12 46

  • Introduced the ability to right-click the project panel to manipulate files and directories
  • In Project Diagnostics, you can now click on the icon on the right of a diagnostic's header to jump to it in its own tab
  • Improved contrast in some of the themes shipped in the last release to make UI elements and text more readable


24 May 19:07
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  • We've added a bunch of cool new color themes.
  • Git-ignored files and directories are now displayed in the project panel.
  • Zed now has a more full-fledged application menu.
  • We've added a flow for inviting new Zed users to collaborate, and we'll be allocating invitations to insiders in the coming weeks.
  • We fixed some issues related to rescanning the contents of worktrees when there are file system changes.
  • The redo stack is now cleared on edit.
  • Fixed an issue where there could sometimes be duplicate notifications.


17 May 17:51
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We've removed the need to explicitly share your project in Zed. You can now request to join any of your contacts' projects.

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The project's host receives a notification that you'd like to join, and can accept or decline.

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12 May 21:38
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We've simplified the experience for finding other Zed users with whom you want to collaborate.

You can open a contact search modal via a button at the top of the contacts panel.

Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 3 25 36 PM

When you make a request, the other user is notified.

Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 3 26 21 PM

Once someone is your contact, they are free to join any project that you are sharing. We'll be following up in the next release to restrict this a bit so that you're prompted before your contacts are allowed access. We expect to refine this permissions system over time, but for now, prompting feels like a safe compromise.

We also fixed a bug where multi-cursor editing in multi-buffers could insert repeated characters in some cases.


05 May 17:42
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  • Added the ability to add, rename, and delete files and folders from the project panel. As usual, these commands work for both local and remote projects.
  • Added a 'transpose' command, bound to ctrl-t, which swaps the characters before and after the cursor.
  • Fixed some bugs where pasting would insert the wrong text in some situations
  • Added some missing highlights to the base16 themes (solarized, cave, and sulphurpool)


03 May 16:30
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  • Improved padding and margins of the titlebar layout