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576 lines (366 loc) · 14.7 KB



The address type stores both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.


  • addr


  • IPv4:
  • IPv6: [2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348], [::]

This type supports the :ref:`pack/unpack operators <packing>`.


Bitfields provide access to individual bitranges inside an unsigned integer. That can't be instantiated directly, but must be defined and parsed inside a unit.


  • bitfield(N) { RANGE_1; ...; RANGE_N }
  • Each RANGE has one of the forms LABEL: A or LABEL: A..B where A and B are bit numbers.


Boolean values can be True or False.


  • bool


  • True, False


Bytes instances store raw, opaque data. They provide iterators to traverse their content.


  • bytes
  • iterator<bytes>


  • b"Spicy", b""


Enum types associate labels with numerical values.


  • enum { LABEL_1; ... LABEL_N }
  • Each label has the form ID [= VALUE]. If VALUE is skipped, one will be assigned automatically.
  • Each enum type comes with an implicitly defined Undef label with a value distinct from all other ones. When coerced into a boolean, an enum will be true iff it's not Undef.


An instance of an enum can assume a numerical value that does not map to any of its defined labels. If printed, it will then render into <unknown-N> in that case, with N being the decimal expression of its numeric value.


  • The individual labels represent constants of the corresponding type (e.g., MyEnum::MyFirstLabel is a constant of type MyEnum).


.. todo:: This isn't available in Spicy yet (:issue:`89`).


Spicy distinguishes between signed and unsigned integers, and always requires specifying the bitwidth of a type.


  • intN for signed integers, where N can be one of 8, 16, 32, 64.
  • uintN for signed integers, where N can be one of 8, 16, 32, 64.


  • Unsigned integer: 1234, +1234, uint8(42), uint16(42), uint32(42), uint64(42)
  • Signed integer: -1234, int8(42), int8(-42), int16(42), int32(42), int64(42)

This type supports the :ref:`pack/unpack operators <packing>`.


Am interval value represents a period of time. Intervals are stored with nanosecond resolution, which is retained across all calculations.


  • interval


  • interval(SECS) creates an interval from a signed integer or real value SECS specifying the period in seconds.
  • interval_ns(NSECS) creates an interval from a signed integer value NSECS specifying the period in nanoseconds.


Spicy uses lists only in a limited form as temporary values, usually for initializing other containers. That means you can only create list constants, but you cannot declare variables or unit fields to have a list type (use :ref:`vector <type_vector>` instead).


  • [E_1, E_2, ..., E_N] creates a list of N elements. The values E_I must all have the same type. [] creates an empty list of unknown element type.
  • [EXPR for ID in ITERABLE] creates a list by evaluating EXPR for all elements in ITERABLE, assembling the individual results into the final list value. The extended form [EXPR for ID in SEQUENCE if COND] includes only elements into the result for which COND evaluates to True. Both EXPR and COND can use ID to refer to the current element.
  • list(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) is the same as [E_1, E_2, ..., E_N], and list() is the same as [].
  • list<T>(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) creates a list of type T, initializing it with the N elements E_I. list<T>() creates an empty list.


Maps are containers holding key/value pairs of elements, with fast lookup for keys to retrieve the corresponding value. They provide iterators to traverse their content, with no particular ordering.


  • map<K, V> specifies a map with key type K and value type V.
  • iterator<map<K, V>>


  • map(K_1: V_1, K_2: V_2, ..., K_N: V_N) creates a map of N elements, initializing it with the given key/value pairs. The keys K_I must all have the same type, and the values V_I must likewise all have the same type. map() creates an empty map of unknown key/value types; this cannot be used directly but must be coerced into a fully-defined map type first.
  • map<K, V>(K_1: V_1, K_2: V_2, ..., K_N: V_N) creates a map of type map<K, V>, initializing it with the given key/value pairs. map<K, V>() creates an empty map.


An optional value may hold a value of another type, or can alternatively remain unset. A common use case for optional is the return value of a function that may fail.

  • optional<TYPE>


  • optional(EXPR) creates an optional<T>, where T is the type of the expression EXPR and initializes it with the value of EXPR.

More commonly, however, optional values are initialized through assignment:

  • Assigning an instance of TYPE to an optional<TYPE> sets it to the instance's value.
  • Assigning Null to an optional<TYPE> unsets it.


Ports represent the combination of a numerical port number and an associated transport-layer protocol.


  • port



"Real" values store floating points with double precision.


  • real


  • 3.14, 10e9, 0x1.921fb78121fb8p+1

This type supports the :ref:`pack/unpack operators <packing>`.

Regular Expression

Spicy provides POSIX-style regular expressions.


  • regexp


  • /Foo*bar?/, /X(..)(..)(..)Y/

Regular expressions use the extended POSIX syntax, with a few smaller differences and extensions:

  • Supported character classes are: [:lower:], [:upper:], [:digit:], [:blank:].
  • \b asserts a word-boundary, \B matches asserts no word boundary.
  • \xXX matches a byte with the binary hex value XX (e.g., \xff matches a byte of decimal value 255).
  • {#<number>} associates a numerical ID with a regular expression (useful for set matching).

Regular expression constants support two optional attributes:

Implicitly anchor the expression, meaning it must match at the beginning of the data.
Compile without support for capturing subexpressions, which makes matching more efficient.


Sets are containers for unique elements with fast lookup. They provide iterators to traverse their content, with no particular ordering.


  • set<T> specifies a set with unique elements of type T.
  • iterator<set<T>>


  • set(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) creates a set of N elements. The values E_I must all have the same type. set() creates an empty set of unknown element type; this cannot be used directly but must be coerced into a fully-defined set type first.
  • set<T>(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) creates a set of type T, initializing it with the elements E_I. set<T>() creates an empty set.


Sinks act as a connector between two units, facilitating feeding the output of one as input into the other. See :ref:`sinks` for a full description.

Sinks are special in that they don't represent a type that's generally available for instantiation. Instead they need to be declared as the member of unit using the special sink keyword. You can, however, maintain references to sinks by assigning the unit member to a variable of type Sink&.

Sinks provide a set of dedicated unit hooks as callbacks for the reassembly process. These must be implemented on the reader side, i.e., the unit that's connected to a sink.

.. spicy:method:: %on_gap sink %on_gap False - (seq: uint64, len: uint64)

.. spicy:method:: %on_overlap sink %on_overlap False - (seq: uint64, old: data, new: data)

Triggered when reassembly encounters a 2nd version of data for sequence space already covered earlier. seq is the start of the overlap, and old/new the previous and the new data, respectively. This hook is just for informational purposes, the policy set with :spicy:method:`sink::set_policy` determines how the reassembler handles the overlap.

.. spicy:method:: %on_skipped sink %on_skipped False - (seq: uint64)

Any time :spicy:method:`sink::skip` moves ahead in the input stream, this hook reports the new sequence number seq.

.. spicy:method:: %on_undelivered sink %on_skipped False - (seq: uint64, data: bytes)

If data still buffered is skipped over through :spicy:method:`sink::skip`, it will be passed to this hook, before adjusting the current position. seq is the starting sequence number of the data, data is the data itself.


A stream is data structure that efficiently represents a potentially large, incrementally provided input stream of raw data. You can think of it as a :ref:`bytes <type_bytes>` type that's optimized for (1) efficiently appending new chunks of data at the end, and (2) trimming data no longer needed at the beginning. Other than those two operation, stream data cannot be modified; there's no way to change the actual content of a stream once it has been added to it. Streams provide iterators for traversal, and views for limiting visibility to smaller windows into the total stream.

Streams are key to Spicy's parsing process, although most of that happens behind the scenes. You will most likely encounter them when using :ref:`random_access`. They may also be useful for buffering larger volumes of data during processing.


  • stream
  • iterator<stream>
  • view<stream>


Strings store readable text that's associated with a given character set. Internally, Spicy stores them as UTF-8.


  • string


  • "Spicy", ""
  • When specifying string constants, Spicy assumes them to be in UTF-8.


A struct is a heterogeneous container of an ordered set of named values similar to a :ref:`type_tuple`. In contrast to tuple elements, struct fields are mutable.


  • struct { IDENTIFIER_1: TYPE_1; ...; IDENTIFIER_N: TYPE_N; }


  • Structs can be initialized with a struct initializer, local my_struct: MyStruct = [$FIELD_1 = X_1, ..., $FIELD_N = X_N] where FIELD_I is the label of the corresponding field in MyStruct's type.


A time value refers to a specific, absolute point of time, specified as the interval from January 1, 1970 UT ( i.e., the Unix epoch). Times are stored with nanosecond resolution, which is retained across all calculations.


  • time


  • time(SECS) creates a time from an unsigned integer or real value SECS specifying seconds since the epoch.
  • time_ns(NSECS) creates a time from an unsigned integer value NSECS specifying nanoseconds since the epoch.


Tuples are heterogeneous containers of a fixed, ordered set of types. Tuple elements may optionally be declared and addressed with custom identifier names. Tuple elements are immutable.


  • tuple<[IDENTIFIER_1: ]TYPE_1, ...[IDENTIFIER_N: ]TYPE_N>


  • (1, "string", True), (1, ), ()
  • tuple(1, "string", True), tuple(1), tuple()



  • unit { FIELD_1; ...; FIELD_N }
  • See :ref:`parsing` for a full discussion of unit types.


  • Spicy doesn't support unit constants, but you can initialize unit instances through coercion from a struct initializer, see :ref:`type_struct`.

    .. todo:: This initialization isn't actually available in Spicy yet (:issue:`1036`).


Vectors are homogeneous containers, holding a set of elements of a given element type. They provide iterators to traverse their content.


  • vector<T> specifies a vector with elements of type T.
  • iterator<vector<T>>


  • vector(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) creates a vector of N elements. The values E_I must all have the same type. vector() creates an empty vector of unknown element type; this cannot be used directly but must be coerced into a fully-defined vector type first.
  • vector<T>(E_1, E_2, ..., E_N) creates a vector of type T, initializing it with the N elements E_I. vector<T>() creates an empty vector.
  • Vectors can be initialized through coercion from a list value: vector<string> I = ["A", "B", "C"].


The void type is place holder for specifying "no type", such as when a function doesn't return anything.


  • void