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148 lines (102 loc) · 4.91 KB


File metadata and controls

148 lines (102 loc) · 4.91 KB


This is very preliminary. We'll extend it over time. It's also not consistently applied everywhere yet. Working on that.


Spicy ships with a set of linter configurations to enforce some of the style guidelines documented below. We use pre-commit to run linters on each commit.

After cloning the repository, one can install the commit hooks by running the following command from the root of the checkout:

$ pre-commit install && pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/commit-msg

With installed hooks the configured linters check the code after each commit. To run linters standalone one can use the following:

$ pre-commit run -a

See the pre-commit CLI documentation for more information on how pre-commit can be used.


Some linters might require that a full build was performed or additional external tooling, see e.g., clang_format.

Commit Messages

  • Provide meaningful commit messages. Start the commit message with a one line summary and then explain at a high-level what's going on, including in particular any new functionality and changes to existing semantics. Include short examples of functionality if possibles. (Expect people to read your commit messages. :)
  • If the commit refers to ticket or PR, include the number into the commit message.
  • Aim to make commits self-containing chunks of functionality. Rebase and squash before pushing upstream.
  • Formatting aspects of commit messages are linted with gitlint via pre-commit hooks, see tooling. In particular we enforce that summary lines start with a capital letter and end in a period, and length limits for both summary and body lines.


Spicy comes with a clang-format configuration that enforces a canonical style. We require clang-format version >= 10 because we need a style option that wasn't available earlier. Formatting is checked by a clang-format linter which automatically pulls in a suitable clang-format binary, see the tooling section.

Spicy's CI runs pre-commit run clang-format as part of its code checks and will abort if there's anything not formatted as expected.

Static analysis

Spicy also comes with a clang-tidy configuration, as well as Makefile targets similar to the ones for formatting: make tidy will check the code, and make tidy-fixit will apply fixes automatically where clang-tidy is able to. Note that the latter can sometimes make things worse: Double-check git diff before committing anything.

You can set the environment variable CLANG_TIDY to the full path of the clang-tidy to ensure the right version is found (which, similar to clang-format, needs to be from Clang >= 10).

Spicy's CI runs make tidy as part of its code checks and will abort if there's anything not formatted as expected.

Code Conventions


  • Class methods: lowerCamelCase() for public and protected methods; _lowerCamelCase() for private methods.
  • Class member constants & variables: lower_case for public members, and _lower_case_with_leading_underscore for private members.
  • Global function: lowerCamelCase()


  • In header files:

    • Public namespace (i.e., anything not in *::detail::*)

      • Add Doxygen comments to all namespace elements.
      • Add Doxygen comments to all public and protected members of classes. (Exceptions: Default constructors; destructors; default operators; "obvious" operators, such as basic constructors and straight-forward comparisons; obvious getters/setters).
    • Private namespace (i.e., anything in *::detail::*)

      • Add a brief sentence or two to all namespace elements that aren't obvious.
      • Add a brief sentence or two to all class members that aren't obvious.
  • In implementation files

    • For elements that aren't declared in a separate header file, follow the rules for headers defining elements of the private namespace.
    • Inside methods and functions, comment liberally but not needlessly. Briefly explain the main reasoning behind non-obvious logic, and introduce separate parts inside larger chunks of code.

Doxygen style

  • Always start with a brief one-sentence summary in active voice ("Changes X to Y.")
  • For functions and methods, include @param and @return tags even if it seems obvious what's going on. Add @throws if the function/method raises an exception in a way that's considered part of its specific semantics.