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Stealth-UX is a dark visual suite that transforms your GalliumOS 3.1 desktop environment.

Need help? Here's the Reddit Communtity Thread


  1. Clone this repo:

     git clone ~/stealth-ux/
  2. Install:

     sudo bash ~/stealth-ux/

Note: Your current ~/.bashrc will backed up as ~/.bashrc.obs_backup

How to mod stealth-ux (Optional):

Skip to Configure Section

Copy these corresponding files from greybird-compact dir: /usr/share/themes/Greybird-compact/xfwm4:

  • title-1-active.xpm
  • top-left-active.xpm
  • top-right-active.xpm

(think of .xpm as ASCII masks, layered on top of .png files with the same name)

By using greybird-compact masks, you can change the height of the menu bar in any GTK theme

Next, symlink the appropriate files:

  • symlinked title-1-active.xpm to title-2-active.xpm through title-5-active.xpm,
  • symlinked top-left-active.xpm to top-left-inactive.xpm, etc
  • symlinked top-right-active.xpm to top-right-inactive.xpm, etc

Then install imagemagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Then convert UX images for the menu bar:

sudo convert close-active.png -alpha on -resize 70% close-active.png

// running this function replaces current close-active.png with a modified close-active.png that's 70% of the original size, final variable is the new file name (I made it the same as the original)

Run convert on all title bar buttons:

  • close-active
  • close-inactive
  • close-prelight
  • close-pressed
  • hide-active
  • hide-inactive...etc
  • maximize-active
  • maximize-inactive...etc

Reference for XFCE icons

// Bash command

for name in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.xpm"`; do convert "$name" -alpha on -scale 200% $name; done
for name in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.png"`; do convert "$name" -alpha on -resize 200% $name; done

1. In the folder /usr/share/themes create a new theme 'mytheme' by copying the theme 'Mint-X'
2. Install imagemagick (sudo apt-get install imagemagick) to get the linux command convert
3. Go to folder /usr/share/themes/mytheme/xfwm4
4. Modify title* and top* files with convert command as suggested by sixsixfive with scale 200%
5. Modify close*, hide* and maximize* files with convert command with scale 150%
6. Modify file /usr/share/themes/mytheme/xfwm4/themerc with following options :
7. Go to Parameters --> Window manager (I am not sure about the english name as I am using french version) and change the theme to 'mytheme'; I also changed the font of the title to 20.
8. Change the color of the close* images to red using Gimp.


After installation is done, follow the steps below to configure the desktop settings.

Appearance Settings

  1. Go into the Start Menu or Left-Alt + M

  2. Search and open "Appearance" (Settings > Appearance)

  3. Under the Style Tab, find and select "Dracula"

Icons Settings

  1. In the same window, under the Icons Tab, find and select "Papirus-Dark"

  2. Close the Appearance Settings

  3. Go into the Start Menu, and open the File Manager

  4. Go to EditPreferences.... Click on Side Pane tab. Under Side Pane, look for Icon Size and set to Very Small.


  1. Go into Start Menu and open Settings ManagerPanelItems tab. Select Notification Area item and click on Edit currently selected item button. Under Appearance set the following options:
  • Set Maximum icon size (px) to 24
  • Uncheck Show frame


Change folder colour:

  1. Open your terminal and install papirus-folders

     wget -qO- | sh
  2. Run this command to change folders color to white

    papirus-folders -C white --theme Papirus-Dark
  3. Close File Manager windows and reopen to see the colour changes

You can replace white with any of these colours:

Name Preview Name Preview
black folder-black user-black-home folder-black-download blue folder-blue user-blue-home folder-blue-download
bluegrey folder-bluegrey user-bluegrey-home folder-bluegrey-download breeze folder-breeze user-breeze-home folder-breeze-download
brown folder-brown user-brown-home folder-brown-download cyan folder-cyan user-cyan-home folder-cyan-download
deeporange folder-deeporange user-deeporange-home folder-deeporange-download green folder-green user-green-home folder-green-download
grey folder-grey user-grey-home folder-grey-download indigo folder-indigo user-indigo-home folder-indigo-download
magenta folder-magenta user-magenta-home folder-magenta-download nordic folder-nordic user-nordic-home folder-nordic-download
orange folder-orange user-orange-home folder-orange-download palebrown folder-palebrown user-palebrown-home folder-palebrown-download
paleorange folder-paleorange user-paleorange-home folder-paleorange-download pink folder-pink user-pink-home folder-pink-download
red folder-red user-red-home folder-red-download teal folder-teal user-teal-home folder-teal-download
violet folder-violet user-violet-home folder-violet-download white folder-white user-white-home folder-white-download
yaru folder-yaru user-yaru-home folder-yaru-download yellow folder-yellow user-yellow-home folder-yellow-download

Windows Manager Settings

Change the style of the window bars:

  1. Go into Start Menu, search for and open "Window Manager" (under "Settings")

  2. Choose between "no-border" or "Dracula" or "dracula-compact".

no-border removes the Title Bar for a sleek look

Dracula offers a flat dark look

Tips for no-border:

  • Alt + Left Click to move windows around
  • Alt + SpaceBar to bring up the menu options for a window
  • Under the Window Manager, click the Keyboard Tab, and set the following shortcut keys:
    • Close Window: Alt + Q
    • Tile window to left: Alt + [
    • Tile window to right: Alt + ]
    • Maximize window: Alt + =
    • Minimize window: Alt + -

Terminal Settings

  1. Open your terminal

  2. Right click > Preferences > Colors Tab

  3. Click "Load Presets..."

  4. Select "Dracula"

  5. Close Preferences

  6. Open and edit ~/.bashrc file

  7. You'll see an environment variable (all caps) in there that looks like:

  8. Change the value of OSH_THEME to powerline: OSH_THEME="powerline"

  9. Save and exit .bashrc

  10. Reload .bashrc:

    source ~/.bashrc
  11. Close and reopen your terminal to see changes

  12. Right-click your terminal > Preferences

  13. Under Appearance Tab > Uncheck "Use System Font" > and select a Powerline font such as "Source Code Pro for Powerline"

  14. Everything should look good now!

Bonus Settings

Complete the entire look with a few more steps:


  1. Open Chromium

  2. Go to: chrome://settings/

  3. Find "Themes" under "Appearance" > Click "Use GTK+"

Main Taskbar

  1. Right-click taskbar

  2. Panel > Panel Preferences...

  3. Go to Appearance Tab

  4. Select None under Style:

  5. Reduce Alpha to 0

  6. Go to Items and edit as you please, here's a suggestion:

Panel Preferences

Hide the windows toolbar

  1. Open "File Manager"

  2. Ctrl + M


  1. Create theme folder:

     mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/themes/start
  2. Change directories:

     cd ~/.vim/pack/themes/start
  3. Clone the target repo:

     git clone dracula
  4. Create config file:

     touch ~/.vimrc
  5. Add the following to ~/.vimrc

     packadd! dracula
     syntax enable
     colorscheme dracula

VIM Javascript Plugin

Javascript VIM

  1. Run the following command

       git clone ~/.vim/pack/vim-javascript/start/vim-javascript
  2. Close and reopen VIM to see changes


  1. Right-click desktop > Desktop Settings...

  2. Select stealth_ux_wallpaper.jpg inside ~/stealth_ux