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The NumberParse filter can be used to parse a number from a string. It acts as a wrapper for the NumberFormatter class within the Internationalization extension (Intl).

Supported Options

The following options are supported for NumberParse:

NumberParse([ string $locale [, int $style [, int $type ]]])

  • $locale: (Optional) Locale in which the number would be parsed (locale name, e.g. en_US). If unset, it will use the default locale (Locale::getDefault())

    Methods for getting/setting the locale are also available: getLocale() and setLocale()

  • $style: (Optional) Style of the parsing, one of the format style constants. If unset, it will use NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE as the default style.

    Methods for getting/setting the parse style are also available: getStyle() and setStyle()

  • $type: (Optional) The parsing type to use. If unset, it will use NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE as the default type.

    Methods for getting/setting the parse type are also available: getType() and setType()

Basic Usage

$filter = new \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberParse("de_DE");
echo $filter->filter("1.234.567,891");
// Returns 1234567.8912346

$filter = new \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberParse("en_US", NumberFormatter::PERCENT);
echo $filter->filter("80%");
// Returns 0.80

$filter = new \Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberParse("fr_FR", NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC);
echo $filter->filter("1,23456789E-3");
// Returns 0.00123456789