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HTTP Client - Static Usage


The Zend\Http component also provides Zend\Http\ClientStatic, a static HTTP client which exposes a simplified API for quickly performing GET and POST operations:

Quick Start

use Zend\Http\ClientStatic;

// Simple GET request
$response = ClientStatic::get('');

// More complex GET request, specifying query string 'foo=bar' and adding a
// custom header to request JSON data be returned (Accept: application/json)
$response = ClientStatic::get(
    array( 'foo' => 'bar' ),
    array( 'Accept' => 'application/json')

// We can also do a POST request using the same format.  Here we POST
// login credentials (username/password) to a login page:
$response = ClientStatic::post('', array(
    'username' => 'foo', 
    'password' => 'bar',

Configuration Options

It is not possible to set configuration options on the Zend\Http\Client instance encapsulated by Zend\Http\ClientStatic. To perform a HTTP request which requires non-default configurations, please use Zend\Http\Client directly.

Available Methods


get(string $url, array $query = array(), array $headers = array(), mixed $body = null)

Perform an HTTP GET request using the provided URL, query string variables, headers and request body.

Returns Zend\Http\Response


post(string $url, array $params, array $headers = array(), mixed $body = null)

Perform an HTTP POST request using the provided URL, parameters, headers and request body.

Returns Zend\Http\Response