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Digits Validator

Zend\Validator\Digits validates if a given value contains only digits.

Supported options for Zend\Validator\Digits

There are no additional options for Zend\Validator\Digits:

Validating digits

To validate if a given value contains only digits and no other characters, simply call the validator like shown in this example:

$validator = new Zend\Validator\Digits();

$validator->isValid("1234567890"); // returns true
$validator->isValid(1234);         // returns true
$validator->isValid('1a234');      // returns false


Validating numbers

When you want to validate numbers or numeric values, be aware that this validator only validates digits. This means that any other sign like a thousand separator or a comma will not pass this validator. In this case you should use Zend\I18n\Validator\Int or Zend\I18n\Validator\Float.