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Between Validator

Zend\Validator\Between allows you to validate if a given value is between two other values.


Zend\Validator\Between supports only number validation

It should be noted that Zend\Validator\Between supports only the validation of numbers. Strings or dates can not be validated with this validator.

Supported options for Zend\Validator\Between

The following options are supported for Zend\Validator\Between:

  • inclusive: Defines if the validation is inclusive the minimum and maximum border values or exclusive. It defaults to TRUE.
  • max: Sets the maximum border for the validation.
  • min: Sets the minimum border for the validation.

Default behaviour for Zend\Validator\Between

Per default this validator checks if a value is between min and max where both border values are allowed as value.

$valid  = new Zend\Validator\Between(array('min' => 0, 'max' => 10));
$value  = 10;
$result = $valid->isValid($value);
// returns true

In the above example the result is TRUE due to the reason that per default the search is inclusively the border values. This means in our case that any value from '0' to '10' is allowed. And values like '-1' and '11' will return FALSE.

Validation exclusive the border values

Sometimes it is useful to validate a value by excluding the border values. See the following example:

$valid  = new Zend\Validator\Between(
        'min' => 0,
        'max' => 10,
        'inclusive' => false
$value  = 10;
$result = $valid->isValid($value);
// returns false

The example is almost equal to our first example but we excluded the border value. Now the values '0' and '10' are no longer allowed and will return FALSE.