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weierophinney committed Mar 12, 2014
1 parent 5d22cee commit 3dadb1d
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*Zend Framework 2.3.0*

This is the third minor (feature) release for the version 2 series.

12 Mar 2014

### UPDATES IN 2.3.0

This release ups the minimum required PHP version from 5.3.3 to **5.3.23**.
Making this change affords the following:

- 5.3.9 and up have a fix that allows a class to implement multiple interfaces
that define the same method, so long as the signatures are compatible. Prior
to that version, doing so raised a fatal error. This change is necessary in
order to solve a problem with separated interface usage in the framework.

- 5.3.23 contains a [PHP bug #62672](
Adopting this version or greater will allow us to (eventually) remove polyfill
support that works around the symptoms of that issue.

As always, the Zend Framework project strongly recommends using the latest
version of PHP available to ensure you have the latest security fixes.

Additional updates that may affect existing applications include:

- [#5825]( adds a new
`Zend\I18n\Translator` loader, `PhpMemoryArray`. This loader allows you to
seed translation strings directly, instead of requiring a file that returns
a PHP array; it's primary use case would be for seeing translations returned
from a caching system.

- [#5901]( adds a new interface,
`Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationServiceInterface`. You can not type-hint
against this instead of `Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService`.

- [#4455]( adds two new plugin
managers to the default services: `LogProcessorManager` and
`LogWriterManager`. These use the config keys `log_processors` and
`log_writers`, respectively, and the module methods `getLogProcessorConfig()`
and `getLogWriterConfig()`. The `LoggerAbstractServiceFactory` was updated to
use these services when creating a `Logger` instance, and the `Logger` was
updated to allow passing in these managers via the `processor_plugin_manager`
and `writer_plugin_manager` configuration keys. This change will allow
defining and configuring custom log processors and writers to wire with the
logger abstract factory.

- [#5885]( adds the ability to
specify the Locale via a route match parameter, and have it apply to the
composed translator in the router, if any.

- [#5882]( adds the ability to
set the formatter used by a `Zend\Log\Writer\Db` instance via the
configuration options passed to the factory.

- [#5803]( adds a new flag to
`Zend\Navigation` containers' `hasPages()` method, `$onlyVisible`. If set to
`true`, only pages that are visibile based on ACLs will be considered.

- [#5759]( adds a new method to
the `FlashMessenger` view helper, `renderCurrent()`, which will render
messages registered with the `FlashMessenger` during the current request (vs.
a previous request).

- [#5865]( removes the dependency
on `Zend\Stdlib` in `Zend\Dom` by implementing PHP error handling directly in
the component. This makes the component more easily portable.

- [#5840]( removes the class
`Zend\Http\Client\Cookies`, as it was not used inside the framework itself,
and could not be used with the HTTP client regardless.

- [#5436]( brings consistency
to the `Zend\Filter` component, ensuring that exceptions are never thrown,
and that values that a given filter cannot manipulate are returned unfiltered.

- [#5666]( removes the ability
to translate form validation _messages_. This should never have been enabled
in the first place, as validation message translation should be based on the
message key, not the message string itself. In most cases, this should not
affect existing applications, as most messages are dynamic and, as such, would
result in the translator being unable to lookup a matching translation key.

- [#5664]( removes the ability
to translate validator message _keys_. This should never have been enabled
in the first place, as the keys are themselves to be used by the translator
to find translation strings; they were not intended to be translated

- [#5649]( adds a new method
to `Zend\Test\PHPUnit\Controller\AbstractHttpControllerTestCase`,
`assertResponseReasonPhrase()`. This allows developers to write assertions
directly against the HTTP reason phrase they may have set in the response

- [#5406]( and
[#5689]( make the i18n
component optional for the MVC. 5406 does this by introducing a new interface,
`Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface` and a `DummyTranslator`
implementation, and altering the MvcTranslator service factory to instantiate
a `DummyTranslator` to inject into the `Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator` instance.
5689 updates the MVC translator factory to look for one of the following:

- A defined `Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface` service; if found,
this will be injected into a `Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator` instance.
- Defined `translator` configuration; if so, this will be passed to the
`Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator::factory` method, and the result injected
in a `Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator` instance.
- If no configuration is found, a `DummyTranslator` will be created and injected
into a `Zend\Mvc\I18n\Translator` instance.

- [#5469]( adds a new abstract
controller, `Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractConsoleController`, for simplifying
the creation of console controllers.

- [#5364]( adds "naming
strategies" to hydrators, allowing transformation of the data keys
when either hydrating or extracting data sets. This is implemented via a new
interface, `Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\NamingStrategy\NamingStrategyInterface`,
which is now composed by default into the `AbstractHydrator`.

- [#5587]( changes the default
cost for `Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt` to 10, to keep it consistent with PHP's
own default, as well as potentially mitigate DoS vectors (due to high
computation cost).

- [#5356]( deprecates
`Zend\Dom\Css2Path::transform` in favor of the new
`Zend\Dom\Document\Query::cssToXpath`. Additionally, it properly cleans up the
relations between documents, queries, and nodelists, providing a workflow
similar to performing XPath queries in PHP:

use Zend\Dom\Document;
$document = new Document($content);
$nodeList = Document\Query::execute($expression, $document, Document\Query::TYPE_CSS);
foreach ($nodeList as $node) {
// ...

or, more succinctly:

use Zend\Dom\Document;
foreach (
Document\Query::execute($expression, new Document($content), Document\Query::TYPE_CSS)
as $node
) {
// ...

This API is intended to replace `Zend\Dom\Query`; however, `Zend\Dom\Query`
remains in order to retain backwards compatibility.

- [#5043]( introduced changes in
how DocBlock tag instances are returned via the `Zend\Code\Reflection`
component. These instances are rarely created manually; however, if you are
doing so, please note the following API changes:
- `Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\AuthorTag`: removed `set/getDatatype()` and
- `Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\AuthorTag`: `__construct` changed from
`($options = array())` to `($authorName = null, $authorEmail = null)`
- `Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\LicenseTag`: `__construct` changed from
`($options = array())` to `($url = null, $licenseName = null)`
- `Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ReturnTag`: `__construct` changed from
`($options = array())` to `($types = array(), $description = null)`
- `Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ParamTag`: `__construct` changed from
`($options = array())` to `($variableName = null, $types = array(),
$description = null)`
- Using `DocBlockGenerator::fromReflection()` and afterwards `getTags()` is now
returning the new `Tag` classes (`ReturnTag`, `AuthorTag`, `ParamTag`, ...)
where applicable and otherwise `GenericTag`. The deprecated class `Tag` will
not be returned anymore.
- [#5101]( introduces a behavior
change in the FormLabel view helper: it now escapes the label content by
default. If you wish to disable escaping, you need to either pass the label
option `disable_html_escape` to the form element, or call the
`setEscapeHtmlHelper(false)` method on the `formLabel()` view helper.
- [#4962]( adds a service alias
from "ControllerManager" to "ControllerLoader", and updates code to reference
*Zend Framework 2.3.1dev*

This is the first maintenance release for the version 2.3 series.


### UPDATES IN 2.3.1

Please see [](

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion library/Zend/Version/Version.php
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ final class Version
* Zend Framework version identification - see compareVersion()
const VERSION = '2.3.0';
const VERSION = '2.3.1dev';

* Github Service Identifier for version information is retrieved from
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