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Good forms for Django

GoodForms — rails-like renderer for your form fields. Provide fully control of filed styles and attributes. It's not replacement for django.forms.


Run pip install django-goodforms and add goodforms to INSTALLED_APPS. That's all.


The view:

from django.shortcuts import render
from django import forms

class LoginForm(forms.Form):
    username = forms.CharField()
    password = forms.PasswordField()

def sign_up(request):
    from = MyForm(initial={'username': 'johnsmith'})
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'form': form})

The template:

{% load form_fields %}

{% form name="login" class="login-form" %}
    {% textfield form.username class="login-form_input" %}
    {% textfield form.password class="login-form_input" %}
    {% submit_button "Login" %}
{% endform %}


Form tag

  • Form tag automatically inject csrf-token.
  • Fields use name attribute as prefix for id and for in labels.
{% form name="myform" action="url_or_route_name" multipart=True %}
    <!-- Form content -->
{% endform %}

Textfield and Textarea

{% textfield form.title **kwargs %}
{% textarea form.description **kwargs %}


{% select values="ru:Russia,de:Germany" %}

You can use any dict, iterable collection or queryset as values list:

{% select form.county values=any_iterable_object value_key="code" label_key="title" %}

Checkbox and radio-button

{% radio form.gender value="female" %}
{% radio form.gender value="male" %}

The label attribute wraps checkbox to <label> tag. All attributes provite to it:

{% checkbox form.agree label="I agree" style="font-weight: bold;" %}

<label style="font-weight: bold;">
    <input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="1"> <span>I agree</span>

Submit button

{% submit_button "Send message" %}
{% submit_button "Save as draft" name="is_draft" value=True %}


You can use any of field without a form class:

{% input "username" required=True %}
{% select "city" values="1:New York, 2:London" %}


GOODFORMS_XHTML — Enable or disable XHTML syntax (default: False)

GOODFORMS_AUTO_ID — Automatically generate id and for attributes for fields and labels (default: True)

GOODFORMS_ID_PREFIX — Prefix for auto-generated id and for attributes. For forms without name attribute (default: field)


Licensed under the MIT license.