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Bluetooth: Unicast Audio Server


Application demonstrating the LE Audio unicast server functionality. Starts advertising and awaits connection from a LE Audio unicast client.

This sample can be found under :zephyr_file:`samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server` in the Zephyr tree.

Check the :ref:`bluetooth samples section <bluetooth-samples>` for general information.


  • BlueZ running on the host, or
  • A board with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.2 support

Building and Running

When building targeting an nrf52 series board with the Zephyr Bluetooth Controller, use -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bt_ll_sw_split.conf to enable the required ISO feature support.

Building for an nrf52840dk

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server/
   :board: nrf52840dk/nrf52840
   :goals: build
   :gen-args: -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bt_ll_sw_split.conf

Building for an nrf5340dk

You can build both the application core image and an appropriate controller image for the network core with:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server/
   :board: nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp
   :goals: build
   :west-args: --sysbuild

If you prefer to only build the application core image, you can do so by doing instead:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server/
   :board: nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp
   :goals: build

In that case you can pair this application core image with the :ref:`hci_ipc sample <bluetooth-hci-ipc-sample>` :zephyr_file:`samples/bluetooth/hci_ipc/nrf5340_cpunet_iso-bt_ll_sw_split.conf` configuration.

Building for a simulated nrf52_bsim

Similarly to how you would for real HW, you can do:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server/
   :board: nrf52_bsim
   :goals: build
   :gen-args: -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bt_ll_sw_split.conf

Note this will produce a Linux executable in ./build/zephyr/zephyr.exe. For more information, check :ref:`this board documentation <nrf52_bsim>`.

Building for a simulated nrf5340bsim

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/bap_unicast_server/
   :board: nrf5340bsim/nrf5340/cpuapp
   :goals: build
   :west-args: --sysbuild