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The Burrows-Wheeler-Scott transform (called the Burrows-Wheeler transform "Scottified" in existing literature, but that sounds silly) sorts together all infinitely repeated cycles of each Lyndon word of the input, then takes the last character of each rotation of each Lyndon word in the overall sorted order. Of course, this description is about as intelligible as any of the existing literature on it for someone not intimately familiar with the concepts involved, and incomplete for someone who is.

Lyndon words are sequences which are less than any of the rotations of that sequence. "Less than", that is, the order, is defined in "the usual lexicographical way": 'a' < 'b' by definition; 'aa' < 'ab' because the first positions are the same and the second position is lesser in 'aa'; 'ab' < 'ba' because 'ab' is lesser in the first position. For now, the order of sequences whose lengths are not equal is left undefined.

A Lyndon word is a sequence such that no matter how many times you take the rightmost (or leftmost) element and attach it to the left (or right, respectively), the result is never less than the word. By the Chen-Fox-Lyndon theorem, every ordered sequence has a unique "Lyndon factorization" of Lyndon words, such that each word in the factorization is never greater than its predecessor, where order is here (not for the BWST algorithm) defined for words of unequal length such that if a is a prefix of b, then a < b.

The concept is best illustrated by example. The Lyndon factorization of the sequence 'FOOBAR2000' (assume ASCII - digits precede letters) is the words 'FOO', 'B', 'AR', '2', '0', '0', and '0'. 'F' is a Lyndon word because it has no rotations, but it's not part of the factorization because 'FO' is also a Lyndon word: 'FO' < 'OF'. 'FOO' is a Lyndon word because 'FOO' < 'OFO' < 'OOF'. 'FOOB' is not a Lyndon word; 'FOOB' is not less than its rotation 'BFOO'.

Duval (1983) gives an algorithm for finding the Lyndon factorization of a sequence in linear time. Wikipedia's article on Lyndon words now thankfully has a description of the algorithm, but it does a poor job of explaining what it actually does, so I'll describe it myself. It is key to realize that all Lyndon words of length greater than 1 end with a character greater than the one with which it starts. Knowing this, it's easy to realize that if, while scanning the string for the Lyndon words, a character is encountered that is less than the character at the start of the current word, then the word has ended. Note, however, that this is not the only case; an illustrative example here is 'ABCA', which factorizes to 'ABC' and 'A'. When the algorithm encounters a character equal to the first, it has to start comparing to the second character. Or, more generally, while only one of the two indices into the string the algorithm holds is incremented on each step, in the case of the compared characters being equal, both indices are incremented. Since this causes the algorithm to treat repeated strings as equal, word boundaries are determined according to the difference of the indices, and the lower one is reset to the start each time the comparison yields lower earlier.

Now that I think the Lyndon factorization is satisfactorily explained, the BWST itself can be introduced. Recall that the BWST sorts the infinitely repeated rotations of all Lyndon words of the input. Let's take a word that David Scott, the person who developed BWST, actually used with respect to the algorithm, which illustrates not only this concept but also one of the problems involved in learning about the transform: 'SCOTTIFACATION'. Its Lyndon factorization produces 'S', 'COTTIF', and 'ACATION'. All rotations of these words are:


These rotations are not sorted according to the usual lexicographical order. In particular, strings of different lengths are compared as if both are repeated infinitely. A shorter length to compare is each word repeated as many times as the other has characters. Even shorter is to compute the LCM of the lengths of those words and to make up to that many comparisons.

So, if we sort the rotations, we get:

S        ACATION
IONACAT        S

The BWST is now the last character of each rotation in the sorted output: 'NCAFITTOICSTAO'.

This was perhaps a bad example; entropy was not reduced, and the special cyclic order never came into play. The basic concepts have been explained, however, and that is my aim.

Now, the entire point of the BWST is that it has an inverse - you can get 'SCOTTIFACATION' back out of 'NCAFITTOICSTAO'. To do this, we need to compare the BWST output with its sorted order. Sorting gives 'AACCFIINOOSTTT'. Now we build a table thus:

Index  Sorted   BWST   Start + Count = Sum   Map
0      A        N      7       0       7     2
1      A        C      2       0       2     12
2      C        A      0       0       0     1
3      C        F      4       0       4     9
4      F        I      5       0       5     3
5      I        T      11      0       11    4
6      I        T      11      1       12    8
7      N        O      8       0       8     0
8      O        I      5       1       6     7
9      O        C      2       1       3     13
10     S        S      10      0       10    10
11     T        T      11      2       13    5
12     T        A      0       1       1     6
13     T        O      8       1       9     11
  • Index is the zero-based index into the sorted sequence for each character.
  • Sorted is the sorted sequence.
  • BWST is the input into the inverse function.
  • Start is the first index in the sorted string at which the corresponding BWST character is found.
  • Count is the number of times the corresponding BWST character already has been found in the sequence.
  • Sum is the sum of the starts and counts.
  • Map is the line number whose sum equals the current index.

We start at index 0 and follow the map, outputting from the sorted sequence as we go:

Index   Sorted   Map   Output
0       A        2     A
2       C        1     AC
1       A        12    ACA
12      T        6     ACAT
6       I        8     ACATI
8       O        7     ACATIO
7       N        0     ACATION

But the map at line 7 points to an index we've already visited. We've now retrieved the lexicographically least Lyndon word from the input. Next, we move to the lowest index we have not yet visited, which is 3.

Index   Sorted   Map   Output
3       C        9     C
9       O        13    CO
13      T        11    COT
11      T        5     COTT
5       I        4     COTTI
4       F        3     COTTIF

We know the next greatest Lyndon word. The only unvisited index so far is 10, so S at 10 is the greatest Lyndon word in the original input. Concatenating the words in nonincreasing order yields SCOTTIFACATION. BWST inverted.


  • - This is an old post, so it misses some connections which now are known, but it is the only plain-English description of the BWST and UNBWST I could find.
  • - This paper is a fairly intelligible description and implementation of the algorithms, but it contains several significant errors. Its examples are more optimized than the ones I gave; if you want to learn more, check it out, but not until you understand the algorithms enough to be able to recognize the errors.
  • - This paper is for those with advanced degrees. It is correct, but almost impossible to understand: "Let k ∈ ℕ. Let ⋃_{i=1}^s[v_i] = {w_1, ..., w_n} ⊆ ∑^+ be a multiset built from conjugacy classes [v_i]. Let M = (w_1, ..., w_n) satisfy context_k(w_1) ≤ ··· ≤ context_k(w_n) and let L = last(w_1) ··· last(w_n) be the sequence of the last symbols. Then context_k(w_i) = λ_Lπ_L(i)·λ_Lπ_L^2(i)···λ_Lπ_L^k(i) where π_L^t denotes the t-fold application of π_L and λ_Lπ_L(i) = λ_L(π_L(i))."