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Azure Blockchain Service Broker

This is Service Broker that helps developers deploy Azure Ethereum Template to cloud foundry.

Build AzureBlockchainBroker

git clone
cd AzureBlockchainBroker
go get
godep get .
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/AzureBlockchainBroker

Configuration of AzureBlockchainBroker

To start AzureBlockchainBroker, all configurations must start with --. Please reference Procflie.

  • Environment variables for Broker

    • USERNAME: [REQUIRED] - Username for your broker.
    • PASSWORD: [REQUIRED] - Password for your broker.
  • Configurations for Broker

    • listenAddr: (optional) - host:port to serve service broker API. Default value is You must use the environment valriable $PORT if you deploy broker as a Cloud Foundry application. Please reference here.
    • serviceName: (optional) - name of the service to register with cloud controller. Default value is azureblockchain
    • serviceID: (optional) - ID of the service to register with cloud controller. Default value is abb90071-f3e2-4a31-99f0-fc5d552dbbba
  • Configurations for Azure

    • environment: [REQUIRED] - The environment for Azure Management Service. Allowed values: AzureCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureUSGovernment or AzureGermanCloud. Default value is AzureCloud.
    • tenantID: [REQUIRED] - The tenant id for your service principal.
    • clientID: [REQUIRED] - The client id for your service principal.
    • clientSecret: [REQUIRED] - The client secret for your service principal.
    • subscriptionID: [REQUIRED] - The Azure Subscription id to use for storage accounts.
    • resourceGroupName: [REQUIRED] - The resource group name to use for storage accounts.
    • location: [REQUIRED] - The location to use for creating storage accounts.


    • Please see more details about how to create a service principal here.
    • PORT in Procfile will be allocated dynamically by Cloud Foundry runtime.
  • Configurations for Blockchain Template

    • namePrefix: [REQUIRED] - String used as a base for naming resources.
    • adminUsername: (optional) - Administrator username of easch deployed VM.
    • adminPassword: [REQUIRED] - Administrator password for each deployed VM.
    • ethereumAccountPsswd: [REQUIRED] - Password used to secure the default Ethereum account that will be generated.
    • ethereumAccountPassphrase: [REQUIRED] - Password used to generate the private key associated with the default Ethereum account that is generated.
    • ethereumNetworkID: (optional) - Private Ethereum network ID to which to connect. Default value is 553289.
    • numConsortiumMembers: (optional) - Number of members within the network. The default value is 2.
    • numMiningNodesPerMember: (optional) - Number of mining nodes to create for each consortium member. The default value is 1.
    • mnNodeVMSize: (optional) - Size of the virtual machine used for mining nodes.
    • numTXNodes: (optional) - Number of load balanced transaction nodes. The default value is 1.
    • txNodeVMSize: (optional) - Size of the virtual machine for transaction nodes.


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