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File metadata and controls

19 lines (17 loc) · 1.71 KB


  • Authority: A collection of one or more addresses permitted to call specific admin-level functionality in a multisig contract.
  • Custodian: An entity that holds tokens on behalf of investors, without taking beneficial ownership. May be a natural person, legal entity, or autonomous smart contract. Examples of custodians include broker/dealers, escrow agreements and secondary markets.
  • Entity: A participant in the SFT protocol. Entity may refer to natural persons or legal entities.
  • Hook: The point at which a module attaches to a method in a parent contract.
  • Issuer: An entity that creates and sells security tokens.
  • Investor: An entity that has passed KYC/AML checks and is able to hold and transfer security tokens.
  • Module: A non-essential smart contract associated with a token or custodian contract, used to add extra transfer permissioning or handle on-chain governance events.
  • Owner: The highest authority of a contract, set durin deployment. Only the owner is capable of creating or restricting other authorities on that contract.
  • Rating: A number assigned to each investor that corresponds to their accreditation status.
  • Region: Refers to the state, province, or other principal subdivision that an investor resides in.
  • Security Token: An ERC-20 compliant token, created by an issuer, who's transferrability is restricted through on-chain logic.
  • Threshold: The number of required calls from an authority to an admin-level function before it executes. This value cannot be greater the number of addresses associated with the authority.
  • Registrar: A whitelist contract that associates Ethereum addresses to specific investors.