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Releases: zerotier/zeronsd

v0.2.5: Many fixes and Alpine/Containerization support

01 Feb 05:13
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First release since August! It's been a while! This release contains several fixes:

  • Dependencies were managed better / upgraded across the board
  • We now conform to "Rust 2021".
  • Error messages were better described when errors connecting to zerotier-one were encountered (thanks @laduke for the patch!)
  • ZEROTIER_CENTRAL_INSTANCE can now specify non-canonical instances of zerotier central (thanks @glimberg for the request!)

Additionally, thanks to the diligence of @altano we have a pretty comfortable Alpine Linux solution now, as well as quality containerization techniques with it:

  • The README goes into how to run your own containerized zeronsd that runs independently of the host (but still shares a networking stack). This allows you to better manage your zeronsd instances; it is not a security improvement over running on the host due to how the authtoken is handled.
  • Alpine Linux on the host machine is now a first class product with openrc support in for zeronsd supervise and zeronsd unsupervise. These scripts were provided by @altano and adapted into the source code.

To pull the docker images: docker pull zerotier/zeronsd:alpine-v0.2.5 or zerotier/zeronsd:alpine-latest.

A gentle reminder we also have Homebrew, Windows, .deb and .rpm packages as well as through cargo. These are the preferred and supported versions of zeronsd. Check out the README for more information!

NOTE: the windows and mac os x builds contain post-tag compiler fixes for situations where the code would not build, but these do not alter functionality under these platforms.

Bugfixes in zerotier-one API & hosts files

28 Aug 10:04
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This release encapsulates two major changes:

  • a small bugfix for situations where the IP is repeated in hosts files. Previously to this it would be ignored, but putting them on the same line would fix the issue. #102 - thanks @thefactremains for the report.
  • a bugfix for situations where the adi property was exceptionally large in responses from zerotier-one.

v0.2.3: Bugfix for duplicate name / rename issue

28 Jul 05:07
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#94 exposed a serious bug where when renaming nodes, the record set would be appended to, not replaced. This resulted in a number of issues with A and AAAA records showing two independent IPs for the named record, one for each point-in-time ip assignment.


bob ->
alice ->

then rename alice to bob, and bob to snuffy

snuffy ->
bob ->, // wrong!!!

Previously to this patch a restart of the service will resolve things, as zeronsd is stateless and cannot be corrupted persistently.

Builds are available for the usual platforms, including docker and homebrew via our homebrew-tap.

v0.2.2: Important (and small) fix for nameserver settings in Central

26 Jun 00:04
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This release contains a small, but critical fix for nameserver settings in central. To apply this fix, merely install the package and restart the service.

In the 0.2.x releases, a regression occurred where the network with the CIDR portion would be applied as a nameserver entry in ZeroTier Central, instead of only the IP. This causes some issues in a variety of circumstances, but not all of them.

Please find releases on Homebrew and Docker in their respective locations (see the README), as well as these packages below.

v0.2.1: Bugfix for windows builds

23 Jun 18:29
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0.2.1 contains a fix for an issue which prevented it from building on windows. Otherwise, it is exactly the same as v0.2.0.

Also, an important note: I misspelled @jmuchovej's name in the last release notes. Thanks again for your help with the macos supervision support!

v0.2.0: IPv6 support, wildcards, bugfixes

23 Jun 09:32
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This release brings IPv6 support for the following scenarios:

  • Manual Addressing
  • RFC4193
  • 6PLANE (No PTR record support)

It also brings the following additional changes:

  • zeronsd supervise for Mac OS X via launchd (thanks @laduke and @jmuchoevj for figuring this out!)
  • Standardized, structured logging; colorized when printed to TTY
  • Fixes for situations where the SOA record was not properly inserted
  • Use the new -w flag to enable wildcard names:
    • This feature sets all names in zeronsd to have an implicit wildcard for the subdomain beneath. What this means, is that for a member that has the name islay.domain, one.islay.domain will resolve to its address.

v0.1.7: hotfix for some crashes, supervisory issues

15 Jun 20:17
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v0.1.7 largely affects linux hosts and covers some supervisory issues. After installing you will want to zerosnd unsupervise && zeronsd supervise && systemctl daemon-reload your networks.

It also contains some small fixes for errant situations where the listener would crash and leave the daemon in a hung state, and other diagnostic issues.

You can download a release below for your platform, or use our docker | Homebrew solutions.

Thanks for using zeronsd and ZeroTier!

zeronsd v0.1.6. Lots in here!

11 Jun 03:57
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It is strongly encouraged you upgrade to this release and the latest release of zerotier-systemd-manager on linux hosts if you have been using zeronsd in the past. It contains many bug fixes and improvements.

It is also important that as of this release, zeronsd has evolved to the beta stage of release testing. Please be aware it is completely usable in a lot of situations, but maybe don't run your internal facebook clone against it yet.

  • hostname translation! Got a computer named Joe's Computer you don't want to change? Now, zeronsd will turn that into joes-computer.domain. Previously it would just ignore it.
  • many diagnostic messages were improved and logging output was also made clearer
  • performance was slightly increased now that zeronsd has limited threads to the number of cpus on the host (accounting for hyperthreading). Before this number was static and low intentionally, let us know if you run into trouble with this setting. Performance increased by a factor of 300% for cache-less A record lookups of a single domain on a 24 thread machine during testing.
  • Multiple listening addresses! Now, if you have a zerotier network with multiple addresses, zerotier will gladly use all of them to listen on. This feature is expected to evolve to be less coarse in the future. Note additionally, that only ipv4 DNS servers will be distributed to central to propagate to clients; IPv6 is still unsupported in zeronsd and will arrive in 0.2.0.
    • Related to this change, A and AAAA records can now present round robin selection lists for hosts that have multiple listening addresses.
  • zeronsd supervise had a setup bug that would sometimes cause it to not boot at the appropriate time to sync up with zerotier; thanks to @devvick for sorting this one out for us!
  • Finally, hosts files now refresh within 30 seconds of your edits. They are presented and updated like normal domains on the network.

Pro tip: try nmap -oG - <subnet> to list all the names on your network using Windows, OS X or Linux with zerotier-systemd-manager.

v0.1.5: small fixes + docker packaging fix

01 Jun 07:37
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This release mostly honestly includes integration tests, which did catch quite a few bugs, the fixes for are contained within.

  • Restrictions on named hosts (from the central member's "name" field) are less restrictive and also diagnostics should be easier to understand now.
  • Comment and whitespace handling in hosts files is much more sane.
  • In some situations the zeronsd instance would fail to properly evaluate the network from zerotier-one, failing to start the daemon. This has been resolved.
  • Additionally, docker packaging has been resolved and is now future-proofed with package testing.

Fixes for regressions in 0.1.3

27 May 18:10
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This fixes a number of issues:

  • The hosts file refresher would load the records on boot, and then the
    expiration code would immediately expire it.
  • Several situations where the RR would be extended instead of replaced,
    in A, AAAA, and PTR situations.
  • PTRs were not being properly evacuated in a few situations.
  • Named records were also not being evacuated if tickled right; this is
    mostly related to situations where you have a hosts file and a named
    record that were in conflict.