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ZRP Model Development Documentation

Table of Contents

Problem Statement

Modeling Data

Model Development

Problem Statement

To comply with federal fair lending laws, banks and credit unions must prove they don’t discriminate based on race and other protected statuses. But lenders aren’t allowed (except in mortgage lending) to ask the race of the applicant. And, even in mortgage lending, almost a third of applicants put nothing down.

In the absence of data, lenders, regulators and credit bureaus have to guess. The de facto way to do that is with a simple formula called Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding. The RAND Corporation developed BISG 10+ years ago to study discrimination in health care. It brought much-needed objectivity to fair lending analysis and enforcement with a simple formula that combines last name and ZIP code, or Census tract, to calculate the best estimate. RAND said BISG was right at least 9 out of 10 times in identifying people as Black, especially in racially homogenous areas.

The problem is that our country is not racially homogenous, and the predictiveness of surnames gets less accurate every year as neighborhoods diversify and densify, and as the rate of racial intermarriage increases. A 2014 Charles River Associates study on auto loans found BISG correctly identified Black American borrowers 24 percent of the time at an 80 percent confidence threshold. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, using a different set of loans, found that BISG correctly identified only 39 percent of Black Americans.

We’re not saying to throw BISG out, but let’s use it only until a better alternative is ready. Data science has advanced since Bayesian algorithms debuted in the 1800s. We should harness the latest tech for good, and there’s some promising work already being done out there.

Zest’s data science team developed the Zest Race Predictor (ZRP) as a BISG replacement. At its core is a machine-learning model that estimates race using first, middle, and last names and a richer location data set gathered by the US Census. By using more data: full name and many more location attributes -- and better math: gradient boosting -- ZRP significantly improvess the accuracy of race estimation.

Modeling Data

Names, Addresses, and Class Labels

The initial model development dataset includes voter registration data from the states of Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia. Summary statistics on these datasets and additional datasets used as validation can be found here .

Consult the following to download state voter registration data:

Voter registration data was selected because it is a large, publicly-available database of names, addresses and ground truth labels (self-reported race and ethnicity). Ideally a more comprehensive list of names addresses and self-reported race/ethnicity from the US Census Bureau would be used to train the model, but such a dataset is not publicly available.

American Community Survey (ACS) Attributes

The US Census Bureau details that, "the American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. The ACS covers a broad range of topics about social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics of the U.S. population. The 5-year estimates from the ACS are "period" estimates that represent data collected over a period of time. The primary advantage of using multiyear estimates is the increased statistical reliability of the data for less populated areas and small population subgroups. The 5-year estimates are available for all geographies down to the block group level." ( Bureau, US Census. “American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2009-2019).”, 8 Dec. 2021, )

ACS data is available in 1 or 5 year spans. The 5yr ACS data is the most comprehensive & is available at more granular levels than 1yr data. It is thus used in this work. We elaborate below on how ACS data is used.

Model Development

  • Data Preparation: Initial dataset definition, sampling, data cleansing, feature creation, target and data selection
  • Model Training: Algorithm selection, hyperparameter selection
  • Model Evaluation: Model validation, benchmarking and model performance

Data Preparation

The modeling process began with data acquisiton. The acquired voter registration data, Census shapefiles, and ACS demographic data contain a super-set of information of the following nature:

  • Data used for processing
  • Data used for model training
  • Data used for model validation
  • Data not appropriate for modeling (later excluded or not used)


Initial versions of the ZRP were place-specific. That is, a given zip code was a predictor in the model. This resulted in a model that was limited to work in the specific places in which it had been trained. However, not all states release their voter records, and so the challenge was to make a model that could be trained using voter registration data from some small number of states, yet still predict accurately in other unseen geographic areas.

To address this challenge, the next generation ZRP models use Census block group, tract, or zip code attributes. During the summer of 2021, Harvard undergraduate Austin Li joined the Zest team to develop this next generation of models. Austin developed a method of geocoding an address to look up its Census block group, tract, or ZIP code by leveraging the Census ARCGIS TIGER/Line Shapefiles <>. The smallest, most granular, matching area (block group, tract, or zip code) is then used to look up attributes of that location in the American Community Survey database, which provides demographic data at the block group, tract and zip code levels.

Many ACS attributes were normalized to percentages of total or to standard statistics (e.g., % of the block group that self-reported they were African American, or median household income for the tract). By using the normalized attributes of the location instead of the location itself, the model ZRP model can now transfer learnings from one block group, tract or zip code to another and thus operate nationwide.

In order to facilitate fast translation from address to Census block group, tract, or (in the worst case) zip Code, attributes, lookup tables are compiled.

To build the training and test datasets, the voter registration data is joined with ACS attributes via the address matching process described above.

The full list of predictive variables in the model can be found here. <>

Data Sampling

In order to develop the model, representative data with self-reported name, address, and race needed to be acquired. The current ZRP data preparation includes 2021 Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina voter registration datasets. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) exposed data that was not appropriate for modeling. Following EDA each dataset was reduced based on the following filtration criteria records were removed that: requested public record exemption, did not contain adequate address information, exhibited high missingness, non-unique, or did not self-report race or ethnicity.

The model development dataset is established when treating the voter registration data as one dataset. The model development dataset was split into 4 distinct subsets: one for training, one for internal validation, one for final testing, and a hold out to support ongoing model development. The hold out contains about 30% of the data by state. Aiming for an unbiased representation of the data, we employed random sampling when choosing the dataset splits. The multi-split strategy ensures that the model is not overfitting to the training dataset; that it will be robust to future, unseen data; that the performance is not overstated; and that updates can be implemented. Please refer to the split table below to see the current splits.

Dataset Total Obs Total Train Obs
Florida 14,215,868 5,049,617
Georgia 6,676,561 1,942,893
North Carolina 6,586,528 2,574,455

Data Summary

The disaggregated race and ethnicity class information is tabulated below for the training dataset and the United States popultion estimates.

Class Train Count Train Percent National Estimate (%)
Asian American and Pacific Islander 215,866 2.3% 6.1%
American Indian and Alaskan Native 41,872 0.4% 1.3%
African American or Black 2,001,315 20.9% 13.4%
Hispanic or Latino 1,182,740 12.4% 18.5%
White 6,125,172 64.0% 60.1%

Note there was no consistent classification of race identities of multiracial or other so they were not included in model development.

Sample Weights

Sample weights were consutructed such that proportion of the sample weight associated with each race/ethnicity in the training dataset mimics the national distribution of race/ethnicity. The look-a-like sample weighting was done at the state level.

state race sample_weight
Florida WHITE 0.9406
Florida BLACK 0.9770
Florida AIAN 3.9046
Florida HISPANIC 0.9565
Florida AAPI 2.8882
Georgia WHITE 1.1152
Georgia BLACK 0.3718
Georgia AAPI 1.6984
Georgia HISPANIC 3.4281
Georgia AIAN 2.6944
North Carolina WHITE 0.8509
North Carolina BLACK 0.5763
North Carolina AIAN 2.1578
North Carolina HISPANIC 5.4349
North Carolina AAPI 4.0384

Algorithms & Model Training Process

Algorithm Selection

The problem of predicting race falls within in the class of problems for which supervised machine learning classification algorithms are used. Supervised machine learning algorithms try to create a functional dependence between data points and a given target variable. In this case, the algorithms created a functional dependence between data related to an individual’s name as well as his/her address, and their race/ethnicity. Classification algorithms try to predict a finite number of target choices; for instance: Black, White, Hispanic, AAPI, AIAN, or Multiracial.

Classification models can be classified according to the mathematical form of the underlying prediction function: linear and non-linear models. In linear models, the separation between distinct classes, or the relationship between different continuous variables, can be modeled using a linear function. Logistic regression, traditionally used for credit modeling, is an example of a linear model, while decision trees and neural networks are non-linear models.

Several types of classification models could be used to address the problem of predicting race. The pros and cons of several options are ed in the table below.

  Model Type Benefits Limitations
1 Logistic Regression Low variance High bias
Easy to interpret Underperforms when feature space is large
  Relies on transformation for non-linear features
2 Naive Bayes Computationally fast Relies on independence assumption; will perform badly if assumption breaks down
Simple to implement
Works well with high dimensions
3 Support Vector Machine (SVM) Performs similarly to logistic regression with linear boundary Susceptible to overfitting depending on kernel
Performs well with non-linear boundary depending on the kernel Sensitive to outliers
Handles high dimensional data well Not very efficient with large number of observations
4 Random Forest Reduced variance in comparison with simpler tree models Not as easy as simpler trees to visually interpret
Decorrelates trees Trees do not learn from each other
Handles categorial and real-valued features well  
5 Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Handles missing values easily without preprocessing Susceptible to overfitting if number of trees is too large
Highly performant and executes quickly
6 Neural Network Excellent performance on highly complex problems, such as image classification, natural language processing, and speech recognition Many parameters to tune
Sensitive to missing data and non-standardized features

Bayseian and linear models were ruled out as the variables (income, education attainment) are not independent, and the decision surface is not linear. Random forest was also ruled out due to the better performance from XGBoost that is by now well-known.

XGBoost is a tree model based on a boosting algorithm. It reduces variance and also reduces bias. XGBoost reduces variance because it uses multiple models trained on random subsets of the data and employs bagging (or averaging) like a Random Forest. XGBoost simultaneously reduces bias by training trees sequentially using a technique known as boosting, where each subsequent model is trained based on additional observations and the errors made by by previous models. Since XGBoost sequentially learns using the errors from previous iterations, it often outperforms Random Forest.

The biggest concern associated with XGBoost models is overfitting. Therefore, it is important to tune the hyperparameters to make sure the model does not overfit to the training dataset and that it exhibits similar performance on both the training and hold out datasets.

While tree-based models excel on tabular data like we have here, Neural Networks can handle even more complex prediction problems. Yet neural networks come with addiitional complexity. Due to the tabular nature of the data, and in an attempt to keep things simple, we selected XGBoost for the ZRP. A neural network algorithm would be more appropriate if we were considering pictures of people in addition to tabular attributes.

Feature Engineering

The feature engineering pipeline takes name and ACS features as input to prepare data for model build or to make race predictions (also refered to as race proxies). First, the data is reduced to required modeling features using 'Drop Features'. Next compound last names are handled by splitting compound last names across n rows. Let's take a look at an example if person is named Farrah Adeel Len-Doe, the input to 'Compound Name FE' will be one dedicated record, as seen below:

ZEST_KEY first_name middle_name last_name house_number street_address city state zip_code
Z00100 Farrah Adeel Len-Doe 123 N main st burbank ca 91505

That expands to two rows with unique last name values per row.

ZEST_KEY first_name middle_name last_name house_number street_address city state zip_code
Z00100 Farrah Adeel Len 123 N main st burbank ca 91505
Z00100 Farrah Adeel Doe 123 N main st burbank ca 91505

After compound last names are handled, 'App FE' executes general name feature engineering. 'MultiLabelBinarizer` is used to convert the set of targets to, an array-like object, a binary matrix indicating the presence of a class - in this case each race/ethnicity. Targets associated with each record are one hot encoded using 'MultiLabelBinarizer`. Then first, middle and last name are encoded using 'TargetEncoder'. "For the case of categorical target: features are replaced with a blend of posterior probability of the target given particular categorical value and the prior probability of the target over all the training data."( ref). This is where the features such as BLACK_first_name come from.

Next the pipeline focuses on engineering of the ACS features. 'CustomRatios' generates ratios, percents, and linear combinations of select ACS features. After generating ACS engineered features, the pipelie resolves the many-to-one data created by the 'Compound Name FE' step by aggregating across expected name columns, at the unique key level. The ACS engineered features are used as predictive variables. Block group, tract, and ZIP code are not included as predictive variables. This allows the model to generalize well across geographies.

Missing values are imputed using mean, for all numeric features. Lastly, the training dataset's least missing, most unique features with the highest variance and importance are selected.

Model Creation

XGBoost 1.0.2 was used to train the model with the following hyperparameters:

Parameter Name. Value.
'gamma' 5
'learning_rate' 0.01
'max_depth' 3
'min_child_weight' 500
'n_estimators' 2000
'subsample' 0.8
'objective' multi:softprob

Around 9.5 million names, locations, and self-reported race/ethnicities from the 2021 Florida, Georgia and North Carolina voter registration database were set aside for training.

Several models are trained: one for Census block group, one for Census tract, and another for the ZIP code.

Prediction Process

The inputs to ZRP include name and address. The address is used to lookup attributes of the correpsonding region. The lookup process starts with retrieval of Census block group attributes. If the block group lookup fails, then Census tract attributes are retrieved. If the Census tract lookup fails, then ZIP code attributes are retrieved. ACS attributes associated with the retrieved geographic area are then appended to the first, middle, and last name. The resulting vector of predictors is then used as input to the corresponding model (e.g., block group, tract, or ZIP code-based model).

This ensemble model architecture can be visualized as follows:

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Each model has a slightly different feature space, as summarized below:

ZRP features by source, counts and contribution

Source Count % Shapley Contribution
Individual’s Name 15 72.79%
ACS Attributes 167 7.59%
Engineered Ratios 15 19.62%
Total 197 100.00%

Ex.: ZRP Top features

Rank Description Shapley Contribution
1 Label encoded** Black or African American last name 0.168
2 Label encoded American Indian or Alaska Native last name 0.115
3 Label encoded Hispanic last name 0.081
4 Label encoded White last name 0.071
5 Label encoded Asian American and Pacific Islander last name 0.048
6 Ratio of non-White to White 0.046
  Sum of all model feature contribution 1.000

Model Evaluation

A validation dataset was constructed using 2021 Alabama voter registration data comprised of about 235,000 randomly sampled records. Around 230,000 records had appropriate data for generating race predictions. Please refer to the Data Sampling section to review filtration criteria. The race and ethnicity class information is tabulated below for the Alabama validation dataset. The table include United States popultion estimates by race and ethnicity, these estiamtes are not indicative of the true registered voter population.

Class Sample Percent National Estimate (%)
Asian American and Pacific Islander 1.1% 1.6%
American Indian and Alaskan Native 0.3% 0.7%
African American or Black 23.6% 26.8%
Hispanic or Latino 2.5% 4.6%
White 72.6% 65.3%

The benchmark models used for comparison in this section are BISG and BIFSG. We utilize the surgeo implementations for both models. Across the board, with significant class sizes, we can see ZRP outperforms BISG and BIFSG.

On the Alabama dataset, ZRP labeled more records than other methods

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BISG falls short when proxying race or ethnicity of minority groups exhibited by low TPRs across minority classes. Predictive performance of the ZRP model on the Alabama validation dataset is shown below:

On the Alabama dataset, ZRP is better at predicting race compared to other methods (AUC metric)

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On the Alabama dataset, ZRP has greater classification accuracy

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On the Alabama dataset, ZRP Outperforms BISG and BIFSG even when holding name lists constant

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We additionally complete validation studies of ZRP using Louisiana voter registration data and PPP Loan Forgiveness data (courtesy of Dr. Sabrina Howell at NYU. The results of the extended study can be found in our ZRP Validation Experiments' Results.

Model Limitations

This model is designed to predict race/ethnicity based on names and addresses of people residing in the United States only.