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Preach is a lightweight pubsub utility for node and the browser. The browser version is ~2kb gzipped.


For node

npm install preach --save

For browsers

bower install preach


git clone

If you plan to use it with browserify, then just require index.js. If you plan to use it directly in the browser, then include browser/preach.min.js. This will export a global require function. You can then do:

  var Preach = require('Preach');
  var preachInstance = new Preach;


  • 0.3.0
    • Preach is now a lot more forgiving (no more throws, yay!)
  • 0.2.0
    • Preach now exports a constructor when require-ed instead of a monolithic instance (incompatible change)
  • 0.1.0
    • Initial version

API, [data], [data], [...])

This method is used to publish data to channel.

This method takes the following parameters:

  • channel: String channel name or a regular expression (RegExp)
  • data : Any valid javascript value. Also, this is an optional parameter


var preach = new Preach;'channel1');'channel2', 1234);'channel3', {a: 100}, 'test');^channel.*/, 10, {a: 'boop'}); //will publish data to all channels beginning with 'channel'

Preach.prototype.sub(channel, subscriber)

This method is used to add a subscriber to channel.

This method takes the following parameters:

  • channel : String channel name or a regular expression (RegExp)
  • subscriber : A valid Function. This Function is called whenever data is published to the channel.

A subscriber can subscribe to as many channels as required and even publish to any channel.

####Note: If a subscriber publishes to a channel that it is subscribed to, then that will result in infinite recursion.


var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('channel1', console.log.bind(window.console)); //true
preach.sub(/^channel.*/, function(){
  console.log('I will get subscribed to any existing channel that has a name starting with the string "channel"');
}); //true

####Note: If a String is passed as channel and there are no channels that match it, then a new channel will be created and subscriber will be subscribed to it.

Preach.prototype.unsub(channel, subscriber)

This method is used to unsubscribe a subscriber from channel.

This method takes the following parameters:

  • channel : String channel name or a regular expression (RegExp)
  • subscriber : A valid Function. This Function is removed as a subscriber of channel


var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('channel1', console.log.bind(window.log)); //true
preach.unsub('channel1', console.log.bind(window.log)); //true

preach.sub('test1', function(){}); //true
preach.sub('test2', function(){}); //true
preach.unsub(/.*/, function(){}); //true
                                  //function(){} is now unsubscribed from *all* channels


This method purges all channels and their subscribers and gives you a fresh Preach instance to work with. This method is quite destructive and hence caution is advised in its usage.


var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('test1', function(){});
preach.sub('test2', function(){});
preach.channels(); //["test1", "test2"]
preach.subscribers(); //Object {test1: Array[1], test2: Array[1]}
preach.purge(); //PURGE! return val -> true
preach.channels(); //[]
preach.subscribers(); //{}


This method returns an array of the current active channels.

var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('test1', function(){}); //true
preach.sub('test2', function(){}); //true
preach.channels(); //["test1", "test2"]


This method returns information about the subscribers for a channel.

This method takes the following parameter:

  • channel : String channel name or a regular expression (RegExp) Not providing a value for channel is the same as passing /.*/ i.e., basically "GET ALL THE CHANNELS AND THEIR SUBSCRIBERS!".


var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('test1', function(){});
preach.sub('test2', function(){});
preach.subscribers(); //Object {test1: Array[1], test2: Array[1]}
preach.subscribers('test1'); //Object {test1: Array[1]}

####Note: If a RegExp or String is passed as channel and there are no channels that match it, then Preach.subscribers returns an empty object ie {} and does not throw.


This method returns the no of subscribers a channel has.

This method takes the following parameter:

  • channel : String channel name or a regular expression (RegExp) Not providing a value for channel is the same as passing /.*/ i.e., basically "GET THE SUBSCRIBER COUNT FOR ALL THE CHANNELS".


var preach = new Preach;
preach.sub('test1', function(){});
preach.sub('test1', function(d){ console.log(d); });
preach.sub('test2', function(){});
preach.subscriberCount(); //Object {test1: 2, test2: 1}
preach.subscriberCount('test2'); //Object {test2: 1}
preach.subscriberCount(/1$/); //Object {test1: 2}

####Note: If a RegExp or String is passed as channel and there are no channels that match it, then Preach.subscriberCount returns an empty object ie {} and does not throw.


This sets the max listeners for each channel at n. Default is unlimited which is set by making n zero. This can also be set during Preach initialization.

var preach = new Preach;
//analogous to
var preach = new Preach(10);

####Note: If n is lesser than zero then Preach will throw.


A lightweight pubsub utility for node and the browser.






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