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22 lines (18 loc) · 1.42 KB



Name Type Description Notes
registration \Optile\Model\Registration Registration information for this account in OPG. It will contain account's registration ID of the account registered and/or used during this payment request. [optional]
display_label string Display label of account registration. Usually combined from several account fields. [optional]
holder_name string Account holder name. [optional]
number string Account number (bank account number, credit card number, etc.), usually truncated. [optional]
bank_code string Bank code. [optional]
bank_name string Bank name. [optional]
bic string BIC code. [optional]
branch string Bank branch name. [optional]
city string Bank city or any other account related city. [optional]
expiry_month int Account expiry month (credit/debit cards). [optional]
expiry_year int Account expiry year (credit/debit cards). [optional]
iban string IBAN number, usually truncated. [optional]
login string Account login name. [optional]

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