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21 lines (17 loc) · 1.73 KB

File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 1.73 KB



Name Type Description Notes
account_info \Optile\Model\AccountInfo Customer account information. [optional]
number string Customer identifier given by the merchant. Not validated for uniqueness by OPG.
email string Customer e-mail address. It is highly recommended to provide it, since it is a mandatory information for some PSP and often used by advanced risk management. [optional]
delivery_email string Customer delivery e-mail address. Represents email for electronic delivery for cases when it's not the same as customer's email. If not provided, `` will be used. [optional]
birthday \DateTime Customer birthday. Required by some PSPs and important for payments with advanced risk management. [optional]
gender string Customer gender. Required by some PSPs. [optional]
name \Optile\Model\Name [optional]
company \Optile\Model\Company Information about company. Required by some PSPs when customer is a business. [optional]
addresses \Optile\Model\CustomerAddresses [optional]
phones \Optile\Model\Phones [optional]
registration \Optile\Model\Registration Information about customer registration in OPG. [optional]
identities \Optile\Model\Identities [optional]

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