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Name Type Description Notes
language string Preferred language for payment page. If undefined will be decided upon country information from transaction object. Format `<language code>[_<COUNTRY CODE>]`, where `<language code>` is a mandatory part that comply with ISO 639-1 (alpha-2), and `<COUNTRY CODE>` is an optional part that comply with ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2). Examples: `de` - for German, `de_CH` - for Swiss German [optional]
theme string The theme code for hosted payment page. For example, &quot;light&quot;, &quot;dark&quot;, &quot;highcontrast&quot;, etc. Deprecated! This property is not supported in OPG II and will be ignored. Use `cssOverride` to change style and appearance of hosted payment page. [optional]
css_override string URL of merchant custom CSS for payment page. It can be hosted anywhere but must be accessible through &quot;https&quot; protocol. [optional]
client string Defines the type of customer client. By default `AUTO`. It has an impact on payment page style and only considered during `HOSTED` integration type. If set to `RESPONSIVE` customer will face a new version of hosted payment page with networks logo links pointing to high resolution images. Also see `resolution` and `hostedVersion` properties. [optional]
resolution string Allows to define resolution of networks logo images. Currently supported values `1x` - for old images where the height is 32px, and `2x` - for high resolution logos with double height (64px). [optional]
hosted_version string Version of hosted payment page that merchant would prefer to render the `LIST` session with when using `HOSTED` integration type. If specified this field overrides value specified in property `client` and refers to the responsive hosted payment pages of explicit version. If this field is not specified and `client` is set to `RESPONSIVE` then `v2` is used by default. Examples: `v2`, `v3`, `v3.1`, etc. [optional]
challenge_window_size string Challenge Window size the issuer should use to display the challenge. If the input value does not match any of the possible values, a default option specific to payment service provider will be used. Possible values (enumerated in 3DS2 specification): - fullPage - 250x400 - 390x400 - 500x600 - 600x400 [optional]

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