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  1. simple and easy to use, the same UI with MS Word 2013;
  2. added "Latest Used Color" feature;
  3. user could use "more color" feature in browsers supported HTML5 API input[type='color'];
  4. support multi-language, current support: Simplified-Chinese(default)[zh-cn], American-English[en-us];

Get it

you could download this repository, and use the compressed css and js file. For convenience, you could also use it by installing bower package via bower install color-picker.


color-picker is based on angular,


<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/color-picker.min.css">

<script src="path/to/angular.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/color-picker.min.js"></script>

<!-- directive way -->

<!-- controller way -->
<div ng-controller="demoCtrl">
    <div color-picker set-color="dynamicSetColor()" class="font-color" ng-style="{'background-color': selectedForeColor}"></div>

    var myApp = angular.module('colorpickerDemo', ['ui.colorpicker']);

    // directive way
    myApp.directive('fontColor', function() {
         return {
             restrict: 'E',
             replace: false,
             template: '<div color-picker default-color="#ff0000" class="font-color" ng-style="{\'background-color\': selectedFontColor}"></div>',
             link: function(scope) {
                 scope.selectedFontColor = '#f00';

                 scope.$on('colorPicked', function(event, color) {
                     scope.selectedFontColor = color;

    // controller way
    myApp.controller('demoCtrl', function($scope) {
         $scope.selectedForeColor = dynamicSetColor();

         $scope.$on('colorPicked', function(event, color) {
             $scope.selectedForeColor = color;

         // dynamically set color
         $scope.dynamicSetColor = dynamicSetColor;

         function dynamicSetColor() {
             return '#0f0';




The default language is Simplified Chinese(zh-cn), we also provide American English(en-us), you could configure like below:

angular.module('colorpickerDemo', ['ui.colorpicker'])
    .config(function (localizeProvider) {

The source code of language is src/lang.service.js, pull request is welcome to support more languages.


you could set below attributes to configure color-picker:

  • default-color: default color you want to set,eg. default-color="#ff0000"
  • disabled: if is disabled, eg disabled="disabled"
  • set-color: the function to dynamically set default color, to archive the goal of setting different default color in different context eg. set-color="dynamicSet()", and dynamicSet function returns the color depends on different context.


colorPicked: triggered after use selecting a color, it could be listened in the parent scope of color-picker, the event parameters include a key color which is user selected