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libPGC: a C++ library for Pretty Good Confidential Transaction System

This library implements PGC, a transparent confidential transaction system with accountability, whose security relies only on discrete logarithm problem (

WARNING: This library provides two implementations in C++, one is based on MIRACL, the other one is based on OpenSSL. The one based on MIRACL is easy to follow but a bit slow. (A brand new version of MIRACL will come soon. Looking forward to it.) The one based on OpenSSL is fast but hard to follow (due to the syntax and design of OpenSSL). Compared to the MIRACL-version, the OpenSSL version also incorporates many refinements, such as correct design of hash functions, faster implementation of DLP algorithm etc. Note that both of them are only academic proof-of-concept prototype, and in particular have not received careful code review or being fully optimized, thus they are NOT ready for production use.

Code Structure

  • common module (/common)

    • global.hpp: generate global parameters
  • depends module (/depends)

    • print.hpp: print split line for demo use
    • hash.hpp: case-tailored hash functions based on SHA2
    • routines.hpp: related routine algorithms
    • MIRACL library or OpenSSL library
  • PKE module (/twisted_elgamal)

    • twisted_elgamal.hpp: twisted ElGamal PKE
    • calculate_dlog.hpp: discrete logarithm searching algorithm
  • NIZK module (/nizk): obtained by applying Fiat-Shamir transform to Sigma-protocols

    • nizk_plaintext_equality.hpp: NIZKPoK for twisted ElGamal plaintext equality
    • nizk_plaintext_knowledge.hpp: NIZKPoK for twisted ElGamal plaintext and randomness knowledge
    • nizk_dlog_equality.hpp: NIZKPoK for discrete logarithm equality
  • Bulletproofs module (/bulletproofs)

    • basic_bulletproof.hpp: the basic bulletproofs
    • log_bulletproof.hpp: the logarithmic size bulletproofs
    • aggregate_bulletproof.hpp: the aggregating logarithmic size bulletproofs
    • innerproduct_proof.hpp: the inner product argument (used by Bulletproof to shrink the proof size)
  • Gadget module (/gadgets)

    • gadgets.hpp: two useful gadgets for proving encrypted values lie in the right range
  • PGC module (/PGC) (relies on the above modules)

    • PGC.hpp: the PGC system


In each module, there exists unit test. For example, in twisted_elgamal module, to run the test of twisted ElGamal PKE, do the following:

  $ ./
  $ ./test_enc # tests the twisted ElGamal PKE

Demo with Test Cases

set the range size = $[0, 2^\ell = 2^{32}-1 = 4294967295]$

Flow of PGC_Demo

  1. run Setup: to build up the system, generating system-wide parameters and store them in "common.para"
  2. run Create_Account to create accounts for Alice ($m_1$) and Bob ($m_2$); one can reveal the balance by running Reveal_Balance:
  3. Alice runs Create_CTx to transfer $v_1$ coins to Bob ===> Alice_sn.ctx; Print_CTx: shows the details of CTx
  4. Miners runs Verify_CTx: check CTx validity
  5. If CTx is valid, run Update_Account to Update Alice and Bob's account balance and serialize the changes.

Support to Auditing Polices

  • Selective opne policy: either Alice or Bob can reveal the transfer amount of related CTx in dispute by running Justify_open_policy. Anyone can check if the transfer amount is correct by running Audit_open_policy.

  • Anti-money laundering policy: sender can prove the transfer amount sum of a collection of ctx sent from him does not exceed a give limit by running Justify_limit_policy. Anyone can check if the transfer amount is correct by running Audit_limit_policy.

  • Tax policy: user can prove he paid the incoming tax according to the rules by running Justify_tax_policy. Anyone can check if the transfer amount is correct by running Audit_tax_policy.

Test Cases

Create PGC environment

  1. setup the PGC system

  2. generate three accounts: Alice, Bob and Tax

    • $512$ --- Alice's initial balance
    • $256$ --- Bob's initial balance
    • $0$ --- Tax's initial balance
  3. serialize pp and three accounts

Test basic transactions among Alice, Bob and Tax

  1. deserialize pp and three accounts

  2. 1st Valid CTx: $v_1 = v_2 \wedge v_1 \in [0, \ell] \wedge (m_1 - v_1) \in [0, \ell]$

    • $v = 128$ --- transfer amount from Alice to Bob
    • $384$ --- Alice's updated balance
    • $384$ --- Bob's updated balance
    • $0$ --- Tax's updated balance
  3. Invalid CTx: $v_1 \neq v_2$ $\Rightarrow$ plaintext equality proof will be rejected

    • $v_1 \neq v_2$ --- in transfer amount
  4. Invalid CTx: $v \notin [0, 2^\ell]$ $\Rightarrow$ range proof for right interval will be rejected

    • $v = 4294967296$ --- transfer amount
  5. Invalid CTx: $(m_1 - v) \notin [0, 2^\ell]$ $\Rightarrow$ range proof for solvent will be rejected

    • $m_1 = 384$ --- Alice's updated balance
    • $v = 385$ --- transfer amount
  6. 2nd Valid CTx: $v_1 = v_2 \wedge v_1 \in [0, \ell] \wedge (m_1 - v_1) \in [0, \ell]$

    • $v = 32$ --- transfer amount from Bob to Alice
    • $384$ --- Alice's updated balance
    • $352$ --- Bob's updated balance
    • $32$ --- Tax's updated balance
  7. 3st Valid CTx: $v_1 = v_2 \wedge v_1 \in [0, \ell] \wedge (m_1 - v_1) \in [0, \ell]$

    • $v = 384$ --- transfer amount from Alice to Bob
    • $0$ --- Alice's updated balance
    • $736$ --- Bob's updated balance
    • $32$ --- Tax's updated balance

Test auditing policies

  1. Open policy: for ctx1

    • $v_1 = 128$ --- Alice's claim (correct)
    • $v_2 = 127$ --- Bob's claim (false)
  2. Tax policy: for ctx1 and ctx2

    • tax rate is 1/4 --- Bob's claim (correct)
  3. Limit policy: for ctx1 and ctx3

    • limit is 511 --- Alice's claim (false)
    • limit is 512 --- Alice's claim (correct)


This library is licensed under the MIT License.