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API Reference

MeasureTool class

Constructor Description
MeasureTool(map:google.maps.Map, opts?:MeasureToolOptions) Creates a new measure tool for the google.maps.Map instance.
Methods Description
addListener(eventName: string, handler:Function) Return Value: None - adds the given listener function to the given event name.
end() Return Value: None - ends measuring.
removeListener(eventName: string) Return Value: None - removes the given listener.
setOption(option: string, value: string) Return Value: None - updates a confirguration option and re-generates the drawn shape.
start() Return Value: None - starts measuring.
start(initialPoints: Array<SegmentPoint>) Return Value: None - starts measuring with initial points. The contextMenu option must be set to false, otherwise, the initial points are ignored.. Use this method to start a measurement if there are point data need to be loaded as the initial part of the measurement. This is an asynchronous operation. Changes could be observed by listening to the 'measure_change' event.
Properties Description
area Type: number - the total area of the enclosed polygon, the unit is for metric unit and ft² for imperial unit.
areaText Type: string - the formatted total area with unit of the enclosed polygon.
length Type: number - the total length of the path drawn, the unit is m for metric unit and ft for imperial unit.
lengthText Type: string - the formatted total length with unit of the path drawn.
points Type: Array<SegmentPoint> - an array of segment points in measurement.
segments Type: Array<Segment> - an array of all segments in measurement.
Events Description
measure_change Arguments: MeasureEvent - This event is fired when a measure step is completed
measure_end Arguments: MeasureEvent - This event is fired when the user ends measuring
measure_start Arguments: None - This event is fired when the user starts measuring

MeasureToolOptions object specification

Properties Description
contextMenu Type: boolean - use out-of-box contextMenu. If you desire the widget being started and stopped by your own UI, you may set this option to false. Enabled by default.
showSegmentLength Type: boolean - display segment length along the path. Enabled by default.
tooltip Type: boolean - display tooltip when hover the drawing path. Enabled by default.
unit Type: UnitTypeId - the unit type to use for the measured length and area. Defaults to MeasureTool.UnitTypeId.METRIC.
language Type: string - the standard language locale. It could be either language or language with locale, e.g. 'en', 'en-US' are both fine. Default using the browser's language.
invertColor Type: boolean - indicates if the foreground and background color should be inverted.

MeasureEvent object specification

Properties Description
result Type: MeasureResult - the result of the measuring.

MeasureResult object specification

Properties Description
area Type: number - the total area of the enclosed polygon, the unit is for metric unit and ft² for imperial unit.
areaText Type: string - the formatted total area with unit of the enclosed polygon.
length Type: number - the total length of the path drawn, the unit is m for metric unit and ft for imperial unit.
lengthText Type: string - the formatted total length with unit of the path drawn.
points Type: Array<SegmentPoint> - an array of segment points in measurement.
segments Type: Array<Segment> - an array of all segments in measurement.

Segment object specification

Properties Description
end_location Type: SegmentPoint - the latitude and longitude of the segment end location.
length Type: SegmentLength - the length of the segment.
start_location Type: SegmentPoint - the latitude and longitude of the segment start location.

SegmentPoint object specification

Properties Description
lat Type: number - the latitude of a segment point.
lng Type: number - the longitude of a segment point.

SegmentLength object specification

Properties Description
text Type: string - the formatted length of a segment.
value Type: number - the length of a segment, the unit is m for metric unit and ft for imperial unit.

UnitTypeId constants

Identifiers for common UnitType. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'metric' or MeasureTool.UnitTypeId.METRIC.

Constant Description
IMPERIAL This unit type shows measured length in US foot (ft) and mile (mi), and area in US square foot (ft²) and square mile (mi²).
METRIC This unit type shows measured length in meter (m) and kilometer (km), and area in square meter (m²) and square kilometer (km²).
NAUTICAL This unit type shows measured length in nautical mile (NM), and area in square meter (m²) and square kilometer (km²).