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Ecron uses Telemetry for instrumentation and for having an extensible way of doing logging. Telemetry is a metrics and instrumentation library for Erlang and Elixir applications that is based on publishing events through a common interface and attaching handlers to handle those events. For more information about the library itself, see its README.

Writing your own handler

If you want control on how ecron events are logged or on what level they're logged at, you can use your own event handler. For example, you can create a module to handle these events:

-define(Events, [[ecron, success], [ecron, failure], [ecron, activate], 
                 [ecron, deactivate], [ecron, delete], 
                 [ecron, global, up], [ecron, global, down]]).
%% API
-export([attach/0, detach/0]).
-define(TELEMETRY_HANDLE, ecron_telemetry_metrics).
attach() ->
    telemetry:attach_many(?TELEMETRY_HANDLE, ?Events, fun handle_event/4, undefined).

detach() -> telemetry:detach(?TELEMETRY_HANDLE).

handle_event([ecron, activate], #{action_ms := Time}, #{name := Name, mfa := MFA}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("EcronJob(~p)-~p activated at ~p .", [Name, MFA, Time]);
handle_event([ecron, deactivate], #{action_ms := Time}, #{name := Name}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("EcronJob(~p) deactivated at ~p .", [Name, Time]);
handle_event([ecron, delete], #{action_ms := Time}, #{name := Name}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("EcronJob(~p) deleted at ~p .", [Name, Time]);
handle_event([ecron, success], #{run_microsecond := Ms, run_result := Res},
    #{name := Name, mfa := {M, F, A}}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("EcronJob(~p) completed in ~p microsecond.~p=apply(~p,~p,~p)", [Name, Ms, Res, M, F, A]);
handle_event([ecron, success], #{run_microsecond := Ms, run_result := Res},
    #{name := Name, mfa := {F, A}}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("EcronJob(~p) completed in ~p microsecond.~p=apply(~p,~p)", [Name, Ms, Res, F, A]);
handle_event([ecron, failure], #{run_microsecond := Ms, run_result := {Error, Reason, Stack}},
    #{name := Name, mfa := MFA}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_ERROR("EcronJob(~p)-~p CRASH in ~p microsecond. {Error, Reason}: {~p, ~p}. Stack:~p",
        [Name, MFA, Ms, Error, Reason, Stack]);
handle_event([ecron, global, up], #{action_ms := Time, quorum_size := QuorumSize,
    good_nodes := GoodNodes, bad_nodes := BadNodes}, #{self := Node}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("Ecron Global UP on ~p at ~p quorum_size is ~p good_nodes is ~p bad_nodes is ~p ~n.",
        [Node, Time, QuorumSize, GoodNodes, BadNodes]);
handle_event([ecron, global, down], #{action_ms := Time, quorum_size := QuorumSize,
    good_nodes := GoodNodes, bad_nodes := BadNodes}, #{self := Node}, _Config) ->
    ?LOG_INFO("Ecron Global DOWN on ~p at ~p quorum_size is ~p good_nodes is ~p bad_nodes is ~p ~n.",
        [Node, Time, QuorumSize, GoodNodes, BadNodes]).

Once you have a module like this, you can attach it when your application starts:


-export([start/2, stop/1]).

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->

stop(_State) ->

More detail can be seen in erlang example and elixir example.


Event measurements metadata Describe
success #{run_microsecond=>Cost,run_result=>Res} #{name=>Name,mfa=>MFA} Execute MFA successfully
failure #{run_microsecond=>Cost,run_result=>Res} #{name=>Name,mfa=>MFA} MFA crashed(unsuccessfully)
activate #{action_ms=>Now} #{name=>Name,mfa=>MFA} ecron:add or ecron:activate
deactivate #{action_ms=>Now} #{name=>Name} ecron:deactivate
delete #{action_ms=>Now} #{name=>Name} ecron:delete or CurrentTime =:= job's EndDateTime
global,up GlobalMeasurements #{self=>node()} Global manager process is up
global,down GlobalMeasurements #{self=>node()} Global manager process is down
  • Now = erlang:system_time(millisecond).
  • GlobalMeasurements = #{action_ms=>Now,quorum_size=>integer(),good_nodes=>[node()],bad_nodes=>[node()]}.