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34 lines (27 loc) · 3.22 KB

BarSlip Material

uniaxialMaterial('BarSlip', matTag, fc, fy, Es, fu, Eh, db, ld, nb, depth, height, ancLratio=1.0, bsFlag, type, damage='Damage', unit='psi')

This command is used to construct a uniaxial material that simulates the bar force versus slip response of a reinforcing bar anchored in a beam-column joint. The model exhibits degradation under cyclic loading. Cyclic degradation of strength and stiffness occurs in three ways: unloading stiffness degradation, reloading stiffness degradation, strength degradation.

matTag integer tag identifying material
fc positive floating point value defining the compressive strength of the concrete in which the reinforcing bar is anchored
fy positive floating point value defining the yield strength of the reinforcing steel
Es floating point value defining the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel
fu positive floating point value defining the ultimate strength of the reinforcing steel
Eh floating point value defining the hardening modulus of the reinforcing steel
ld floating point value defining the development length of the reinforcing steel
db point value defining the diameter of reinforcing steel
nb an integer defining the number of anchored bars
depth floating point value defining the dimension of the member (beam or column) perpendicular to the dimension of the plane of the paper
height floating point value defining the height of the flexural member, perpendicular to direction in which the reinforcing steel is placed, but in the plane of the paper
ancLratio floating point value defining the ratio of anchorage length used for the reinforcing bar to the dimension of the joint in the direction of the reinforcing bar (optional, default: 1.0)
bsFlag string indicating relative bond strength for the anchored reinforcing bar (options: 'Strong' or 'Weak')
type string indicating where the reinforcing bar is placed. (options: 'beamtop', 'beambot' or 'column')
damage string indicating type of damage:whether there is full damage in the material or no damage (optional, options: 'Damage', 'NoDamage' ; default: 'Damage')
unit string indicating the type of unit system used (optional, options: 'psi', 'MPa', 'Pa', 'psf', 'ksi', 'ksf') (default: 'psi' / 'MPa')