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Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler Deterioration Model with Peak-Oriented Hysteretic Response (ModIMKPeakOriented Material)

uniaxialMaterial('ModIMKPeakOriented', matTag, K0, as_Plus, as_Neg, My_Plus, My_Neg, Lamda_S, Lamda_C, Lamda_A, Lamda_K, c_S, c_C, c_A, c_K, theta_p_Plus, theta_p_Neg, theta_pc_Plus, theta_pc_Neg, Res_Pos, Res_Neg, theta_u_Plus, theta_u_Neg, D_Plus, D_Neg)

This command is used to construct a ModIMKPeakOriented material. This material simulates the modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler deterioration model with peak-oriented hysteretic response. Note that the hysteretic response of this material has been calibrated with respect to 200 experimental data of RC beams in order to estimate the deterioration parameters of the model. This information was developed by Lignos and Krawinkler (2012). NOTE: before you use this material make sure that you have downloaded the latest OpenSees version. A youtube video presents a summary of this model including the way to be used within openSees youtube link.

matTag integer tag identifying material
K0 elastic stiffness
as_Plus strain hardening ratio for positive loading direction
as_Neg strain hardening ratio for negative loading direction
My_Plus effective yield strength for positive loading direction
My_Neg effective yield strength for negative loading direction (negative value)
Lamda_S Cyclic deterioration parameter for strength deterioration [E_t=Lamda_S*M_y, see Lignos and Krawinkler (2011); set Lamda_S = 0 to disable this mode of deterioration]
Lamda_C Cyclic deterioration parameter for post-capping strength deterioration [E_t=Lamda_C*M_y, see Lignos and Krawinkler (2011); set Lamda_C = 0 to disable this mode of deterioration]
Lamda_A Cyclic deterioration parameter for accelerated reloading stiffness deterioration [E_t=Lamda_A*M_y, see Lignos and Krawinkler (2011); set Lamda_A = 0 to disable this mode of deterioration]
Lamda_K Cyclic deterioration parameter for unloading stiffness deterioration [E_t=Lamda_K*M_y, see Lignos and Krawinkler (2011); set Lamda_K = 0 to disable this mode of deterioration]
c_S rate of strength deterioration. The default value is 1.0.
c_C rate of post-capping strength deterioration. The default value is 1.0.
c_A rate of accelerated reloading deterioration. The default value is 1.0.
c_K rate of unloading stiffness deterioration. The default value is 1.0.
theta_p_Plus pre-capping rotation for positive loading direction (often noted as plastic rotation capacity)
theta_p_Neg pre-capping rotation for negative loading direction (often noted as plastic rotation capacity) (must be defined as a positive value)
theta_pc_Plus post-capping rotation for positive loading direction
theta_pc_Neg post-capping rotation for negative loading direction (must be defined as a positive value)
Res_Pos residual strength ratio for positive loading direction
Res_Neg residual strength ratio for negative loading direction (must be defined as a positive value)
theta_u_Plus ultimate rotation capacity for positive loading direction
theta_u_Neg ultimate rotation capacity for negative loading direction (must be defined as a positive value)
D_Plus rate of cyclic deterioration in the positive loading direction (this parameter is used to create assymetric hysteretic behavior for the case of a composite beam). For symmetric hysteretic response use 1.0.
D_Neg rate of cyclic deterioration in the negative loading direction (this parameter is used to create assymetric hysteretic behavior for the case of a composite beam). For symmetric hysteretic response use 1.0.