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This is an ORM library wrapped FMDB.

BZObjectStore automatically stores your models to SQLite tables and provides useful options to your application.


Targeting either iOS 5.0 and above


  • Easy to use
  • Mapping Models to SQLite tables
  • Relationship in NSObject, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSOrderedSet support
  • Automatic Schema Creating
  • Thread Safety
  • Lazy fetching,One time Update and other useful options


BZObjectStore can be installed using CocoaPods.

pod 'BZObjectStore'


#import "BZObjectStore.h"

NSError *error = nil;

// open datbase
BZObjectStore *os = [BZObjectStore openWithPath:@"database.sqlite" error:&error];

// save object
[os saveObject:YOUROBJECT error:&error];

// close database
[os close];

After processed, you can find 'database path=XXXX' in console. Open sqlite file with your tool and check tables.


Consider you have models like this.

#import "BZObjectStore.h"

@interface SampleModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger price;

@implementation SampleModel

SampleModel *sample1 = [[SampleModel alloc]init]; = @"sample1";
sample1.price = 100;

SampleModel *sample2 = [[SampleModel alloc]init]; = @"sample2";
sample2.price = 50;

Open Database

#import "BZObjectStore.h"

NSError *error = nil;

// default path is NSApplicationSupportDirectory/bundleIdentifier
BZObjectStore *os = [BZObjectStore openWithPath:@"database.sqlite" error:&error];

// open In memory
BZObjectStore *os = [BZObjectStore openWithPath:nil error:&error];

Save Objects

// save a object
[os saveObject:sample1 error:&error];

// save objects in array
[os saveObjects:@[sample1,sample2] error:&error];

Fetch Objects

// fetch objects
NSArray *objects = [os fetchObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

// fetch latest data from database
SampleModel *latest = [os refreshObject:sample1 error:&error];

// fetch referencing objects
NSArray *objects = [os fetchReferencingObjectsTo:sample1 condition:nil error:&error];

Remove Objects

// remove a object
[os removeObject:sample1 error:&error];

// remove objects
[os removeObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

// remove objects in array
[os removeObject:@[sample1,sample2] error:&error];

Fetch Objects with condition

BZObjectStoreConditionModel *fetchCondition = [BZObjectStoreConditionModel condition];
fetchCondition.sqlite.where = @"name = 'sample1' and price > 50";
fetchCondition.sqlite.orderBy = @"name desc";

NSArray *objects = [os fetchObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:fetchCondition error:&error];

Remove Objects with condition

BZObjectStoreConditionModel *removeCondition = [BZObjectStoreConditionModel condition];
removeCondition.sqlite.where = @"name = 'sample1'";

[os removeObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:removeCondition error:&error];

Close Database

// close database
[os close];

Get count value

[os count:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

Get maximum value

NSNumber *value = [os max:@"price" class:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

Get minimum value

NSNumber *value = [os min:@"price" class:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

Get sum values

NSNumber *value = [os sum:@"price" class:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

Get total values

NSNumber *value = [os total:@"price" class:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

Get average value

NSNumber *value = [os avg:@"price" class:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];


[os inTransaction:^(BZObjectStore *os, BOOL *rollback) {

    NSError *error = nil;
    [os saveObject:sample1 error:&error];
    [os saveObject:sample2 error:&error];
    // rollback if need
    *rollback = YES;



define identical attributes

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface OrderModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString<OSIdenticalAttribute> *no;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSArray *items;


ignore attributes

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface OrderModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString<OSIdenticalAttribute> *no;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSArray *items;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSIndexPath<OSIgnoreAttribute> indexPath;


do not delete relationship objects when remove a object.

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface OrderModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString<OSIdenticalAttribute> *no;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<OSWeakReferenceAttribute> *items;

@interface ItemModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString<OSIdenticalAttribute> *code;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger price;


fetch relationship objects only when refreshObject method, does not fetch when fetchObjects method.

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface NodeModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<OSFetchOnRefreshingAttribute> *children;


do not update attributes when value is nil.

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface ProfileModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,string) UIImage<OSNotUpdateIfValueIsNullAttribute> *image;


update attributes only one time.

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface ProfileModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSDate<OSOnceUpdateAttribute> *registAt;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSDate *updateAt;


ignore super class attributes

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface DailyOrderModel : OrderModel<OSIgnoreSuperClass>
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *no;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSArray *details;


use sqlite FTS3

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface Address : NSObject<OSFullTextSearch>
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *address;


prior insert performance

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface LogModel : NSObject<OSPriorInsertPerformance>
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *code;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *description;


prior update performance

#import "BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h"

@interface ProfileModel : NSObject<OSPriorUpdatePerformance>
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *name;

If primitve type, override attributeIsXXXX methods in OSModelInterface instead of these options.

Model Interface

OSModelInterface provides additional functions. Import BZObjectStoreModelInterface.h file, implement OSModelInterface protocol in your model and override methods you need.

Change TableName

+ (NSString*)OSTableName
	return @"table_name_you_want";

Change ColumnName

+ (NSString*)OSColumnName:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"column_name_you_want_to_change"]) {
		return @"column_name_you_want";
	return attributeName;

Hook the event when model loaded.

- (void)OSModelDidLoad
	// your operation

Hook the event when model saved.

- (void)OSModelDidSave
	// your operation

Hook the event when model removed.

- (void)OSModelDidRemove
	// your operation

define OSIdenticalAttribute option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSIdenticalAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

Define OSIgnoreAttribue option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSIgnoreAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

Define OSWeakReferenceAttribute option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSWeakReferenceAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

Define OSNotUpdateIfValueIsNullAttribute option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSNotUpdateIfValueIsNullAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

Define OSSerializableAttribute option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSSerializableAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

Define OSOnceUpdateAttribute option

+ (BOOL)attributeIsOSOnceUpdateAttribute:(NSString*)attributeName
	if ([attributeName isEqualString:@"foo"]) {
		return YES;
	return NO;

In Background

You can use background process methods. Import BZObjectStoreBackground.h and call each method name + 'InBackground' methods.

#import "BZObjectStore.h"

[os saveObjectInBackground:savedObject completionBlock:^(NSError *error) {
	if (!error) {
		// succeed
	} else {
		// failed

Data Types

Objective-C Data Types SQLite Data Types Mapping Column Names Remarks
char* INTEGER attributeName
short INTEGER attributeName
int INTEGER attributeName
long INTEGER attributeName
longlong INTEGER attributeName
double REAL attributeName
float REAL attributeName
unsigned char* INTEGER attributeName
unsigned short INTEGER attributeName
unsigned int INTEGER attributeName
unsigned long INTEGER attributeName
unsigned longlong INTEGER attributeName
CGPoint INTEGER attributeName + '_x',+ '_y' separated to 2 columns
CGSize INTEGER attributeName + '_width',+ '_height' separated to 2 columns
CGRect INTEGER attributeName + '_x', + '_y', + '_width', + '_height' separated to 4 columns
NSRange INTEGER attributeName + '_length', + '_location' separated to 2 columns
NSData BLOB attributeName
NSString TEXT attributeName
NSMutableString TEXT attributeName
NSNull BLOB attributeName
NSNumber INTEGER attributeName
NSURL TEXT attributeName saved as absolute URL string
NSValue BLOB attributeName saved as serialized
UIColor TEXT attributeName saved as RGBA string
UIImage BLOB attributeName saved as GIF binary data
NSArray INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSDictionary INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSSet INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSOrderedSet INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSMutableArray INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSMutableDictionary INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSMutableSet INTEGER attributeName save numberd of Objects
NSMutableOrderedSet INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects
NSObject INTEGER attributeName saved number of Objects

Other C structures will be saved as NSValue.


ORM library wrapped FMDB







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