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Zap supports both Basic and Bearer authentication which are based on HTTP headers.

For a cookie-based ("session token", not to mistake for "session cookie") authentication, see the UserPassSession and its example.

For convenience, Authenticator types exist that can authenticate requests.

Zap also provides an Endpoint.Authenticating endpoint-wrapper. Have a look at the example and the tests.

The following describes the Authenticator types. All of them provide the authenticateRequest() function, which takes a zap.Request and returns a bool value whether it could be authenticated or not.

Further down, we show how to use the Authenticators, and also the Endpoint.Authenticating.

Basic Authentication

The zap.Auth.Basic Authenticator accepts 2 comptime values:

  • Lookup: either a map to look up passwords for users or a set to lookup base64 encoded tokens (user:pass -> base64-encode = token)
  • kind :
    • UserPass : decode the authentication header, split into user and password, then lookup the password in the provided map and compare it.
    • Token68 : don't bother decoding, the 'lookup' set is filled with base64-encoded tokens, so a fast lookup is enough.

Maps passed in as Lookup type must support get([]const u8), and sets must support contains([]const u8).

Bearer Authentication

The zap.Auth.BearerSingle Authenticator is a convenience-authenticator that takes a single auth token. If all you need is to protect your prototype with a token, this is the one you want to use.

zap.BearerMulti accepts a map (Lookup) that needs to support contains([]const u8).

Request Authentication

Here we describe how to authenticate requests from within your on_request callback.

Single-Token Bearer Authentication

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");

const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
const token = "hello, world";

var auth = try zap.Auth.BearerSingle.init(allocator, token, null);
defer auth.deinit();

fn on_request(r: zap.Request) void {
    if(authenticator.authenticateRequest(r)) {
            \\ <html><body>
            \\   <h1>Hello from ZAP!!!</h1>
            \\ </body></html>
        ) catch return;
    } else {
        r.sendBody("UNAUTHORIZED") catch return;

Multi-Token Bearer Authentication

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");

const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
const token = "hello, world";

const Set = std.StringHashMap(void);
var set = Set.init(allocator); // set
defer set.deinit();

// insert auth tokens
try set.put(token, {});

var auth = try zap.Auth.BearerMulti(Set).init(allocator, &set, null);
defer auth.deinit();

fn on_request(r: zap.Request) void {
    if(authenticator.authenticateRequest(r)) {
            \\ <html><body>
            \\   <h1>Hello from ZAP!!!</h1>
            \\ </body></html>
        ) catch return;
    } else {
        r.sendBody("UNAUTHORIZED") catch return;

UserPass Basic Authentication

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");

const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;

// create a set of User -> Pass entries
const Map = std.StringHashMap([]const u8);
var map = Map.init(allocator);
defer map.deinit();

// create user / pass entry
const user = "Alladdin";
const pass = "opensesame";
try map.put(user, pass);

// create authenticator
const Authenticator = zap.Auth.Basic(Map, .UserPass);
var auth = try Authenticator.init(a, &map, null);
defer auth.deinit();

fn on_request(r: zap.Request) void {
    if(authenticator.authenticateRequest(r)) {
            \\ <html><body>
            \\   <h1>Hello from ZAP!!!</h1>
            \\ </body></html>
        ) catch return;
    } else {
        r.sendBody("UNAUTHORIZED") catch return;

Token68 Basic Authentication

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");

const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
const token = "QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==";

// create a set of Token68 entries
const Set = std.StringHashMap(void);
var set = Set.init(allocator); // set
defer set.deinit();
try set.put(token, {});

// create authenticator
const Authenticator = zap.Auth.Basic(Set, .Token68);
var auth = try Authenticator.init(allocator, &set, null);
defer auth.deinit();

fn on_request(r: zap.Request) void {
    if(authenticator.authenticateRequest(r)) {
            \\ <html><body>
            \\   <h1>Hello from ZAP!!!</h1>
            \\ </body></html>
        ) catch return;
    } else {
        r.sendBody("UNAUTHORIZED") catch return;


Here, we only show using one of the Authenticator types. See the tests for more examples.

The Endpoint.Authenticating honors .unauthorized in the endpoint settings, where you can pass in a callback to deal with unauthorized requests. If you leave it to null, the endpoint will automatically reply with a 401 - Unauthorized response.

The example below should make clear how to wrap an endpoint into an Endpoint.Authenticating:

const std = @import("std");
const zap = @import("zap");

const a = std.heap.page_allocator;
const token = "ABCDEFG";

const HTTP_RESPONSE: []const u8 =
    \\ <html><body>
    \\   Hello from ZAP!!!
    \\ </body></html>

// authenticated requests go here
fn endpoint_http_get(e: *zap.Endpoint, r: zap.Request) void {
    _ = e;
    r.sendBody(HTTP_RESPONSE) catch return;

// just for fun, we also catch the unauthorized callback
fn endpoint_http_unauthorized(e: *zap.Endpoint, r: zap.Request) void {
    _ = e;
    r.sendBody("UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS") catch return;

pub fn main() !void {
    // setup listener
    var listener = zap.EndpointListener.init(
            .port = 3000,
            .on_request = null,
            .log = true,
            .max_clients = 10,
            .max_body_size = 1 * 1024,
    defer listener.deinit();

    // create mini endpoint
    var ep = zap.Endpoint.init(.{
        .path = "/test",
        .get = endpoint_http_get,
        .unauthorized = endpoint_http_unauthorized,

    // create authenticator
    const Authenticator = zap.Auth.BearerSingle;
    var authenticator = try Authenticator.init(a, token, null);
    defer authenticator.deinit();

    // create authenticating endpoint
    const BearerAuthEndpoint = zap.Endpoint.Authenticating(Authenticator);
    var auth_ep = BearerAuthEndpoint.init(&ep, &authenticator);

    try listener.register(auth_ep.endpoint());

    listener.listen() catch {};
        \\ Run the following:
        \\ curl http://localhost:3000/test -i -H "Authorization: Bearer ABCDEFG" -v
        \\ curl http://localhost:3000/test -i -H "Authorization: Bearer invalid" -v
        \\ and see what happens
    , .{});

    // start worker threads
        .threads = 1,
        .workers = 1,