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348 lines (242 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

348 lines (242 loc) · 14.8 KB


The idea of this benchmark scenario is the following:

A user gets onboarded into ZEC at a given time (block 1) and creates a wallet. User forgets about it until a later time it realized it can accept a Zcash payment instead of fiat, so User intends to receive ZEC.

Given that user has:

  • 10 unspent note commitments
  • 100,000 blocks with two orchard actions each have passed from the onboarding moment

And will receive 2 unspent note commitments at block 100,000.

The dataset has to be 100K blocks long

Metrics that can be derived from this benchmark:

  • Time to sync
  • Time to spend onboarding funds
  • Balance accuracy

Regtest Blockchain Setup:

There is a benchmark client spend key, which is the key that represents the onboarded user's wallet.

Then there's another block population spend key, which produces outputs the users's wallet can't decrypt but will have to scan through anyway.

Original Block:    10 unspent note commitments

Filler Blocks

    * 2 orchard actions

    * 100_000 blocks

Return to Zcash: 2 unspent note commitments

Actors on the benchmark test.

Miner Wallet:

Note: This is not actually being used because of zcashd limitations. It's not possible at the moment to restore a seed into Zcashd. The Zcashd wallet (and whatever its keys are) is used instead. We leave this for when this is actually possible.

phrase: "web element word lady flush door problem fashion various festival spin story extra spend fan truth silent skull sadness earn major quarter picture alien"

UA: uregtest1gqnk5lxvwq7l0g5l06tm00er0f6rwhrenmczv9lfecu5j8mcj32murx7839fwcc9zs6jl6ax08zcq3kjqqag5runs62avjuv7e45ek9zngx603pzes5sezsyn36zgl94m2a3juy4jkj5f6g5gnpqdrxydh48ue0hez5wgq0xkwy9rjyrk3vmcjfmuyw97zp9rlvqxnhjs46qkq0ke33


  • Receives coinbases and distributes payments to user and generates filler outputs.

User wallet:

phrase: "wrong when collect sponsor always simple control color exercise dad merry diet script attract public lucky pen pistol depend deposit salad room similar hour"

seed bytes: `716a2354c5c6e0330e219f5bda06a620471da0f00338c1db3b4b05277c544a1676b6ec9af3f9405f108db4ed39c0369a4acc5cff622597d85d77dc95438ebaa4``

UA: uregtest19sufy4qyv6f52773a3tklff0muzwjyv3hlqjvtp6z8spwf6xteksr5u7gmdv6h5g6wpz0flaeutxcaqqwwafffhvqetudsvfe7mtnn62yuzv77uv7azskfrqd6dqyz0zhms3yn2wjd82dqetgzddc6h0kf0t3jphenc3ts62jmcsh83ra2nj0fqeuuflq6a6asaq4fjdrzhlq5w7twd Role:

  • receives funds at the beginning of the test, and then at the end, when 100 days of blocks have passed in between.

Filler wallet:

phrase: "nice trick fit flee all fresh jazz double renew chalk drip wheel maid nuclear favorite junior sea run acid sad virtual express topple faint"

seed bytes: `00ee85b3e3a5e6f92834abfdfef7ed3a1e552df7c005a0abbe24f3bba01e0ab4da0fe1e70a275576ec31029285b3fdca0ae2e3c97a4fa65d7e69c8e4f3867d43``

UA: uregtest1fl28qdx08zgweef5ve4usg3u2fan5cgth7rnc77wkq5rm8az8rluct727p58vfm64r5zkj90aqmd9rlatqnalkh0zrmw4sy6sgaex3gnux3ahkq3lr542nlags0l2ax257clhdwkqcps2pjxnmawgzqdfpeuqtch889ml9dfmqeq0zapkgw86hzs5sfj3s3vgnt477a7x25c7yjr62j

Role: gets sent all the transactions that will be filler outputs for the test.

Elements built:

  • A script that generates the scenario
    • constructs the generate to block to the 'miner wallet'
    • funds the user wallet with 10 orchard commitments at block testStartHeight
    • generates fillerBlockCount filler blocks to a different wallet that can't be decrypted by user wallet.
    • funds the user wallet at block testStartHeight + fillerBlockCount + 1
  • Export the dataset from Regtest into darksidewalletd
    • Get Tree States from a block range
    • Get Transactions on every block of a given block range
    • Dump a file with the generated SFoE Test
  • create a test case that exercises this test on zingo-lib

Note: the dataset should work on any other wallet (Ywallet, NH, Zashi) provided its test cases for darksidewalletd are coded.

Topology if the SFoE test

SFoE departs from 100 "matured" coinbases at block 200. The test is composed of some key elements:

  • testStartHeight: this is the height at which SFoE concretely starts. This is the first block that contains a transaction for the "user wallet".
  • fillerBlockCount filler blocks: These are blocks that contain shielded ouputs that don't belong to the user wallet and that the wallet will have to handle anyway.
  • testEndHeight height.

Generating base elements of SFoE

Precondition: install grpcurl

When running the script will:

  1. Make sure that your Zcashd regtest ready on zero blocks
  2. Generate account 0 and a new address on you node (miner)
  3. Generate the first 100 blocks, to have a matured coinbase that you can shield.
  4. Shield the mature coinbases in 100 subsequent blocks
  5. Define SFoE starting at the corresponding height (around block 202)
  6. send the first z_sendmany with 10 unspent commitments for User wallet and 2 filler outputs for filler wallet
  7. start generating filler blocks (1000). Each fille block has 2 transactions + the coinbase. It takes around 10 seconds for a docker Zcashd to generate a Tx.
  8. Generate a transaction with 2 unspent note commitments for user wallet (around block start + filler_count)
  9. Generate a block for that transaction.
  10. Wrap the test and inform the start, end and length of the test.

Generating the test from scratch


Regtest Zcashd is somewhat unstable and it's hard to create long tests with it. After much research and attempts to create a test that comes out directly from Regtest, it was decided that it was inpractical and time consuming and somewhat technically impossible due to the limitations Zcashd has on note selection issues and all.

Known Issues:

  • z_sendmany and z_shieldcoinbase can't be parallelized to speed them up. They would take from 1 or to seconds to 10 or more seconds depending on the hardware resources available on your setup. Making 2 operations and awaiting for them does not make much difference, they are not processed concurrently. If it takes 10 seconds to make one of these spends, making two at once, will take around 20. Plus, it might fail due to the following issue
  • "duplicate nullifier" when spending funds from the Zcashd wallet. The wallet is not specifically smart when selecting spendable notes. It does not do a fair job at locking the selected notes so they are not also selected in a future or concurrent spend.
  • main: ContextualCheckBlockHeader: block at height 1238, timestamp 1694010597 is too far ahead of median-time-past, limit is 1694010517: this happens when creating too many blocks upfront.

Approach A: Creating all blocks and running entirely from Regtest

1. Running Zcashd regtest on docker

Follow this article on Free2z

2. set up your folder paths to export the test

This entails setting up your persistent store for the docker instance, and also the destination folder for the generating scripts

3. Launch zcashd instance in regtest (instructions on tutorial)

It is possible that you can use the docker desktop GUI as well to do this step.

4. Run generate and dump script.


Your rpcuser is usr and your rpcpassword is pwd

Your zcashd dockerized instance is mapped to port 8232

Run the script

sfoe/Scripts/generate_test_case/generate_and http://usr:pwd@ $HOME/tmp/SFoE

5. [Optional] avoid recreating the whole test in zcashd when re-running the script

The script can be told to skip the generation of the Regtest blockchain, and go straight to the "dumping" part. This is done by specifying two arguments:

--skip-gen START_HEIGHT tells the script to start dumping the test info from the given height

--end-height END_HEIGHT tells the script to dump up to END_HEIGHT.

Running the script without generating the blocks in regtest:

sfoe/Scripts/generate_test_case/generate_and http://usr:pwd@ $HOME/tmp/SFoE --skip-gen 206 --end-heigh t 210

6. Loading Into Darkside Lightwalletd

1 - run dlwd

./lightwalletd --log-file /dev/stdout --darkside-very-insecure --darkside-timeout 1000 --gen-cert-very-insecure --data-dir . --no-tls-very-insecure

2 - run a local python server at sfoe/dataset

python3 -m http.server 8000

3 - run the loading script sfoe/dataset/

7. Starting a Wallet that loads this test (ZingoLabs)

The test is comprised of three parts:

  1. A local http server to speed loading up the data into darksidewalletd
  2. A local darksidewalletd instance
  3. A subject wallet that we are going to test.

Once you have completed the previous step the only thing left you need to do is to start a wallet with the "user wallet", which is the wallet receiving the funds at the beginning and the end of the test.

Your --data-dir can be where it's suitable for you.

--server will point to the local lightwalletd instance.

./target/release/zingo-cli \
--seed "wrong when collect sponsor always simple control color exercise dad merry diet script attract public lucky pen pistol depend deposit salad room similar hour" \
--birthday 206 \
--server localhost:9067 \
--data-dir $HOME/tmp/zingo-sfoe \
--darkside-test \

Approach B: Generating the needed test materials on Regtest then run on darkside entirely

This is the recommended approach for running the SFoE. Following these steps actually will let you do the following:

  1. launch a local http server to server the test pre-baked elements
  2. generate a local 100K blocks dataset in a directory structure that genblocks needs
  3. run the lightwalletd genblocks tool to actually generate a SFoE_100K.txt file for darksidewalletd
  4. launch a local darksidewalletd server to set up the test case.
  5. run a script to set up the SFoE 100k block test for Zingo wallet
  6. launch the test in a zingo-cli wallet

In this approach we will use pre-generated elements in the repo under the dataset folder to load transaction into a directory structure that then will be processed by the genblocks tool on lightwalled to create a file that contains all the needed blocks to sync. Additionally, TreeState info will have to be side-loaded on darksidewalletd for wallets to be able to sync (if they require tree states).

Loading Into Darkside Lightwalletd

1. run a local python server at sfoe/dataset

you can do this the way you see fit. The easiest is to use python itself

python3 -m http.server 8000

2. generate a local 100K blocks dataset in a directory structure that genblocks needs

In its current form the SFoE 100K blocks dataset takes 4 GB of disk space. Since it can be generated at any time, we don't consider handy to store this file anywhere. We can use the synthetic blocks testcase generator script to generate the blocks.txt file that needs to be loaded into darksidewalletd. The

Running from Visual Studio code

            "name": "Python: Generate Synthetic block SFoE Test",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "sfoe/Scripts/generate_test_case/",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "justMyCode": true,
            "args": [
                "darksidewalletd-datasets/sfoe/dataset/transactions", // path to the transactions on this dataset
                "/tmp/workbench", // some directory
                "204", // this is where the test actually starts on the pre-baked dataset
                "1204", // this is where the test actually has the last transaction needed
                "100000" // you can tweak this number to whatever you'd like

Running from command line

It's possible to generate synthetic blocks from the command line. how? Just by following the Help instructions:

python3.11 darksidewalletd-datasets/sfoe/Scripts/generate_test_case/ -h

usage: [-h]
                                             transactions_folder workbench_path start_block
                                             stop_block test_length

Lay down the blocks in a structure that is suitable for darksidewalletd `genblocks`.

positional arguments:
  transactions_folder  Path of the folder where the tree state files will be written to.
  workbench_path       Writable path for the blocks workbench folder to be placed at
  start_block          Block Height to start from. This indicates the start of the first
                       transaction of the folder you want to include
  stop_block           Block Height to stop at. This indicates when the regtest SFoE test ends
                       and it should grab the last transaction from.
  test_length          the length of the test you would like to generate. Example: 10000

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

3. run the lightwalletd genblocks tool

Run the lightwalletd genblocks tool to actually generate a SFoE_100K.txt file for darksidewalletd. For that you should check the Lightwalled docs repo but we give you the quick start here. Spoiler: You need to install GoLang.

go run testtools/genblocks/main.go --start-height 204 --blocks-dir $HOME/tmp/workbench/sfoe_blocks > SFoE_100K.txt

--start-height 204 means that the generated dataset will use a saplingActivation height of 204

--blocks-dir is the place where you stored the result of the previous step.

4. launch a local darksidewalletd server to set up the test case.

You should actually refer to the lightwalletd documentation just in case it has new features or arguments that you need to pass on. But we'll give out a heads up.

./lightwalletd --log-file /dev/stdout --darkside-very-insecure --darkside-timeout 1000 --gen-cert-very-insecure --data-dir . --no-tls-very-insecure

5. run a script to set up the SFoE 100k block test for Zingo wallet

The dataset/ script is used to load the 100k SFoE dataset. It currently expects the SFoE_100K.txt file from step 3 to be under the dataset directory of this repo.

Expected Results of the test

When you scan, the wallet should return

  "result": "success"

The expected balance should be orchard_balance of 120000000 zatoshi

  "sapling_balance": 0,
  "verified_sapling_balance": 0,
  "spendable_sapling_balance": 0,
  "unverified_sapling_balance": 0,
  "orchard_balance": 120000000,
  "verified_orchard_balance": 120000000,
  "spendable_orchard_balance": 120000000,
  "unverified_orchard_balance": 0,
  "transparent_balance": 0