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README for Needlet_decomp


This repository contains the source code for a C++ program which decomposes HEALPix scalar maps into their needlet components.

Supported platforms

The program has been developed on Mac OS X 10.6, but it should run on any Unix machine.


Before compiling the software, you have to install the following components:

  • Noweb, a tool for literate programming by Norman Ramsey

  • The GNU Scientific Library (GSL)

  • Healpix (at least version 2.20a — any version older than this will produce compilation errors).

  • GNU R, to create the nice plot showing needlets in harmonic space.

It is likely that you can install both Noweb and GSL using your favourite package manager (e.g. apt-get on Ubuntu Linux).

After you installed the dependencies, run configure and then make. Note that if you are using a version of Healpix that has been compiled with OpenMP support enabled (chances are: yes, you are), then you must invoke configure with the --with-openmp flag. Call configure --help for more options.