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How to use finetune-anything

finetune-anything (FA) is intended as a tool to help users quickly build extended SAM models. It not only supports the built-in basic tasks and basic models, but also supports user-defined extensions of different modules, training processes, and datasets for the extend SAM.


Using FA can be divided into two parts: training and testing. The training part includes model, Datasets, Losses, Optimizer, Logger, and Runner. The above content needs to be configured through the yaml file in config.

  • The tasks already supported by FA can be trained and tested directly by inputting task_name.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${your GPU number} python --task_name ${one of supported task names}
  • Custom configuration files can be trained and tested by reading cfg
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${your GPU number} python --cfg config/${yaml file name}

The testing part is coming soon ~


The SAM model includes image encdoer, prompt encoder and mask decoder. FA further encapsulates the encoder and decoder of SAM and identify Extend-SAM model consists of image encoder adapter, prompt encoder adapter and mask decoder adapter. The initialized process of Extend-SAM as below,

Users can choose the adapter that need to be fixed or learned during the finetune process. This function can be configured in the model part of the yaml file, as shown in the following example:

sam_name: 'extend sam name' # e.g., 'sem_sam', custom SAM model name, you should implement this model('sem_sam') first
  # Fix the a part of parameters in SAM
  fix_img_en: True  # fix image encoder adapter parameters
  fix_prompt_en: True # fix prompt encoder adapter parameters
  fix_mask_de: False # unfix mask decoder adapter parameters to learn
  ckpt_path: 'your original sam weights'  # e.g., 'sam_ckpt/sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth' 
  class_num: 21 # number of classes for your dataset(20) + background(1)
  model_type: 'vit_b'    # type should be in [vit_h, vit_b, vit_l, default], this is original SAM type 
                         # related to different original SAM model. the type should be corresponded to the ckpt_path

Customized Model

If you need to redesign the structure of a certain module of SAM, you need to write code according to the following three steps. Take SemanticSAM as an example.

  • step1

First, inherit the corresponding adapter base class in extend_sam\xxx_(encoder or decoder), and then implement the __init__ and forward function corresponding to the adapter.

class SemMaskDecoderAdapter(BaseMaskDecoderAdapter):
    def __init__(self, ori_sam: Sam, fix=False, class_num=20):
        super(SemMaskDecoderAdapter, self).__init__(ori_sam, fix) # init super class
        self.decoder_neck = MaskDecoderNeck(...) # custom module
        self.decoder_head = SemSegHead(...) # custom module
        # pair the params between ori mask_decoder and new mask_decoder_adapter
        self.pair_params(self.decoder_neck) # give the weights which are with the same name in original SAM to customized module

    def forward(self, ...):
        ... = self.decoder_neck(...)
        masks, iou_pred = self.decoder_head(...)
        return masks, iou_pred
  • step2

First inherit the BaseExtendSAM base class in, and make necessary modifications to __init__ function.

class SemanticSam(BaseExtendSam):

    def __init__(self, ...):
        super().__init__(...) # init super class
        self.mask_adapter = SemMaskDecoderAdapter(...) # replace original Adapter as the  new identified customized Adapter 
  • step3

Add new Extend-SAM class to AVAI_MODEL dict and give it a key. then you can train this new model by modify the sam_name in config file.


FA comes with datasets for multiple tasks, and also supports custom datasets, and sets the training and test datasets separately. Takes torch_voc_sem as an example, the configuration file of the dataset part is as follows, The dataset part includes name, params, transforms and target_transforms, The params which is a dict include the key and value your want to set about the init function's parameters of corresponding dataset. make sure the dataset has parameters with the same names as the key. transforms and target_transforms respectively correspond to the input image and Ground Truth for transform processing. transforms/target_transforms support to set the implemented transform function and the corresponding params, params are still in the form of a dict, and transform will process the datasets according to the input order of the configuration file.

  # Dataset
    name: 'torch_voc_sem'
      root: '/your/dataset/path/'
      year: '2012'
      image_set: 'train'
          size: [1024, 1024]
        params: ~ # no parameters, set to '~'
          size: [1024, 1024]

Customized Dataset

Customized Transform

If you want to customize the transform, you can follow the following three steps,

  • step1

    • Torch-supported transform, skip this step.

    • Torch-unsupported transform

    Create it in datasets/, implement the __init__ and forward function.

import torch.nn as nn
class CustomTransform(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
    # identify your init process here
    def forward(self):
    # identify your transform process here
  • step2

    Import torch-supported transform you want or torch-unsupported transform your identify in datasets/ Then add this transform into the AVIAL_TRANSFORM dict, give this transform a key like resize, and the value is the transform class.

import torchvision.transforms as T
AVIAL_TRANSFORM = {'your_transform_name': T.XXX, 'your_transform_name': CustomTransform}
  • step3

    Set the loss in your config file.

        params: # if there are parameters of the transform's __init__ function to be set. else set to '~'
          params_1: xxx
          params_2: xxx


FA supports multiple torch loss functions, and also allows users to customize the loss function. The configuration content of the loss function part is as below,

      weight: 0.5
      params:  # the initial params of loss could be identified here
        ignore_index: 255
      label_one_hot: False
      weight: 5.0
      params: ~ # no parameters, set '~'
      label_one_hot: True

Now loss part has weight, params, and label_one_hot keys, weight control the weight of each loss in total loss. Take the config above as example, assume the ce loss as $Loss_{ce}$ and the mse as $Loss_{mse}$, the final total loss as below,

$$ Loss_{total} = weight_{ce} \times Loss_{ce} + weight_{mse} \times Loss_{mse} = 0.5 \times Loss_{ce} + 5.0 \times Loss_{mse} $$

The params which is a dict include the key and value your want to set about the corresponding loss function's parameters, make sure the loss function has parameters with the same names as the key. if you don't need the set params, give params ~. for semantic segmentation task, if your loss function need a one hot label, set the label_one_hot to True.

Customized Losses

If you want to customize the loss function, you can follow the following three steps,

  • step1

    • Torch-supported Loss, skip this step.

    • Torch-unsupported Loss

    Create it in, implement the __init__ and forward function.

import torch.nn as nn
class CustormLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,xxx):
    # identify your init process here
def forward(self, x, y, xxx):
    # identify your forward process here
  • step2

    Import torch-supported loss you want or torch-unsupported loss your identify in losses/__init__,py. Then add this loss into the AVAI_LOSS dict, give this loss a key like ce, and the value is the loss function.

import torch.nn as nn
from .losses import YourCuntomLoss
AVAI_LOSS = {'your loss key': YourCuntomLoss, 'your loss key': nn.xxxLoss}
  • step3

    Set the loss in your config file.

      weight: your_weight # float
        your_loss_param1: xx
        your_loss_param2: xx
      label_one_hot: False


FA's optimizer supports setting learning_rate(lr) and weight_decay(wd) for any module in the adapter that is not fixed. User could use keyword sgd, adam, and adamw to set the optimizer. the opt_params save necessary params for each kind of optimizer.

  • Normal module setting

lr_default save the default learing rate for all unfixed params, wd_default save the default weight decay for all unfixed params, momentum save the momentum for optimizer. if the corresponding optimizer has no parameter, e.g., adam has no momentum, just set the momentum to ~.

  • Specific module setting

The left three params group_keys, lr_list and wd_list is for specific module. They are list have the same length and correspond to the module name, learning rate and weight decay respectively. for example, if you want to give mask_adapter.decoder_head.output_hypernetworks_mlps module a specific optimizing parameter, put it into group_keys as a list first, and then set the corresponding learning rate and weight decay into lr_list and wd_list. If there are multiple modules that need to use the same specific parameter setting, just add the key to the corresponding list in the group_keys. For example, add modulexxx to the first list of group_keys.

  # Optimizer
    lr_default:  1e-3
    wd_default: 1e-4
    momentum: 0.9
    group_keys: [ [ 'mask_adapter.decoder_head.output_hypernetworks_mlps', 'modulexxx' ], ['second_module'], ]
    lr_list:  [ 1e-2, 1e-4, ]
    wd_list:  [ 0.0, 0.1, ]
  opt_name: 'sgd' # 'sgd'
  scheduler_name: 'cosine'

FA also supports multiple schedulers, which can be set using the keyword single_step, multi_step, warmup_multi_step, cosine, linear.



As shown in the config file, FA provides two kinds of loggers, one is the log output by default and will be saved in log_folder, and the other is the log output of tensorboard saved in tensorboard_folder when use_tensorboard is True. The best model will be saved in model_folder.

  # Logger
  use_tensorboard: True
  tensorboard_folder: './experiment/tensorboard'
  log_folder: './experiment/log'
  model_folder: './experiment/model'

One more thing

If you need to use loss, dataset, or other functions that are not supported by FA, please submit an issue, and I will help you to implement them. At the same time, developers are also welcome to develop new loss, dataset or other new functions for FA, please submit your PR (pull requests).