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File metadata and controls

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Extra: preparing yellow and green taxi data

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In order to minimize the errors and discrepancies of the previous lessons' homework, we will create a script that downloads the datasets for 2020 and 2021 and parquetizes them with a predefined schema.

Download the datasets

Let's create a script.

set -e

TAXI_TYPE=$1 # "yellow"
YEAR=$2 # 2020


for MONTH in {1..12}; do
  FMONTH=`printf "%02d" ${MONTH}`



  echo "donwloading ${URL} to ${LOCAL_PATH}"
  mkdir -p ${LOCAL_PREFIX}
  wget ${URL} -O ${LOCAL_PATH}

  echo "compressing ${LOCAL_PATH}"
  gzip ${LOCAL_PATH}
  • The script loops through 12 months and downloads the dataset for each month for the specified taxi type; we compress the csv files to zip for saving storage (both Pandas and Spark can read zipped datasets).
  • set -e means that the script will stop if any of the commands fail. This may happen with wget when we download files.
  • We parametrize each part of the dataset URL. For the month, we need to convert the month numnber to 2-digits with leading zeros for single-digit months.
  • printf is a shell built-in command available in bash and other shells which behaves very similar to C's printf() function. It can be used instead of echo for finer output control.
    • The syntax for the command is printf [-v var] format [arguments]
      • The [-v var] option is for assigning the output to a variable rather than printing it.
      • format is a string that may contain normal characters, backslash-escaped characters and conversion specifications for describing the format.
        • Conversion specifications follow this syntax: %[flags][width][.precision]specifier
      • [arguments] is a list of arguments of any length that will be passed to the format string.
    • printf "%02d" ${MONTH} means that the ${MONTH} argument will be reformatted to show 2 digits with a leading 0 for single digit months.
      • % is the conversion specification character.
      • 0 is a flag for padding with leading zeroes.
      • 2 is a width directive; in our case, it means that the output should be of length 2.
      • d is the type conversion specifier for signed decimal integers.
    • You may learn more about the printf command in this link.
  • mkdir -p creates both the final directory and its parent directories if they do not exist.
  • The -O option in wget ${URL} -O ${LOCAL_PATH} is for specifying the file name.
  • gzip ${LOCAL_PATH} will compress the downloaded files to gz format.
    • By default, gzip deletes the original file after compressing it. CSV files will be removed.
    • gz files can be read by both Pandas and Spark.

Make the script executable with chmod +x You may run the script with ./ yellow 2020. You may change yellow to green and 2020 to any year. For the rest of the lesson we will use the datasets for 2020 and 2021.

After running the script, you may check the final folder structure with tree, df -h or du -h.

You may download a finished script from this link.

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Parquetize the datasets

We will use the same Pandas trick we saw in part 5 of lesson 4 to read the datasets, infer the schemas, partition the datasets and parquetize them.

The schema for yellow and green taxis will be the following:

from pyspark.sql import types

green_schema = types.StructType([
    types.StructField("VendorID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("lpep_pickup_datetime", types.TimestampType(), True),
    types.StructField("lpep_dropoff_datetime", types.TimestampType(), True),
    types.StructField("store_and_fwd_flag", types.StringType(), True),
    types.StructField("RatecodeID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("PULocationID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("DOLocationID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("passenger_count", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("trip_distance", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("fare_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("extra", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("mta_tax", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("tip_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("tolls_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("ehail_fee", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("improvement_surcharge", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("total_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("payment_type", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("trip_type", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("congestion_surcharge", types.DoubleType(), True)

yellow_schema = types.StructType([
    types.StructField("VendorID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("tpep_pickup_datetime", types.TimestampType(), True),
    types.StructField("tpep_dropoff_datetime", types.TimestampType(), True),
    types.StructField("passenger_count", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("trip_distance", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("RatecodeID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("store_and_fwd_flag", types.StringType(), True),
    types.StructField("PULocationID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("DOLocationID", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("payment_type", types.IntegerType(), True),
    types.StructField("fare_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("extra", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("mta_tax", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("tip_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("tolls_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("improvement_surcharge", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("total_amount", types.DoubleType(), True),
    types.StructField("congestion_surcharge", types.DoubleType(), True)

You may download a finished Jupyter Notebook script from this file.

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