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RosarioSIS Student Information System

Changes in 7.9

  • Update default School Year to 2021 in rosariosis.sql &

Changes in 7.8.4

  • Fix User Marking Period title in GradeBreakdown.php
  • SQL ORDER BY Teacher name in GradeBreakdown.php

Changes in 7.8.3

  • Fix trim 0 (float) when percent > 1,000: do not use comma for thousand separator in Grades.php & ProgressReports.php

Changes in 7.8.2

  • Fix try searching plural forms adding an 's' to singular form and with number set to 1 in Translator.php

Changes in 7.8.1

  • CSS Edge browser fix: Do not merge focus-within styles with hover styles in stylesheet.css, stylesheet_wkhtmltopdf.css & rtl.css

Changes in 7.8

  • Handle multiple files attribute in warehouse.js & Inputs.php
  • Add FileUploadMultiple(). Handle multiple files attribute for FileUpload() in FileUpload.fnc.php
  • Remove Reset button from Find a Student / User forms in Students/ & Users/
  • CSS & JS open submenu on focus & focus-within in warehouse.js, stylesheet.css & rtl.css
  • CSS menu link & button color on focus in stylesheet.css & colors.css
  • Fix check students Course Status in PrintClassLists.php, PrintClassPictures.php, ClassSearchWidget.fnc.php, Referrals.php, EmailReferral.fnc.php & Widgets.fnc.php
  • Add Include Inactive Students checkbox in MasterScheduleReport.php & RequestsReport.php
  • Fix unset current student (check Course Status) when MP updated in Side.php
  • SQL fix Discipline Referrals using WHERE EXISTS in Widgets.fnc.php
  • Numeric Discipline field: invert values so BETWEEN works in Widgets.fnc.php
  • Numeric Discipline field: input type number in Widgets.fnc.php
  • Fix SQL error missing FROM ADDRESS table in GetStuList.fnc.php

Changes in 7.7

  • Move Dashboard() call outside in Dashboard.fnc.php & Portal.php
  • Add .xlsm,.key,.midi,.aif,.mpeg,.h264,.mkv,.log,.email,.eml,.emlx,.msg,.vcf extensions to white list in FileUpload.fnc.php
  • Add "Last Name Middle Name First Name" option to Display Name in GetStuList.fnc.php & Configuration.php
  • Fix SQL error escape course title in StudentGrades.php
  • SQL Remove Salaries having a Payment (same Amount & Comments (Title), after or on Assigned Date) in Accounting/
  • SQL match Payment Comments LIKE Fee Title in Student_Billing/
  • CSS fix list line-height in FlatSIS/stylesheet_wkhtmltopdf.css

Changes in 7.6.1

  • Fix #307 XSS update CodeIgniter Security class in classes/Security.php, thanks to @DustinBorn
  • Move Portal Poll vote code to modfunc in PortalPollNotes.php & Portal.php
  • Fix #308 Unauthenticated SQL injection. Use sanitized $_REQUEST in Portal.php, thanks to @DustinBorn
  • Fix #308 sanitize key. Pass array keys through function in Warehouse.php, thanks to @DustinBorn
  • Fix #309 unset $_SESSION so user cannot maintain dummy session in PasswordReset.php, thanks to @DustinBorn
  • Remove use of $_SESSION['STAFF_ID'] === '-1' in User.fnc.php & PasswordReset.php

Changes in 7.6

  • Fix login password with single quote, use POST in index.php & Preferences.php
  • HTML Use #! instead of JS return false to not go back to top in Buttons.php & Profiles.php
  • JS remove warehouse.min.js & include warehouse.js inside plugins.min.js in Gruntfile.js, assets/js/ & Warehouse.php
  • Fix PHP8 compatibility issues (warnings & fatal errors), system wide
  • Fix save new Grade with "0" as Title in ReportCardGrades.php
  • PHP8 no xmlrpc ext: load xmlrpc compat functions in plugins/Moodle/client.php, xmlrpc.php, XML_RPC.php, XmlrpcDecoder.php & XmlrpcEncoder.php
  • Fix xmlrpc nested arrays, use param & value elements instead in XmlrpcEncoder.php
  • Fix SQL Total points only select assignments for CP teacher (teacher may have changed) in Grades.php, InputFinalGrades.php, StudentGrades.php & GradebookBreakdown.php
  • Fix SQL Grades sort order in GradebookBreakdown.php
  • Add Login form link action hook in index.php & Actions.php
  • SQL fix Report Card Grades insert in rosariosis_fr.sql
  • SQL fix ORDER Report Cards by Student name & Course list by Title in ReportCards.fnc.php
  • SQL fix error invalid input syntax for integer in DailySummary.php
  • Replace tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with 18.04 (Buster) in, &

Changes in 7.5

  • HTML fix Student Assignment Submission display in StudentAssignments.fnc.php
  • Percent rounding to 2 decimal places is new School default in _makeLetterGrade.fnc.php
  • CSS Fix widefat table border color when rendered in PDF inside Chrome in colors.css
  • Add phpwkhtmltopdf class & remove Wkhtmltopdf class in classes/
  • Use phpwkhtmltopdf class instead of Wkhtmltopdf (more reliable & faster) in PDF.php
  • Add Report Cards PDF footer action hook in ReportCards.fnc.php & Actions.php
  • Transcripts PDF header action hook: echo your custom text before or append it to $header_html to display it after in Transcripts.fnc.php
  • Transcripts PDF footer action hook: echo your custom text before or append it to $footer_html to display it after in Transcripts.fnc.php
  • Add .transcript-certificate-block1 & .transcript-certificate-block2 CSS classes in Transcripts.fnc.php
  • Add .report-card-free-text CSS class in ReportCards.fnc.php
  • Delete any attendance for this day & student prior to update in FixDailyAttendance.php
  • Use _makeLetterGrade() for Percent grade so it reflects Teacher's Score rounding configuration in Grades.php & ProgressReports.php
  • Fix Add Credits only for Report Cards in ReportCards.fnc.php
  • Fix SQL error invalid input syntax for integer (Class Rank input) in Widgets.fnc.php
  • HTML Grades GPA Widget: use number input & check Weighted by default in Widgets.fnc.php

Changes in 7.4

  • List sort comment: trim & fix position in ListOutput.fnc.php
  • Fix #303 Raw value in comment so we can sort Percent column the right way in Grades.php, thanks to @dd02
  • Add Database Backup link to header in Rollover.php
  • Add Course Widget configuration option: Popup window or Pull-Down in Configuration.php & Help_en.php
  • Add Course Widget: select / Pull-Down in Widgets.fnc.php
  • Update French & Spanish translations in rosariosis.po, help.po
  • Add Total Credits in ReportCards.fnc.php
  • Do not display "General Comments" title if no comments in ReportCards.fnc.php
  • HTML display rows of 3 School Period checkboxes in AddAbsences.php
  • Comment input maxlength increased to 500 in InputFinalGrades.php
  • Comment Code input field is required in ReportCardCommentCodes.php
  • Add php-zip extension to list in
  • Check for zip extension in diagnostic.php
  • Fix SQL error integer out of range in Food_Service/Students/Accounts.php
  • French translation: replace "Effacer" with "Supprimer" in rosariosis.po & help.po
  • Fix Teacher Programs Progress Report PDF, do not echo form in TeacherPrograms.php

Changes in 7.3.1

  • Fix admin override: no input div when values are not saved yet in Grades/Configuration.php
  • Fix #304 Do not include Excused (* or -1) grades in GradebookBreakdown.php, thanks to @dd02
  • Fix #304 regression since 5.0 Count students in GradebookBreakdown.php, thanks to @dd02
  • Fix #304 Totals count exclude Extra Credit assignments when Total Points is 0 for the Type, thanks to @dd02

Changes in 7.3

  • SQL Replace AND p.ATTENDANCE='Y' with AND cp.DOES_ATTENDANCE IS NOT NULL in Letters.php, StudentLabels.fnc.php, HonorRoll.fnc.php & Reminders.php
  • SQL remove unused SELECT ROOM in HonorRoll.fnc.php
  • Translate database on add-on install: run 'install_fr.sql' file in,, modules/ & plugins/
  • CSS remove wildcard rules in stylesheet.css & wkhtmltopdf.css
  • CSS remove browser input outline on focus in colors.css
  • Fix Format Phone Number for US in GetStuList.fnc.php, thanks to @dzungdo
  • Attendance dashboard limit Absences to past days in
  • Fix #299 Remove trailing slash "/" or dash "-" or dot "." from date in DailySummary.php
  • Fix #300 Include Full Day and Half Day school periods in the schedule table in PrintSchedules.php, thanks to @dzungdo
  • Update translations complete % in locale/
  • Add tested on CentOS & Google Chrome in & INSTALL.pdf, thanks to @dd02
  • Add Before First Login form action hook in index.php & Actions.php
  • Fix regression since 7.0 not rolled items are checked in Rollover.php

Changes in 7.2.4

  • Take in Account Calendar Day Minutes in UpdateAttendanceDaily.fnc.php
  • Fix regression since 5.3 Return false if School Periods Length sum is 0 in UpdateAttendanceDaily.fnc.php, thanks to @dzungdo

Changes in 7.2.3

  • Fix regression since 5.9 search text User Field in Search.fnc.php, thanks to @dzungdo

Changes in 7.2.2

  • Fix SQL error foreign keys: Roll Schools before rolling Student Enrollment in Rollover.php
  • Fix SQL error table ADDRESS specified more than once in GetStuList.fnc.php

Changes in 7.2.1

  • Fix ParseMLField for Username field category in Preferences.php
  • Fix PHP Warning check requested locale exists in Warehouse.php
  • Add Attendance Codes help for (Lunch) Categories in Help_en.php & help.po
  • Fix SQL error multiple rows returned by a subquery in CreateParents.php

Changes in 7.2

  • Add Grade Level breakdown in StudentFieldBreakdown.php
  • Add link to Student Info in AddDrop.php
  • Limit students to User schools in AddDrop.php
  • Order Day, Month & Year inputs depending on User date preference in Date.php
  • SQL fix only display enrolled students in AddStudents.php
  • Link to Student Info redirects to right school in AddStudents.php
  • Reset password variable for each Contact in CreateParents.php

Changes in 7.1.4

  • Fix infinite loop when username already exists in CreateParents.php

Changes in 7.1.3

  • Fix #297 regression since 6.9 & SQL error in StudentSummary.php

Changes in 7.1.2

  • Fix SQL error Include Inactive Students for admin in PrintClassLists.php

Changes in 7.1.1

  • Fix #296 Include Inactive Students for admin in PrintClassLists.php

Changes in 7.1

  • Final Grading Percentages: add "No quarters found" error in Configuration.php
  • Add Start Date input in Scheduler.php
  • Export (Excel) date to YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO) in Date.php & Preferences.php
  • Select Date Format: Add Preferences( 'DATE' ) in User.fnc.php, Preferences.php, Date.php & Side.php
  • Fix SQL error TITLE column limit to 50 characters in GradeLevels.php
  • HTML remove radio buttons (File Attached or Embed Link) in PortalNotes.php & PortalPollsNotes.fnc.php
  • Add Grade Level breakdown in StudentBreakdown.php
  • Include Credits in ReportCards.fnc.php

Changes in 7.0.4

  • Fix #295 regression since 7.0 cannot save N/A date in Date.php

Changes in 7.0.3

  • Fix Multiple School Periods: Course Period School Period does not match, skip in Scheduler.php

Changes in 7.0.2

  • JS Fix search form onsubmit in Export.php

Changes in 7.0.1

  • Fix #292 System error "blocked access to local file" with wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 in Wkhtmltopdf.php

Changes in 7.0

  • Update Markdownify from v2.1.11 to v2.3.1 in classes/Markdownify/*
  • Update Parsedown from v1.6.0 to v1.7.4 in classes/Parsedown.php
  • Update MoTranslator from v3.4 to v4.0 in Warehouse.php, Help.fnc.php & classes/MoTranslator/*
  • Fix 'School' translation when using MoTranslator in & rosariosis.po
  • Fix '%s Handbook' translation when using MoTranslator in Help.php
  • CSS fix align "+" New Event icon to bottom in Calendar.php,, stylesheet.css & zreponsive.css
  • Fix Day Number when multiple calendars and school years in,
  • Fix Numbered days display in SchoolPeriodsSelectInput.fnc.php & Courses.fnc.php
  • SQL improve Numbered days in AddAbsences.php, Administration.php, DailySummary.php, TakeAttendance.php, TeacherCompletion.php, UpdateAttendanceDaily.fnc.php & Portal.php
  • Place Rollover under Utilities separator in Menu.php
  • Merge Schedule Report & Master Schedule Report in Menu.php, MasterScheduleReport.php, ScheduleReport.php & rosariosis.sql
  • Add Students column to report in RequestsReport.php
  • Merge Requests Report & Unfilled Requests in Menu.php, RequestsReport.php, UnfilledRequests.php, Scheduler.php, Help_en.php & rosariosis.sql
  • Merge Average Daily Attendance & Average Attendance by Day in Menu.php, Percent.php, Help_en.php, help.po & rosariosis.sql
  • Remove "Happy []..." text in Portal.php
  • HTML remove "Demographics" header to gain space on PDF in AttendanceSummary.php
  • SQL Update ATTENDANCE_CODE (admin) when is NULL in TakeAttendance.php
  • CSS Add .widefat.files class in StudentsUsersInfo.fnc.php & stylesheet.css
  • CSS WPadmin more padding for list rows, menu links & footer help in stylesheet.css
  • CSS FlatSIS less padding for list row, header & popTable in stylesheet.css
  • CSS FlatSIS reduce body line-height & fix Dashboard tipmsg border in stylesheet.css
  • Format "Show Available Seats" & "Print Schedule" headers in Schedule.php
  • Remove $fy_id global variable in Schedule.php
  • HTML Add tooltips & notes in Rollover.php
  • Fix current CP Marking Period check on update in Courses.php
  • Fix limit list results to 1000, do not remove 1st result in ListOutput.fnc.php
  • Add $RosarioErrorsAddress config variable in
  • Fix $RosarioNotifyAddress config variable description in, &
  • SQL no access to Custom "My Report" program for admin by default in rosariosis.sql
  • JS MarkdownToHTML No MarkDown in text, return raw text in warehouse.js
  • Fix Delete from other Student/User Info tabs in Student.php & User.php
  • Remove deprecated since 4.5 rollover_* action hooks in Rollover.php & Actions.php
  • Fix Error: There is no column for The value for 0. This value was not saved in SaveData.fnc.php
  • Fix Do not Save / Export Medical tab lists in

Old versions CHANGES