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TeleInviter by Ziziworks

Youtube | Instagram | Facebook | Telegram Channel | Telegram Group | Twitter

A script written on Python for automatic telegram inviting.
It can be used for inviting into group only, not working for channel.
This script can be run on Window's command prompt and Termux terminal on Android.



  • Automatically invite username by username
  • Username file can be either .txt or .csv
  • Save active sessions
  • Allow 2FA (Two-Step Verification) login
  • Has config.ini for setting configurations
  • Can start script by double-clicking
  • Can start script using arguments ( python phone_number optional_notes )
  • Eliminate flood errors


Script is where the magic begins. Go ahead and download it now.
If you don't download the script yet get it now by clicking /releases


Check out! Video tutorial :
Window Installation Video

Install Python on Windows

  • Download Python for Windows
  • When you're installing python made sure you checked "Add Python 3.7 to PATH"
  • ../your_path/ mean path/directory/location to your TeleInviter file.
  • Open Windows's command prompt and enter command below:
    cd /d ../your_path/
    pip install -r requirements.txt


cd /d D:\teleinviter
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Python on Termux

  • Download Termux from Playstore
  • ../your_path/ mean path/directory/location to your TeleInviter file.
  • Open termux enter commands below:
    pkg update && pkg upgrade
    pkg install python git
    cd ../your_path/
    pip install -r requirements.txt


pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install python git
cd /storage/emulated/0/teleinviter
pip install -r requirements.txt



invite_interval = 35
pax_size = 50
pax_rest = 300
flood_rest = 1200
target_group = ziziworks
api_id = 1102903
api_hash = 344d3fe528197386d5ec96de03ef8e56

Object Variables Description
[SETTING] 🚫 Don't change this 🚫
invite_interval 35 Invite a username every 35 seconds
pax_size 50 Invite 50 username before a rest
pax_rest 300 Rest for 300 seconds, Set 0 for no rest
flood_rest 1200 If one's account got flood error from telegram. Rest for 1200 seconds
target_group ziziworks Invite to what group? Specify the group ID
api_id 1102903 Telegram's application API ID
api_hash 344d3fe528197386d5ec96de03ef8e56 Telegram's application API Hash

Username file

  • Username file consist a list of username used for inviting
  • Username file can be either .txt or .csv
  • Script read username, line by line



Start TeleInviter


python phone_number [optional for notes]

❗ Input number in international format (example: +1234567890)

python D:\teleinviter\ +639162995600

⚠️ Make sure you enter your phone number which linked with telegram. Do not enter the number listed in the example.

  • You can just double click on and it will ask any requirements later such as phone number and username_file.
  • You can also run it by specifying required arguments as example below.
  • Input number in international format (example: +60123456789)
  • Username file can be either .txt or .csv

../your_path/ mean path/directory/location to your TeleInviter file.


  • Open cmd (command prompt)
  • Enter following command :
    python ../your_path/ +123456789 username.txt


python D:\teleinviter\ +123456789 username.txt


  • Enter following command :
    cd ../your_path/
    python ../your_path/ +123456789 username.txt


python D:\teleinviter\ +123456789 username.txt

Bugs and Issues

Have a bug or an issue with this script? Open a new issue here on GitHub or leave a message on my telegram.

** ⚠️ Disclaimer**: Please be note that this is a learning project for me. I am by no means responsible for any usage of this script. Use on your own behalf. I'm also not responsible if your accounts get any punishment due to extensive use of this script.