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123 lines (85 loc) · 6.67 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (85 loc) · 6.67 KB

how to run??

please install first

proto-tools -cmd=install

generate proto from your database

proto-tools -cmd=gen-proto-db host=localhost name=transaction user=root password=


  • Schema generator
    • Read Comment Parsing get required hit
    • Table Comment Whitelist parsing
  • lewati DO_NOT_REMOVE when re generate
  • add options whitelist
  • joins Table
  • get foreign key
  • enchance svc
  • add whitelist
  • add option db name-

git clone && (cd protobuf && git checkout v1.2.0 && go build -o $GOBIN/protoc-gen-go ./protoc-gen-go) && rm -r protobuf

how to deploy kube

-cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=transaction env=production version=v1

-cmd=deploy mode=service svc=transaction env=production version=v1

-cmd=deploy mode=gateway svc=transaction env=production version=v1

-cmd=deploy mode=virtual svc=transaction env=production version=v1

-cmd=deploy mode=scale svc=transaction env=production version=v1

export GOOS=linux go build -o jamet

PRAKERJA_ENV = production

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=publish_digest svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 digest=f82dbdd0 ./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 name=PRAKERJA_ENV value=production ./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=init svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 ./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 ./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=scale svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 min=5 max=20

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=partner-api env=production version=v1

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=publish_digest svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 digest=3624647

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=transaction env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=batch env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=region env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=platform-api env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=wallet env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=user-api env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=notification env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=image env=production version=v1 && \

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=transaction env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=bank-integration env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=batch env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=region env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=platform-api env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=wallet env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=user-api env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=deployment svc=notification env=production version=v1


kubectl get pod -l app=bank-integration kubectl logs -l app=bank-integration -c bank-integration

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=publish_svc svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 min=3 max=10 host=survey-incentive.prakerja.local &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=publish_digest svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 digest=f82dbdd0 ./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=DBADDRESS &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=DBUSER value=pmo_survey &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=DBNAME value=survey_production &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=DBPASSWORD value=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=DBPORT value=1921 &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=USER_API_ADDRESS value=user-api.default.svc.cluster.local &&
./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=push_env svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1 name=TRANS_ADDRESS value=http://transaction.default.svc.cluster.local/api/v1/tr/survey/create

clear docker logs

echo "" > $(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' engine)

kubectl autoscale deployment transaction --min=10 --max=40 kubectl scale --current-replicas=2 --replicas=3 deployment/mysql # jika Deployment bernama mysql saat ini memiliki ukuran 2, skalakan mysql menjadi 3

kubectl exec -it shell-demo -- /bin/bash kubectl rollout restart deployment mydeploy

./jamet -cmd=deploy mode=init svc=survey-incentive env=production version=v1

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=db_admin password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=transaction kafka= server=dbserver_trx group=trx_transaction_group

docker run -dit --restart unless-stopped -e 'ROLE=data_mesh' -e 'CODE=certificate' -e 'MAX_ROUTINE=20' --name certificate -d zokypesch/data_mesh:latest

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=db_admin password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=users kafka= server=dbserver_users group=users_group

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=batch_svc password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=batch kafka= server=dbserver_batch group=batch_group

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=pmo_user password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=pmo-platform kafka= server=dbserver_general group=general_group

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=pmo_user password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=wallet_prakerja kafka= server=dbserver_general group=general_group

go run main.go -cmd=etl user=pmo_user password=Pr4K3rj4S3laM4ny4 db=survey_tests kafka= server=dbserver_general group=general_group