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Simple in-memory cache for the OpenAM Policy Agent for NodeJS

Installation: npm install @forgerock/openam-agent-cache-simple

API Docs

SimpleCache ⇐ Cache

Kind: global class
Extends: Cache

new SimpleCache([options])

Cache implementation that stores entries in an object in memory (not efficient for large caches)

Param Type Default Description
[options] object Options
[options.expireAfterSeconds] number 300 Expiration time in seconds (if undefined, entries won't expire)
[options.logger] winston~Logger Logger


var agent = new PolicyAgent({
  cache: new SimpleCache({expireAfterSeconds: 600}) // cached entries expire after 10 minutes

simpleCache.get(key) ⇒ Promise

Get a single cached item If the entry is not found, reject

Kind: instance method of SimpleCache

Param Type
key string

simpleCache.put(key, value)

Store a single cached item (overwrites existing)

Kind: instance method of SimpleCache

Param Type
key string
value *

simpleCache.remove(key) ⇒ Promise

Remove a single cached item

Kind: instance method of SimpleCache

Param Type
key string

simpleCache.quit() ⇒ Promise

If this were a database, it would close the connection, but since it's not, it doesn't

Kind: instance method of SimpleCache


The sample code described herein is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, to the fullest extent permitted by law. ForgeRock does not warrant or guarantee the individual success developers may have in implementing the sample code on their development platforms or in production configurations.

ForgeRock does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use, results of use, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any data or information relating to the sample code. ForgeRock disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, and in particular, disclaims all warranties of merchantability, and warranties related to the code, or any service or software related thereto.

ForgeRock shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages or costs of any type arising out of any action taken by you or others related to the sample code.


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