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Build Debian/Julia container with MPI support for Comet

Prebuilt image

You can also test the container I have already built, it is available on Comet at:


Create image on your laptop

Choose a location:


Make sure to have singularity 2.2 installed, create an empty image:

sudo singularity create -s 4096 $IMAGE

First use the official Docker image for Julia based on Debian Jessie to inizialize it:

sudo singularity import $IMAGE docker://julia

Then run the bootstrap file to install mvapich, more Julia packages, including MPI.jl:

sudo singularity bootstrap $IMAGE debian_julia.def

Julia packages are not installed in the home of the user as usual but in /usr/local/julia.

Test on comet

Copy the image to Comet

scp $IMAGE$USER/temp_project/

Modify the run_singularity.slrm script to test your job.


In case of MPI errors, install the MPI package in your home folder, get a shell inside the container:

singularity shell $IMAGE

Open the Julia terminal:


Install and build MPI.jl:

julia> Pkg.add("MPI")