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Zotonic’s template syntax is very similar to the Django Template Language (DTL).

The templates in Zotonic are based on the Django Template Language (DTL), using a customized version of the excellent ErlyDTL library. Over the years, Zotonic’s version of ErlyDTL has diverged, adding Zotonic-specific features and more powerful expression possibilities. However, the main template syntax remains the same:

The double accolade/brace construct outputs the value of the variable:

{{ foo }}

Optionally, you can pipe these variables through a so-called filter, which is applied before output:

{{ foo|lower }}

Template tags allow you to express complex constructs like loops and branches:

{% if username == 'Arjan' %} Hi, Arjan {% endif %}

Template locations and the lookup system

All templates are located in the templates directory of modules or sites. Templates are referred to by their full filename. When a template is inside a directory then the full path of the template must be given.

For example, say we have two templates:


The above are referred to as foobar.tpl and email/email_base.tpl; just email_base.tpl will not find the email template.

All templates of all modules are grouped together, regardless of which module they are defined in. The module name is never given as part of the template name.

Templates for pages

When showing a page, Zotonic looks up templates in order of specificity and renders the first template it finds:

  1. (unique name)
  2. page.category.tpl (category)
  3. page.tpl (fallback)

So if you have a page in the category ‘text’ and that page has a unique name <model-rsc> ‘my_text_page’, Zotonic will look for the following templates:

  1. page.my_text_page.tpl (unique name)
  2. page.text.tpl (category)
  3. page.tpl (fallback)
  • controller-page, tag-catinclude.

Module priority and overriding templates

Templates with the same filename can be defined in multiple modules. The actual template which is selected depends on the priority of the module.

The module priority is a number defined in the module’s code and is usually a number between 1 and 1000. A lower number gives a higher priority. Templates in a module with higher priority hide templates in a module with lower priority.

When two modules have the same priority then the modules are sorted by their name. That means that, given the same priority number, mod_aloha has higher priority than mod_hello.

This mechanism allows any module (or site) to replace every single template in the system with its own version.


Including all similar named templates

The tag {% all include "foobar.tpl" %} will include all templates named foobar.tpl.
Where the tag {% include "foobar.tpl" %} only includes the highest priority foobar.tpl.

See also tag-all-include and tag-all-catinclude.

Module priority and overriding lib files

Exactly the same module priority is also valid for all files in the lib directory of modules.

This allows any module to change the static css, javascript, images, favicon.ico, robots.txt and other static files with its own version.

User Agent selection

The module priority is a very powerful mechanism for extending and adapting Zotonic.

But what if a page requested with a mobile phone should be served with a different template than the same page requested with a desktop computer?

For this there is another template selection mechanism, based on the categorization of the device requesting the page.

User agent classes

Every request Zotonic classifies the device using the User-Agent request header. The possible classifications are:


Screen readers, feature phones, text only browsers.


Smart phones, capable of javascript and having a touch interface or other pointing device.


Big screen, javascript, modern browser and touch interface.


Big screen, javascript, modern browser and pointing device.

The selected class is available in m.req.ua_class or from Erlang z_user_agent:get_class/1.


More properties can be found using m.req.ua_props or z_user_agent:get_props/1.

The four user agent classes map to subdirectories of the templates directory:


All templates that are not in those sub-directories are categorized as generic.

Lookup by user agent class

The template system follows a strict hierarchy between the different user agent classes:

desktop → tablet → phone → text → generic

Where the system starts looking from the current user agent class to the right. So for a phone, the templates in the tablet and desktop directories will never be considered.

Combination of user agent and module priority

The user agent class and the module priority are two dimensions of the template selection process.

The module priority is more important than the user agent class.

A mismatch in user agent class (e.g. a desktop template when looking for a phone version) will never be selected. A sub-optimal version (e.g. a generic or text version instead of a phone version) will be selected if that sub-optimal version resides in a module with higher priority than the module with the better matching version.

The all include tag will select the best version from all modules. Again skipping any user agent mismatches.


Building templates and mobile first.

The lookup strategy for templates conforms to a mobile first strategy. When adding a page or building a site, the idea is to start with the simplest, text only, version of the site. The text only version is then placed in the templates/text directory. Next will be adding more features, markup and interaction for the phone version. Only then moving up to the big screen for tablet (touch) or desktop (mouse).


Seeing which template is selected.

mod_development implements a screen where it is possible to see in real time which templates are included and compiled. The full path of all templates can be seen, giving insight in the template selection process.

See also mod_development

Template variables

Global variables

The following properties are always available in a template.


The name of the dispatch rule that was applied to render the current page.


A list containing the request path used as initial input for the dispatcher. The path is split on / and after an optional rewrite. This means that the list doesn’t contain the language prefix. For example, the path /en/foo/bar?a=b will give the list ["foo", "bar"].


Same as zotonic_dispatch_path, but set to the path after an optional internal request rewrite inside the dispatcher. For example if a resource has its page_path set to /foo and the requested path is /en/foo then the zotonic_dispatch_path will be set to ["foo"] and the zotonic_dispatch_path_rewrite could be set to something like ["page", "1234", "foo-slug"].


The currently selected language. This an atom, for example: en.


A dictionary containing the current request's query variables. For GET requests, these are the arguments passed from the query string (e.g. ?foo=bar); for POST requests, these are the values posted in the POST form. For more access to the raw request data, look at the model-req model.


The local date and time in Erlang tuple notation, for instance {{2014,4,17},{13,50,2}}.


m is not really a value, but it's an indicator to trigger a lookup in one of Zotonic's models. For instance the model-rsc model is always exposed and can be used like this {{ m.rsc[123].title }}.


Only available in postback contexts. The id of the html element triggering a postback.


Only available in postback contexts. The id of the html element that is the target of a postback.


Only available in postback contexts. The name of the Erlang module handling the postback event.

Besides these variables, all key/value pairs that are set in the #context{} record (using z_context:set/2) that was used to render the current template are also exposed into the template's global scope.


To print the variables in your template for debugging, you can use the scomp-debug tag:

{% debug %}


Tags add logic and flexibility to your templates. The general syntax for a tag is the following:

{% tagname param1=value param2=value %}

Some tags are block tags and therefore consist of a start and an end tag. The name of the end tag is always end plus the name of the opening tag:

{% tag %}
{% endtag %}

For instance, use the for tag to loop over lists:

{% for article in articles %}
    {{ article.title }}
{% endfor %}

And the if tag to check conditions:

{% if article.is_published %}
    There you go: {{ article.title }}
{% else %}
    Sorry, the article hasn’t been published yet!
{% endif %}
  • List of all tags <tags> reference.
  • Create your own tags cookbook <cookbook-custom-tag>.


Filters are used to modify values you want to show or use in your templates. For example:

{{ value|lower }}

will lowercase the input value using the filter-lower filter.

a listing of all filters <filters>.


A template model provides data to a template through the syntax: For example:

{# Get the site's title #}
{{ }}

{# Fetch the title of the page with name page_home #}
{{ m.rsc.page_home.title }}

{# Fetch the title of the page whose id is the integer 1 #}
{{ m.rsc[1].title }}

{# Fetch the title of the page whose id is the template variable id #}
{{ m.rsc[id].title }}

{# Perform a search on all persons #}
{% for p in[{query cat='person'}] %}{{ p.title }}{% endfor %}
  • list of all models <models> in the reference
  • cookbook-custom-model cookbook


To include a resource’s depiction, use tag-image:

{% image id %}

You can pass extra parameters to adjust the image on the fly:

{% image id width=200 height=200 crop %}

The image will then be resized and cropped to the specified 200x200 pixels.

tag-image for all parameters

Media classes

Instead of inline image tag parameters, you can use media classes to define image transformations. The advantage is that this image definition can then be reused amongst templates.

Create a templates/mediaclass.config file in your site directory:

    {"thumb", [
        {width, 200},
        {height, 200},

This defines a media class called ‘thumb’, which can be used to display a 120x120 cropped square image. You then only need to refer to this media class in your image tag:

{% image id mediaclass="thumb" %}

The image URL will have a checksum embedded in it so that when the contents of the media class is changed, all images which use that media class will be regenerated to reflect the new media class.

Raw ImageMagick options

Besides the normal image processing options, as described in tag-image, it is possible to add literal ImageMagick convert commands to the mediaclass definition.

For example:

{magick, "-level 90%,100% +level-colors \\#FE7D18,\\#331575"}

(Note that you have to double any backslashes that were needed for the convert command line.)

This command is given as-is to the ImageMagick convert command, therefore it is best to first try it with the command-line convert command to find the correct options and command line escapes needed.

There are three variations: pre_magick, magick, and post_magick. The only difference is that the pre_magick is added before any other filter argument, magick somewhere between, and post_magick after the last filter.

In this way it is possible to pre- or post-process an image before or after resizing.

See for examples of using ImageMagick from the command line.

User-agent specific images

Since mediaclass.config files are found using the guide-lookup-system, it is subject to the same selection rules that normal templates fall under.

The consequence is that you can have multiple mediaclass.config files, for instance one in desktop/, one in phone/. The media classes defined in those subdirectories can have the same names. This way you can make thumbnail sizes smaller for phones, or serve higher-quality JPEG file for desktop browsers.

See guide-lookup-system-ua for the details on the user-agent selection mechanism.


The action defines what should happen when the wire is triggered. Actions can be client-side (such as JavaScript animations) or server-side postbacks.

Trigger actions from JavaScript

To trigger an action from an HTML element, you attach a wire to the element:

<a href="#" id="link">Click me!</a>
{% wire type="click" id="link" action={fade_out target="link"} %}

The wire’s id value must match the id value of the HTML element. This wires up a link with a action-fade_out action, so that when the link is clicked, it fades away.

Actions can be called from the template, but can also be called when some server-side event occurs.

guide-template-autoids, cookbook-custom-action

Server postbacks

Postbacks are server-side actions. For instance, to submit a form asynchronously through Ajax, use a postback:

{% wire type="submit" id="myform" postback="form_submitted" delegate="mysite" %}
<form id="myform" method="post" action="postback">
    <input name="username" />
    <button>Submit form</button>

This will submit the form over Ajax; the result is that a function will be called in the specified delegate module mysite.erl, called event/2:

event(#submit{}, Context) ->
    io:format("The value of 'username' is: ~s~n", z_context:get("username", Context),

postback reference <action-postback>

Trigger browser actions from the server

listing of all actions <actions>.

Named actions

If you want to trigger actions from your JavaScript code, give the action a name:

{% wire name="my_action" action={growl text="Hello World"} %}

You can then refer to it in your JavaScript code:


And pass arguments to the action:

z_event("my_action", { foo: bar });

The argument foo will become a query argument, that you can access in your Erlang module with z_context:get_q(foo, Context).

Adding CSS and JavaScript


Auto-generated identifiers

If you include a template many times (i.e. from a for loop), then having fixed element identifiers are no good. Zotonic provides a mechanism to generate an identifer which has a unique value within the template.

To prefix the id with a unique value (per invocation of the template) prefix the id with a #-sign:

<div id="{{ #foo }}">

This special notation will replace #foo with an auto-generated identifer, which will expand to something like this:

<div id="ubifgt-foo">

Unique ids can also be generated inside a for loop:

{% for id in mylist %}
    <li id="{{ }}">{{ id.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

This will generate HTML like this:

<li id="gdjqa-foo-1234">Some great news</li>

When using a scomp-wire tag, that same unique id can be referenced:

{% for id in mylist %}
    <li><a id="{{ }}" href="#">{{ m.rsc[id].title }}</a></li>
    {% wire action=some_action %}
{% endfor %}

Icons in templates

Zotonic provides a couple of ways to show icons in templates:

  • mod_artwork gives access to FontAwesome and Material Design icons. It also has a number of other icon collections, mostly PNG images. Activate the module and follow the instructions on the doc page.
  • Zotonic icons provided by mod_base. This is explained on the current page.

To create a certain amount of consistency across modules, Zotonic comes with a small set of commonly used icons and CSS classes (edit, help, close, etcetera) plus the Zotonic logo.

Use cases:

  • You create your frontend from scratch, but you also have pages in your site that are provided by other modules, for instance the login screens. It would be good if the social login icons show up.
  • You are writing a template or module and like to take advantage of ready available icons.
  • You are writing frontend styles in LESS and you would like to extend Zotonic / FontAwesome / Material Design icons.

Include the Zotonic icons CSS file in your template:

{% lib

Then use this syntax in your template HTML:

z-icon z-icon-<name>

For instance:

<span class="z-icon z-icon-off"></span>

ref-icons reference