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71 lines (65 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (65 loc) · 2.9 KB

Phpstorm Live Templates Twig OctoberCMS (Archived: OctoberCMS is totally dead because of greediness)


Common Boilerplate

Abbreviation Description Code Generated
!ph Inject to placeholder variable {% put ... %} ... {% endput %}
!phd Inject to placeholder variable and default {% put ... %} ... {% endput %}
!scripts Inject to scripts {% put scripts %} <script> ... </scripts> {% endput %}
!styles Inject to styles {% put styles%} <style> ... </style> {% endput %}
comp Generate component block {% component '...' %}
content Generate content block {% content '...' %}
dump Generate dump block {{ dump(...) }}
fajax Generate form_ajax block {{ form_ajax() }}
fclose Generate form_close block {{ form_close() }}
flash Generate flash block {% flash %}...{% endflash %}
fopen {{ form_open() }}
for {% for ... in ... %} ... {% endfor %}
fore {% for ... in ... %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %}
hc {{ html_clean('...') }}
he {{ html_email('...') }}
hl {{ html_limit('...') }}
hs {{ html_strip('...') }}
if Generate if block {% if ... %} ... {% endif %}
ife Generate if else block {% if ... %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
ifs Generate if else shorthand {{ ... ? '...' : '...' }}
macro {% macro var1(...) %} ... {% endmacro var1 %}
page {% page %}
partial {% partial '...' %}
ph {% placeholder ... %}
phd {% placeholder ... default %} ... {% endplaceholder %}
scripts {% scripts %}
strc {{ str_camel(...) }}
strl {{ str_limit(...) }}
strpl {{ str_plural(...) }}
strsn {{ str_snake(...) }}
strsn2 {{ str_snake(...), '...' }}
strst {{ str_studly(...) }}
strw {{ str_words(...) }}
styles {% styles %}
tc {{ this.controller.var }}
te {{ this.environment.var }}
tl {{ this.layout.var }}
tpg {{ }}
tpr {{ this.param.var }}
ts {{ this.session.var }}
tt {{ this.theme.var }}
verb {% verbatim %} ... {% endverbatim %}
|app {{ '...' | app }}
|d {{ '...' | default }}
|ih {{ '...' | imageHeight }}
|iw {{ '...' | imageWidth }}
|md {{ '...' | md }}
|m {{ '...' | media }}
|p {{ '...' | page }}
|raw {{ '...' | raw }}
|rs {{ '...' | resize }}
|th {{ '...' | theme }}

Additional Boilerplate

Abbreviation Description
~html HTML boilerplate + meta + combine CSS & JS
cc Combine CSS file
cj Combine JS file