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Contributing code

Structure of the package

The functionality of the pde package is split into multiple sub-package. The domain, together with its symmetries, periodicities, and discretizations, is described by classes defined in ~pde.grids. Discretized fields are represented by classes in ~pde.fields, which have methods for differential operators with various boundary conditions collected in ~pde.grids.boundaries. The actual pdes are collected in ~pde.pdes and the respective solvers are defined in ~pde.solvers.

Extending functionality

All code is build on a modular basis, making it easy to introduce new classes that integrate with the rest of the package. For instance, it is simple to define a new partial differential equation by subclassing ~pde.pdes.base.PDEBase. Alternatively, PDEs can be defined by specifying their evolution rates using mathematical expressions by creating instances of the class ~pde.pdes.pde.PDE. Moreover, new grids can be introduced by subclassing ~pde.grids.base.GridBase. It is also possible to only use parts of the package, e.g., the discretized differential operators from ~pde.grids.operators.

New operators can be associated with grids by registering them using ~pde.grids.base.GridBase.register_operator. For instance, to create a new operator for the cylindrical grid one needs to define a factory function that creates the operator. This factory function takes an instance of ~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.Boundaries as an argument and returns a function that takes as an argument the actual data array for the grid. Note that the grid itself is an attribute of ~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.Boundaries. This operator would be registered with the grid by calling CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("operator", make_operator), where the first argument is the name of the operator and the second argument is the factory function.

Design choices

The data layout of field classes (subclasses of ~pde.fields.base.FieldBase) was chosen to allow for a simple decomposition of different fields and tensor components. Consequently, the data is laid out in memory such that spatial indices are last. For instance, the data of a vector field field defined on a 2d Cartesian grid will have three dimensions and can be accessed as[vector_component, x, y], where vector_component is either 0 or 1.

Coding style

The coding style is enforced using isort and black. Moreover, we use Google Style docstrings, which might be best learned by example. The documentation, including the docstrings, are written using reStructuredText, with examples in the following cheatsheet. To ensure the integrity of the code, we also try to provide many test functions, contained in the separate sub-folder tests. These tests can be ran using scripts in the scripts subfolder in the root folder. This folder also contain a script, which uses mypy to check the consistency of the python type annotations. We use these type annotations for additional documentation and they have also already been useful for finding some bugs.

We also have some conventions that should make the package more consistent and thus easier to use. For instance, we try to use properties instead of getter and setter methods as often as possible. Because we use a lot of numba just-in-time compilation to speed up computations, we need to pass around (compiled) functions regularly. The names of the methods and functions that make such functions, i.e. that return callables, should start with 'make*' where the wildcard should describe the purpose of the function being created.

Running unit tests

The pde package contains several unit tests, collection in the tests folder in the project root. These tests ensure that basic functions work as expected, in particular when code is changed in future versions. To run all tests, there are a few convenience scripts in the root directory scripts. The most basic script is, which uses pytest to run the tests. Clearly, the python package pytest needs to be installed. There are also additional scripts that for instance run tests in parallel (needs the python package pytest-xdist installed), measure test coverage (needs package pytest-cov installed), and make simple performance measurements. Moreover, there is a script, which uses mypy to check the consistency of the python type annotations and there is a script, which formats the code automatically to adhere to our style.

Before committing a change to the code repository, it is good practice to run the tests, check the type annotations, and the coding style with the scripts described above.