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Z80 Assembler Reference

This article is a complete reference of the spectnetide's Z80 Assembler implementation. The assembler was designed with high performance in mind. Internally it uses the Antlr tool for parsing the code.

Syntax Basics

The assembler language uses a special way of case-sensitivity. You can write the reserved words (such as assembly instructions, pragmas, or directives) either with lowercase or uppercase letters, but you cannot mix these cases. For example, this instructions use proper syntax:

    LD c,A
    JP #12ac
    djnz MyLabel

However, in these samples, character cases are mixed, and do the compiler will refuse them:

    Ld c,A
    Jp #12ac
    djNZ MyLabel

In symbolic names (labels, identifiers, etc.), you can mix lowercase and uppercase letters. Nonetheless, the compiler applies case-insensitive comparison when mathcing symbolic names. So, these statement pairs are totally equivalent with each other:

    jp MainEx
    jp MAINEX

    djnz mylabel
    djnz MyLabel

    ld hl,ErrNo
    ld hl,errNo

Language Structure

Each line of the source code is a declaration unit and is parsed in its own context. Such a source code line can be one of these constructs:

  • A Z80 instruction can be directly compiled to binary code (such as ld bc,#12AC)
  • A directive that is used by the preprocessor of the compiler (e.g #include, #if, etc.)
  • A pragma that emits binary output or instructs the compiler for something (.org, .defb, etc)
  • A comment that helps the understanding of the code.


Comments start with a semicolon (;). The compiler takes the rest of the line into account as the body of the comment. This sample illustrates this concept:

; This line is comment-only line
Wait:   ld b,8
Wait1:  djnz Wait1 ; wait while the counter reaches zero

If you need multi-line comments, you can add single-line comments after each other. The Z80 assembly in spectnetide does not have separate multi-line comment syntax.


The language syntax provides these types of literals:

  • Decimal numbers. You can use up to 5 digits (0..9) to declare a decimal number. Examples: 16, 32768, 2354.
  • Hexadecimal numbers. You can use up to 4 hexadecimal digits (0..9, a..f or A..F) to declare a hexadecimal literal. The compiler looks for one of the # or 0x prefix, or one of the h or H suffixes to recognize them as hexadecimal. Here are a few samples:

You can use negative number with the minus sign in front of them. Actually, the sign is not the part of the numeric literal, it is an operator.

  • Characters. You can put a character between double quotes (for example: "Q").
  • Strings. You can put a series of character between double quotes (for example: "Sinclair").

You can use escape sequences to define non-visible or control characters, as you will learn soon.

  • The $ token. This literal represents the current assembly address.


You can use identifiers to refer to labels and other constants. Identifiers must start with a letter (a..z or A..Z) or the underscore character (_). The subsequent characters can be digits (0..9), too. Here are a few samples:


Theoretically, you can use as long identifiers as you want. I suggest you to make them no longer than 32 characters so that readers may read your code easily.

Characters and Strings

You have already learned that you can utilize character and string literals (wrapped into double quotes), such as in these samples:

"This is a string. The next sample is a single character"

ZX Spectrum has a character set with special control characters such as AT, INK, PAPER, and so on.

The spectnetide assembler allows you special escape sequences to define them:

Escape Code Character
\i 0x10 INK
\p 0x11 PAPER
\f 0x12 FLASH
\b 0x13 BRIGHT
\o 0x15 OVER
\a 0x16 AT
\t 0x17 TAB
\P 0x60 pound sign
\C 0x7F copyright sign
\\ 0x5C backslash
\' 0x27 single quote
\" 0x22 double quote
\0 0x00 binary zero

Observe, some of these sequences have different values than their corresponding pairs in other languages, such as C, C++, C#, or Java.

To declare a character by its binary code, you can use the \xH or
\xHH sequences (H is a hexadecimal digit). For example, these escape sequence pairs are equivalent:


"\C by me"
"\x7f \x62y me"


The Z80 assembler has a rich syntax for evaluating expressions. You can use operands and operators just like in most programming languages. Nevertheless, the spectnetide implementation has its particular way of evaluating expressions:

  • All expressions are evaluated as 16-bit unsigned integers. Overflows are ignored: the compiler internally uses 32-bit integers during the evaluations and keeps only the rightmost 16 bits of the result.
  • When a Z80 operation (for example, ld a,NN) needs an 8-bit value, the rightmost 8-bits are used.

In the future, these compiler features may change by issuing a warning in case of arithmetic overflow.

  • In logical expressions, any non-zero value represents true; the zero value
  • stands for false.
  • Instead of parentheses — ( and ) — you can use square brackets — [ and ] — to group operations.
; This is a syntax error
ld hl,(Offset+#20)*2+BaseAddr

; This is valid
ld hl,[Offset+#20]*2+BaseAddr


You can use the following operands in epressions:

  • Decimal and hexadecimal literals
  • Character literals
  • Identifiers
  • The $ token

String literals cannot be used as operands.


You can use about a dozen operators, including unary, binary and ternary ones. In this section you will learn about them. I will introduce them in descending order of their precendence.

Conditional Operator

The assembler supports using only one ternary operator, the conditional operator:

conditional-expression ? true-value : false-value

This operation results in -1:

2 > 3 ? 2 : -1

When the conditional-expression evaluates to true, the operation results in true-value; otherwise in false-value.

Conditional expressions are evaluated from right to left, in contrast to binary operators, which use left-to-right evaluation.

Binary Bitwise Operators

Operator token Precedence Description
``` ``` 1
^ 2 Bitwise XOR
& 3 Bitwise AND

Relational Operators

Operator token Precedence Description
== 4 Equality
!= 4 Non-equality
< 5 Less than
<= 5 Less than or equal
> 5 Greater than
>= 5 Greater than or equal

Shift Operators

The bits of the left operand are shifted by the number of bits given by the right operand.

Operator token Precedence Description
<< 6 Shift left
>> 6 Shift right

Basic Arithmetic Operators

Operator token Precedence Description
+ 7 Addition
- 7 Subtraction
* 8 Multiplication
/ 8 Division
% 8 Modulo calculation

Unary operators

Operator token Precedence Description
+ 9 Unary plus
- 9 Unary minus

Do not forget, you can change the defult precendence with [ and ].

Z80 Instructions

spectnetide implements Every officially documented Z80 instruction as well as the non-official ones. During the implementation I used as a reference.

Z80 instructions may start with a label. Labels are identifiers that can be terminated by an optional colon (:). Both labels in these samples are accepted by the compiler:

Start: ld b,#f0
Wait   djnz Wait

Z80 Mnemonics

The compiler accepts these mnemonics:


Z80 Registers

The compiler uses the standard 8-bit and 16-bit register names, as specified in the official Zilog Z80 documentation:

  • 8-bit registers: A, B, C, D, E, H, L, I, R
  • 16-bit registers: AF, BC, DE, HL, SP, IX, IY
  • For the 8-bit halves of the IX and IY index registers, the compiler uses these names: XL, XH, YL, YH. Alternatively, the compiler accepts these names, too: IXL, IXH, IYL, IYH. As a kind of exception to general naming conventions, these mixed-case names are also accepted: IXl, IXh, IYl, IYh.

JP Syntax

Z80 assemblers use two different syntax for the indirect JP statements:

; Notation #1
jp hl
jp ix
jp iy

; Notation #2
jp (hl)
jp (ix)
jp (iy)

The spectnetide compiler accepts both notation.

ALU operations syntax

Three standard ALU operations between A and other operands (ADD, ADC, and SBC) sign A as their first operand:

add a,b
adc a,(hl)
sbc a,e

Hovewer, the five other standard ALU operations between A and other operands (SUB, AND, XOR, OR , and CP) omit A from their notation:

sub e
and (hl)
xor e
or c
cp b

The spectnetide compiler accepts the second group of ALU operations with using the explicit A operand, too:

sub a,e
and a,(hl)
xor a,e
or a,c
cp a,b

Expression Evaluation

The compiler evaluates expressions in two trips. First, when the lines of the assembly codes are successfully parsed, and the compiler emits the output. This time might be expressions that cannot be promptly evaluated. So, after the code is emitted, the compiler start fixup trip to resolve the values of symbols that remained unresolved in the first trip. This a sample demonstrates this situation:

        ld hl,Table
        ld a,#20
        ; ...
Table:  ld bc,#4000

When the compiler emits the code for the ld hl,Table instruction, it does not know the value of Table, as this symbol will receive its value only later. In the first trip, the compiler records the fact that later it should use the value of Table to complete the ld hl,NNNN instruction. While emitting the code, the compiler reaches the ld bc,#4000 instruction and at that point it has a value for Table. After the code is emitted, in the second — fixup — trip, the compiler is able to replace Table with its value.

There might be situations where the compiler cannot resolve symbolic values. In this case it signs an error. For example, in this example there is a circular reference between Addr1 and Addr2:

Addr1: .equ Addr2+#20
       ; ...
Addr2  .equ Addr1-#10


The compiler understands several pragmas that — thought they are not Z80 instructions — influence the emitted code. Each pragma has two alternative syntax, one with a dot prefix and another without it.

For example, you can write ORG or .ORG to use the ORG pragma.

I prefer using the dot-prefixed versions of pragmas.

The ORG pragma

With the ORG pragma, you define where to place the compiled Z80 code when you run it. For example, the following line sets this location to the 0x6000 address:

.org #6000

If you do not use ORG, the default address is 0x8000.

You can apply multiple ORG in your source code. Each usage creates a new segment in the assembler output. Take a look at this code:

    ld h,a
    .org #8100
    ld d,a
    .org #8200
    ld b,a

This code generates three output segment, each with one emitted byte that represents the corresponding LD operation. The first segment will start at 0x8000 (default), the second at 0x8100, whilst the third at 0x8200.

The ENT pragma

The ENT pragma defines the entry code of the program when you run it from Visual Studio. If you do not apply ENT in your code, the entry point will be the first address of the very first output code segment. Here's a sample:

    .org #6200
    ld hl,#4000
    .ent $
    jp #6100

    .org #6100
    call MyCode

The .ent $ pragma will sign the address of the jp #6100 isntruction as the entry address of the code. Should you omit the ENT pragma from this code, the entry point would be 0x6200, for this is the start of the very first output segment, even though there is another segment starting at 0x6100.

The XENT pragma

The IDE provides a command, Export Z80 Program, which allows you to create a LOAD block that automatically starts the code. The Run Z80 Program and Debug Z80 Program command simply jump to the address you specify with the ENT pragma. However, the auto LOAD block uses the RANDOMIZE USR address pattern where you need to define a different entry address that can be closed with a RET statement. The XENT pragma sets this address. Here's a sample:

	.org #8000
	.ent #8000
	call SetBorder
	jp #12ac
	.xent $
	ld a,4
	out (#fe),a

The IDE will use #8000 — according to the .ent #8000 pragma — when starting the code with the Run Z80 Program. Nonetheless, the Export Z80 Program will offer #8006 — according to the .xent $ pragma — as the startup code address.

The DISP pragma

The DISP pragma allows you to define a displacement for the code. The value affects the $ token that represents the current assembly address. Your code is placed according to the ORG of the particular output segment, but the assembly address is always displaced with the value according to DISP. Take a look at this sample:

    .org #6000
    .disp #1000
    ld hl,$

The ld hl,$ instruction will be placed to the 0x6000 address, but it will be equivalent with the ld hl,#7000 statement due to the .disp #1000 displacement.

Of course, you can use negative displacement, too.

The EQU pragma

The EQU pragma allows you assign a value to an identifier. The label before EQU is the name of the identifier (or symbol), the exression used in EQU is the value of the variable. This is a short sample:

        .org #6200
        ld hl,Sym1
Sym1:   .equ #4000
        ld bc,Sym2
Sym2:   .equ $+4

This sample is equivalent with this one:

    .org #6200
    ld hl,#4000 ; Sym1 <-- #4000
    ld bc,#620a ; Sym2 <-- #620a as an ld bc,NNNN operation and
                           an ld hl,NNNN each takes 3 bytes

The VAR pragma

The VAR pragma works similarly to EQU. However, while EQU does not allow using the same symbol with mulitple value assignments, VAR assigns a new value to the symbol every time it is used.

The DEFB pragma

The DEFB pragma emits 8-bit expressions (bytes) from the current assembly position. here is a sample:

    .org #6000
    .defb #01, #02, $, #04

The DEFB pragma will emit these four bytes starting at 0x6000: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04. The $ expression will emit 0x03, because at the emission point the current assembly address is 0x6003. The DEFB program takes into account only the rightmost 8 bits of any expression: this is how $ results in 0x03.

The DEFW pragma

The DEFW pragma is similar to DEFB, but it emits 16-bit values with LSB, MSB order.

    .defw #1234, #abcd

This simple code above will emit these four bytes: 0x34, 0x12, 0xcd, 0xab.

The DEFM pragma

The DEFM pragma emits the byte-array representation of a string. Each character in the string is replaced with the correcponding byte. Tak a look at this code:

    .defm "\C by me"

Here, the DEFM pragma emits 7 bytes for the seven characters (the first escape sequence represents the copyrigh sign) : 0x7f, 0x20, 0x62, 0x69, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x65.

The DEFS pragma

You can emit zero (0x00) bytes with this pragma. It accepts a single argument, the number of zeros to emit. This code sends 16 zeros to the generated output:

    .defs 16

The FILLB pragma

With FILLB, you can emit a particular count of a specific byte. The first argument of the pragma sets the count, the second specifies the byte to emit. This code emits 24 bytes of #A5 values:

    .fillb 24,#a5

The FILLW pragma

With FILLW, you can emit a particular count of a specific 16-bit word. The first argument of the pragma sets the count, the second specifies the word to emit. This code emits 8 words (16 bytes) of #12A5 values:

    .fillw 8,#12a5

Of course, the bytes of a word are emitted in LSB/MSB order.

The SKIP pragma

The SKIP pragma — as its name suggests — skips the number of bytes as specified in its argument. It fills up the skipped bytes with 0xff.

The EXTERN pragma

The EXTERN pragma is kept for future extension. The current compiler accepts it, but does not do any action when observing this pragma.

The MODEL pragma

This pragma is used when you run or debug your Z80 code within the emulator. With Spectrum 128K, Spectrum +3, and Spectrum Next models, you can run the Z80 code in differend contexts. The MODEL pragma lets you specify on which model you want to run the code. You can use the SPECTRUM48, SPECTRUM128, SPECTRUMP3, or NEXT identifiers to choose the model (identifiers are case-insensitive):

.model Spectrum48
.model Spectrum128
.model SpectrumP3
.model Next

For example, when you create code for Spectrum 128K, and add the .model Spectrum48 pragma to the code, the Run Z80 Code command will start the virtual machine, turns the machine into Spectrum 48K mode, and ignites the code just after that.

Note: With the #ifmod and #ifnmod directives, you can check the model type. For example, the following Z80 code results green background on Spectrum 48K, cyan an Spectrum 128K:

    .model Spectrum48

#ifmod Spectrum128
    BorderColor: .equ 5
    RetAddr: .equ #2604
    BorderColor: .equ 4
    RetAddr: .equ #12a2

    .org #8000
    ld a,BorderColor
    out (#fe),a
    jp RetAddr


The directives of the spectnetide Z80 Assembler representation are used for preprocessing — similarly as in the C and C++ programming languages — though their semantics are different.

Although you can add comments to the end of directives, they may not have labels.

The #IF Directive

You can use this directive for conditional compilation. The argument of the directive is a conditional expression, and it determines on which branch the compilation goes on. #IF works in concert with #ELSE and #ENDIF:

; Block #1
#if 2 > 3
    ld a,b

; Block #2;
#if 2 < 3
    ld b,c

; Block #3
#if $ > $+2
    ld b,c

Here, Block #1 does not generate output, since the condition is false. Block #2 emits a nop, as the condition is true. The fals condition value in Block #3 moves code parsing to the #else branch, so it emits a ld b,c instruction.

The #IFDEF and #IFNDEF Directives

These directives works similarly to #IF. However, these check if a particular symbol has (#IFDEF) or has not (#IFNDEF) defined. So their single argument is an identifier name.

The #IFMOD and #IFNMOD Directives

These directives works similarly to #IF. However, these check if the code's current model is the one specified with the identifier following the #IFMOD or #IFNMOD pragma. Here is a short sample of using this directive:

    .model Spectrum48

#ifmod Spectrum128
    BorderColor: .equ 5
    RetAddr: .equ #2604
    BorderColor: .equ 4
    RetAddr: .equ #12a2

	.org #8000
    ld a,BorderColor
    out (#fe),a
    jp RetAddr

You can use only these identifiers with this pragma (case-insensitively): SPECTRUM48, SPECTRUM128, SPECTRUMP3, NEXT.

The #DEFINE and #UNDEF Directives

With the #DEFINE directive, you can explicitly define a symbol. Such a symbol has no concrete value, just its existence. With #UNDEF you may declare a symbol undefined.

#define SYMB

; Block #1
#ifdef SYMB
    ld a,b

#undef SYMB

; Block #2;
#ifdef SYMB
    ld b,c

According to this definition, the first block emits a ld, a,b instruction, the second one a ld b,c instruction.

The #INCLUDE Directive

You can use this directive to load and process a source file from within another source file.

#INCLUDE accepts a string that names a file with its extension. The file name may contain either an absolute or a relative path. When a relative path is provided, its strating point is always the source file that holds the #INCLUDE directive.

Assume that this code is in the C:\Work folder:

#include "Symbol.z80Asm"
#include "./MyRules.z80Asm"
#include "/Common/scroll.z80Asm"

The compiler will check the C:\Work folder for the first two include filem and C:\Work\Commmon for the third one.