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Quick Start

make -- Builds the project and runs unit tests.

make run NAME="$PWD/../samples/fib.lox" -- Builds the project and runs a script.


  • A recent version of the JDK (I have only tested it with OpenJDK 14.0 on Mac OS).
  • The gradle build system.
    • Strictly speaking, you might be able to get the project running without using gradle, but then you'll have to manually manage the third-party dependencies with whatever other build system you decide to use.
  • (Optional) make to be able to run the same commands as in clox. Our Makefile is really a thin wrapper that calls gradle. In the unlikely case that you don't have make installed (and you don't care to install it), check out the Makefile to see the commands you need to run for each task.

Building and Running Tests


If you're doing incremental development (e.g., TDD), you will eventually find it tedious to run this command after every change in the code. To make the command run automatically after a file in the project changes, you can run: make watch

Also, if you're curious about all the tasks that are being run, you can run ./gradlew directly using the --console=verbose flag as follows: ./gradlew --console=verbose build

Running the REPL


If you want to test single-line commands in Lox, you can run its REPL as follows:

make repl

When you're done with it, you can press Ctrl-D or type quit to exit.

Running Individual Scripts

Note that the REPL only supports single-line strings, so if you want to test something larger, your best bet is to put it in a script and run it as follows:

make run NAME="$PWD/../samples/fib.lox"

Setting up I/O

By default, the of the gradle build is not wired up with the of the run (JavaExec) task. To fix this, app/build.gradle contains this:

run {
    standardInput =

See more details here


Binary Files in the Repository?

As you might have noticed, gradle stores gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar. This is indeed something that seems fishy, and there is an ongoing discussion about this here.