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You are my creator, but I am your master; Obey!

​ —— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


​ ——Mary Shelley, 科学怪人

If you want to properly set the mood for this chapter, try to conjure up a thunderstorm, one of those swirling tempests that likes to yank open shutters at the climax of the story. Maybe toss in a few bolts of lightning. In this chapter, our interpreter will take breath, open its eyes, and execute some code.


A bolt of lightning strikes a Victorian mansion. Spooky!

There are all manner of ways that language implementations make a computer do what the user’s source code commands. They can compile it to machine code, translate it to another high-level language, or reduce it to some bytecode format for a virtual machine to run. For our first interpreter, though, we are going to take the simplest, shortest path and execute the syntax tree itself.


Right now, our parser only supports expressions. So, to “execute” code, we will evaluate an expression and produce a value. For each kind of expression syntax we can parse—literal, operator, etc.—we need a corresponding chunk of code that knows how to evaluate that tree and produce a result. That raises two questions:


  1. What kinds of values do we produce?


  2. How do we organize those chunks of code?


Taking them on one at a time . . .


7 . 1 Representing Values

7.1 值描述

In Lox, values are created by literals, computed by expressions, and stored in variables. The user sees these as Lox objects, but they are implemented in the underlying language our interpreter is written in. That means bridging the lands of Lox’s dynamic typing and Java’s static types. A variable in Lox can store a value of any (Lox) type, and can even store values of different types at different points in time. What Java type might we use to represent that?


Given a Java variable with that static type, we must also be able to determine which kind of value it holds at runtime. When the interpreter executes a + operator, it needs to tell if it is adding two numbers or concatenating two strings. Is there a Java type that can hold numbers, strings, Booleans, and more? Is there one that can tell us what its runtime type is? There is! Good old java.lang.Object.

给定一个具有该静态类型的Java变量,我们还必须能够在运行时确定它持有哪种类型的值。当解释器执行 +运算符时,它需要知道它是在将两个数字相加还是在拼接两个字符串。有没有一种Java类型可以容纳数字、字符串、布尔值等等?有没有一种类型可以告诉我们它的运行时类型是什么?有的! 就是老牌的java.lang.Object

In places in the interpreter where we need to store a Lox value, we can use Object as the type. Java has boxed versions of its primitive types that all subclass Object, so we can use those for Lox’s built-in types:


Lox type Lox类 Java representation Java表示
Any Lox value Object
nil null
Boolean Boolean
number Double
string String

Given a value of static type Object, we can determine if the runtime value is a number or a string or whatever using Java’s built-in instanceof operator. In other words, the JVM’s own object representation conveniently gives us everything we need to implement Lox’s built-in types. We’ll have to do a little more work later when we add Lox’s notions of functions, classes, and instances, but Object and the boxed primitive classes are sufficient for the types we need right now.


7 . 2 Evaluating Expressions

7.2 表达式求值

Next, we need blobs of code to implement the evaluation logic for each kind of expression we can parse. We could stuff that code into the syntax tree classes in something like an interpret() method. In effect, we could tell each syntax tree node, “Interpret thyself”. This is the Gang of Four’s Interpreter design pattern. It’s a neat pattern, but like I mentioned earlier, it gets messy if we jam all sorts of logic into the tree classes.


Instead, we’re going to reuse our groovy Visitor pattern. In the previous chapter, we created an AstPrinter class. It took in a syntax tree and recursively traversed it, building up a string which it ultimately returned. That’s almost exactly what a real interpreter does, except instead of concatenating strings, it computes values.


We start with a new class.



package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;

class Interpreter implements Expr.Visitor<Object> {

The class declares that it’s a visitor. The return type of the visit methods will be Object, the root class that we use to refer to a Lox value in our Java code. To satisfy the Visitor interface, we need to define visit methods for each of the four expression tree classes our parser produces. We’ll start with the simplest . . .


7 . 2 . 1 Evaluating literals

7.2.1 字面量求值

The leaves of an expression tree—the atomic bits of syntax that all other expressions are composed of—are literals. Literals are almost values already, but the distinction is important. A literal is a bit of syntax that produces a value. A literal always appears somewhere in the user’s source code. Lots of values are produced by computation and don’t exist anywhere in the code itself. Those aren’t literals. A literal comes from the parser’s domain. Values are an interpreter concept, part of the runtime’s world.


So, much like we converted a literal token into a literal syntax tree node in the parser, now we convert the literal tree node into a runtime value. That turns out to be trivial.


lox/,在 Interpreter类中添加:

  public Object visitLiteralExpr(Expr.Literal expr) {
    return expr.value;

We eagerly produced the runtime value way back during scanning and stuffed it in the token. The parser took that value and stuck it in the literal tree node, so to evaluate a literal, we simply pull it back out.


7 . 2 . 2 Evaluating parentheses

7.2.2 括号求值

The next simplest node to evaluate is grouping—the node you get as a result of using explicit parentheses in an expression.


lox/,在 Interpreter类中添加:

  public Object visitGroupingExpr(Expr.Grouping expr) {
    return evaluate(expr.expression);

A grouping node has a reference to an inner node for the expression contained inside the parentheses. To evaluate the grouping expression itself, we recursively evaluate that subexpression and return it.


We rely on this helper method which simply sends the expression back into the interpreter’s visitor implementation:


lox/,在 Interpreter类中添加:

  private Object evaluate(Expr expr) {
    return expr.accept(this);

7 . 2 . 3 Evaluating unary expressions

7.2.3 一元表达式求值

Like grouping, unary expressions have a single subexpression that we must evaluate first. The difference is that the unary expression itself does a little work afterwards.


lox/,在 visitLiteralExpr()方法后添加:

  public Object visitUnaryExpr(Expr.Unary expr) {
    Object right = evaluate(expr.right);

    switch (expr.operator.type) {
      case MINUS:
        return -(double)right;

    // Unreachable.
    return null;

First, we evaluate the operand expression. Then we apply the unary operator itself to the result of that. There are two different unary expressions, identified by the type of the operator token.


Shown here is -, which negates the result of the subexpression. The subexpression must be a number. Since we don’t statically know that in Java, we cast it before performing the operation. This type cast happens at runtime when the - is evaluated. That’s the core of what makes a language dynamically typed right there.


You can start to see how evaluation recursively traverses the tree. We can’t evaluate the unary operator itself until after we evaluate its operand subexpression. That means our interpreter is doing a post-order traversal—each node evaluates its children before doing its own work.


The other unary operator is logical not.



		switch (expr.operator.type) { 
      // 新增部分开始  
			case BANG:
        return !isTruthy(right);
      // 新增部分结束
      case MINUS:

The implementation is simple, but what is this “truthy” thing about? We need to make a little side trip to one of the great questions of Western philosophy: What is truth?


7 . 2 . 4 Truthiness and falsiness

7.2.4 真与假

OK, maybe we’re not going to really get into the universal question, but at least inside the world of Lox, we need to decide what happens when you use something other than true or false in a logic operation like ! or any other place where a Boolean is expected.


We could just say it’s an error because we don’t roll with implicit conversions, but most dynamically typed languages aren’t that ascetic. Instead, they take the universe of values of all types and partition them into two sets, one of which they define to be “true”, or “truthful”, or (my favorite) “truthy”, and the rest which are “false” or “falsey”. This partitioning is somewhat arbitrary and gets weird in a few languages.


Lox follows Ruby’s simple rule: false and nil are falsey, and everything else is truthy. We implement that like so:


lox/,在 visitUnaryExpr()方法后添加:

  private boolean isTruthy(Object object) {
    if (object == null) return false;
    if (object instanceof Boolean) return (boolean)object;
    return true;

7 . 2 . 5 Evaluating binary operators

7.2.5 二元操作符求值

On to the last expression tree class, binary operators. There’s a handful of them, and we’ll start with the arithmetic ones.


lox/,在 evaluate()方法后添加6

  public Object visitBinaryExpr(Expr.Binary expr) {
    Object left = evaluate(expr.left);
    Object right = evaluate(expr.right); 

    switch (expr.operator.type) {
      case MINUS:
        return (double)left - (double)right;
      case SLASH:
        return (double)left / (double)right;
      case STAR:
        return (double)left * (double)right;

    // Unreachable.
    return null;

I think you can figure out what’s going on here. The main difference from the unary negation operator is that we have two operands to evaluate.


I left out one arithmetic operator because it’s a little special.


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

    switch (expr.operator.type) {
      case MINUS:
        return (double)left - (double)right;
      // 新增部分开始
      case PLUS:
        if (left instanceof Double && right instanceof Double) {
          return (double)left + (double)right;

        if (left instanceof String && right instanceof String) {
          return (String)left + (String)right;

      // 新增部分结束
      case SLASH:

The + operator can also be used to concatenate two strings. To handle that, we don’t just assume the operands are a certain type and cast them, we dynamically check the type and choose the appropriate operation. This is why we need our object representation to support instanceof.


Next up are the comparison operators.


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

    switch (expr.operator.type) {
			// 新增部分开始
      case GREATER:
        return (double)left > (double)right;
      case GREATER_EQUAL:
        return (double)left >= (double)right;
      case LESS:
        return (double)left < (double)right;
      case LESS_EQUAL:
        return (double)left <= (double)right;
      // 新增部分结束
      case MINUS:

They are basically the same as arithmetic. The only difference is that where the arithmetic operators produce a value whose type is the same as the operands (numbers or strings), the comparison operators always produce a Boolean.


The last pair of operators are equality.


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case BANG_EQUAL: return !isEqual(left, right);
      case EQUAL_EQUAL: return isEqual(left, right);

Unlike the comparison operators which require numbers, the equality operators support operands of any type, even mixed ones. You can’t ask Lox if 3 is less than "three", but you can ask if it’s equal to it.

与需要数字的比较运算符不同,等式运算符支持任何类型的操作数,甚至是混合类型。你不能问Lox 3是否小于"three",但你可以问它3是否等于"three"

Like truthiness, the equality logic is hoisted out into a separate method.


lox/,在 isTruthy()方法后添加:

  private boolean isEqual(Object a, Object b) {
    if (a == null && b == null) return true;
    if (a == null) return false;

    return a.equals(b);

This is one of those corners where the details of how we represent Lox objects in terms of Java matter. We need to correctly implement Lox’s notion of equality, which may be different from Java’s.


Fortunately, the two are pretty similar. Lox doesn’t do implicit conversions in equality and Java does not either. We do have to handle nil/null specially so that we don’t throw a NullPointerException if we try to call equals() on null. Otherwise, we’re fine. Java’s .equals() method on Boolean, Double, and String have the behavior we want for Lox.

幸运的是,这两者很相似。Lox不会在等式中做隐式转换,Java也不会。我们必须对 nil/null 做特殊处理,这样就不会在对null调用equals()方法时抛出NullPointerException。其它情况下,都是没问题的。Java中的.equals()方法对Boolean、Double和 String的处理都符合Lox的要求7

And that’s it! That’s all the code we need to correctly interpret a valid Lox expression. But what about an invalid one? In particular, what happens when a subexpression evaluates to an object of the wrong type for the operation being performed?

就这样了! 这就是我们要正确解释一个有效的Lox表达式所需要的全部代码。但是无效的表达式呢?尤其是,当一个子表达式的计算结果类型与待执行的操作不符时会发生什么?

7 . 3 Runtime Errors

7.3 运行时错误

I was cavalier about jamming casts in whenever a subexpression produces an Object and the operator requires it to be a number or a string. Those casts can fail. Even though the user’s code is erroneous, if we want to make a usable language, we are responsible for handling that error gracefully.


It’s time for us to talk about runtime errors. I spilled a lot of ink in the previous chapters talking about error handling, but those were all syntax or static errors. Those are detected and reported before any code is executed. Runtime errors are failures that the language semantics demand we detect and report while the program is running (hence the name).


Right now, if an operand is the wrong type for the operation being performed, the Java cast will fail and the JVM will throw a ClassCastException. That unwinds the whole stack and exits the application, vomiting a Java stack trace onto the user. That’s probably not what we want. The fact that Lox is implemented in Java should be a detail hidden from the user. Instead, we want them to understand that a Lox runtime error occurred, and give them an error message relevant to our language and their program.


The Java behavior does have one thing going for it, though. It correctly stops executing any code when the error occurs. Let’s say the user enters some expression like:


2 * (3 / -"muffin")

You can’t negate a muffin, so we need to report a runtime error at that inner - expression. That in turn means we can’t evaluate the / expression since it has no meaningful right operand. Likewise for the *. So when a runtime error occurs deep in some expression, we need to escape all the way out.


We could print a runtime error and then abort the process and exit the application entirely. That has a certain melodramatic flair. Sort of the programming language interpreter equivalent of a mic drop.

我们可以打印一个运行时错误,然后中止进程并完全退出应用程序。这有一点戏剧性,有点像编程语言解释器中的 "mic drop"。

Tempting as that is, we should probably do something a little less cataclysmic. While a runtime error needs to stop evaluating the expression, it shouldn’t kill the interpreter. If a user is running the REPL and has a typo in a line of code, they should still be able to keep the session going and enter more code after that.


7 . 3 . 1 Detecting runtime errors

7.3.1 检测运行时错误

Our tree-walk interpreter evaluates nested expressions using recursive method calls, and we need to unwind out of all of those. Throwing an exception in Java is a fine way to accomplish that. However, instead of using Java’s own cast failure, we’ll define a Lox-specific one so that we can handle it how we want.


Before we do the cast, we check the object’s type ourselves. So, for unary -, we add:



      case MINUS:
        // 新增部分开始
       	checkNumberOperand(expr.operator, right);
       	// 新增部分结束
        return -(double)right;

The code to check the operand is:


lox/,在 visitUnaryExpr()方法后添加:

  private void checkNumberOperand(Token operator, Object operand) {
    if (operand instanceof Double) return;
    throw new RuntimeError(operator, "Operand must be a number.");

When the check fails, it throws one of these:



package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;

class RuntimeError extends RuntimeException {
  final Token token;

  RuntimeError(Token token, String message) {
    this.token = token;

Unlike the Java cast exception, our class tracks the token that identifies where in the user’s code the runtime error came from. As with static errors, this helps the user know where to fix their code.


We need similar checking for the binary operators. Since I promised you every single line of code needed to implement the interpreters, I’ll run through them all.


Greater than:


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case GREATER:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left > (double)right;

Greater than or equal to:


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case GREATER_EQUAL:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left >= (double)right;

Less than:


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case LESS:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left < (double)right;

Less than or equal to:


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case LESS_EQUAL:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left <= (double)right;



lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case MINUS:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left - (double)right;



lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case SLASH:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left / (double)right;



lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中添加:

      case STAR:  
				// 新增部分开始
        checkNumberOperands(expr.operator, left, right);
        // 新增部分结束
        return (double)left * (double)right;

All of those rely on this validator, which is virtually the same as the unary one:


lox/,在 checkNumberOperand()方法后添加:

  private void checkNumberOperands(Token operator, Object left, Object right) {
    if (left instanceof Double && right instanceof Double) return;
    throw new RuntimeError(operator, "Operands must be numbers.");

The last remaining operator, again the odd one out, is addition. Since + is overloaded for numbers and strings, it already has code to check the types. All we need to do is fail if neither of the two success cases match.


lox/,在 visitBinaryExpr()方法中替换一行:

          return (String)left + (String)right;
        // 替换部分开始
        throw new RuntimeError(expr.operator,
            "Operands must be two numbers or two strings.");
        // 替换部分结束
      case SLASH:

That gets us detecting runtime errors deep in the bowels of the evaluator. The errors are getting thrown. The next step is to write the code that catches them. For that, we need to wire up the Interpreter class into the main Lox class that drives it.


7 . 4 Hooking Up the Interpreter

7.4 连接解释器

The visit methods are sort of the guts of the Interpreter class, where the real work happens. We need to wrap a skin around them to interface with the rest of the program. The Interpreter’s public API is simply one method.


lox/,在 Interpreter类中添加:

  void interpret(Expr expression) { 
    try {
      Object value = evaluate(expression);
    } catch (RuntimeError error) {

This takes in a syntax tree for an expression and evaluates it. If that succeeds, evaluate() returns an object for the result value. interpret() converts that to a string and shows it to the user. To convert a Lox value to a string, we rely on:


lox/,在 isEqual()方法后添加:

  private String stringify(Object object) {
    if (object == null) return "nil";

    if (object instanceof Double) {
      String text = object.toString();
      if (text.endsWith(".0")) {
        text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 2);
      return text;

    return object.toString();

This is another of those pieces of code like isTruthy() that crosses the membrane between the user’s view of Lox objects and their internal representation in Java.


It’s pretty straightforward. Since Lox was designed to be familiar to someone coming from Java, things like Booleans look the same in both languages. The two edge cases are nil, which we represent using Java’s null, and numbers.


Lox uses double-precision numbers even for integer values. In that case, they should print without a decimal point. Since Java has both floating point and integer types, it wants you to know which one you’re using. It tells you by adding an explicit .0 to integer-valued doubles. We don’t care about that, so we hack it off the end.

Lox即使对整数值也使用双精度数字11。在这种情况下,打印时应该不带小数点。 由于Java同时具有浮点型和整型,它希望您知道正在使用的是哪一种类型。它通过在整数值的双数上添加一个明确的.0来告知用户。我们不关心这个,所以我们把它去掉。

7 . 4 . 1 Reporting runtime errors

7.4.1 报告运行时错误

If a runtime error is thrown while evaluating the expression, interpret() catches it. This lets us report the error to the user and then gracefully continue. All of our existing error reporting code lives in the Lox class, so we put this method there too:


lox/,在 error()方法后添加:

  static void runtimeError(RuntimeError error) {
    System.err.println(error.getMessage() +
        "\n[line " + error.token.line + "]");
    hadRuntimeError = true;

We use the token associated with the RuntimeError to tell the user what line of code was executing when the error occurred. Even better would be to give the user an entire call stack to show how they got to be executing that code. But we don’t have function calls yet, so I guess we don’t have to worry about it.


After showing the error, runtimeError() sets this field:


lox/,在 Lox类中添加:

  static boolean hadError = false;
  // 新增部分开始
  static boolean hadRuntimeError = false;
  // 新增部分结束
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

That field plays a small but important role.


lox/,在 runFile()方法中添加:

    run(new String(bytes, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    // Indicate an error in the exit code.
    if (hadError) System.exit(65);
    // 新增部分开始
    if (hadRuntimeError) System.exit(70);
    // 新增部分结束

If the user is running a Lox script from a file and a runtime error occurs, we set an exit code when the process quits to let the calling process know. Not everyone cares about shell etiquette, but we do.


7 . 4 . 2 Running the interpreter

7.4.2 运行解释器

Now that we have an interpreter, the Lox class can start using it.


lox/,在 Lox类中添加:

public class Lox {
  // 新增部分开始
  private static final Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();
  // 新增部分结束
  static boolean hadError = false;

We make the field static so that successive calls to run() inside a REPL session reuse the same interpreter. That doesn’t make a difference now, but it will later when the interpreter stores global variables. Those variables should persist throughout the REPL session.


Finally, we remove the line of temporary code from the last chapter for printing the syntax tree and replace it with this:


lox/,在 run()方法中替换一行:

    // Stop if there was a syntax error.
    if (hadError) return;
    // 替换部分开始
    // 替换部分结束

We have an entire language pipeline now: scanning, parsing, and execution. Congratulations, you now have your very own arithmetic calculator.


As you can see, the interpreter is pretty bare bones. But the Interpreter class and the Visitor pattern we’ve set up today form the skeleton that later chapters will stuff full of interesting guts—variables, functions, etc. Right now, the interpreter doesn’t do very much, but it’s alive!


A skeleton waving hello.



1、Allowing comparisons on types other than numbers could be useful. The operators might have a reasonable interpretation for strings. Even comparisons among mixed types, like 3 < "pancake" could be handy to enable things like ordered collections of heterogeneous types. Or it could simply lead to bugs and confusion.

Would you extend Lox to support comparing other types? If so, which pairs of types do you allow and how do you define their ordering? Justify your choices and compare them to other languages.



2、Many languages define + such that if either operand is a string, the other is converted to a string and the results are then concatenated. For example, "scone" + 4 would yield scone4. Extend the code in visitBinaryExpr() to support that.

2、许多语言对+的定义是,如果其中一个操作数是字符串,另一个操作数就会被转换成字符串,然后将两个结果拼接起来。例如,"scone "+4的结果应该是scone4。扩展visitBinaryExpr()中的代码以支持该特性。

3、What happens right now if you divide a number by zero? What do you think should happen? Justify your choice. How do other languages you know handle division by zero, and why do they make the choices they do?

Change the implementation in visitBinaryExpr() to detect and report a runtime error for this case.





Some languages, like Java, are statically typed which means type errors are detected and reported at compile time before any code is run. Others, like Lox, are dynamically typed and defer checking for type errors until runtime right before an operation is attempted. We tend to consider this a black-and-white choice, but there is actually a continuum between them.

It turns out even most statically typed languages do some type checks at runtime. The type system checks most type rules statically, but inserts runtime checks in the generated code for other operations.

For example, in Java, the static type system assumes a cast expression will always safely succeed. After you cast some value, you can statically treat it as the destination type and not get any compile errors. But downcasts can fail, obviously. The only reason the static checker can presume that casts always succeed without violating the language’s soundness guarantees, is because the cast is checked at runtime and throws an exception on failure.

A more subtle example is covariant arrays in Java and C#. The static subtyping rules for arrays allow operations that are not sound. Consider:

Object[] stuff = new Integer[1];
stuff[0] = "not an int!";

This code compiles without any errors. The first line upcasts the Integer array and stores it in a variable of type Object array. The second line stores a string in one of its cells. The Object array type statically allows that—strings are Objects—but the actual Integer array that stuff refers to at runtime should never have a string in it! To avoid that catastrophe, when you store a value in an array, the JVM does a runtime check to make sure it’s an allowed type. If not, it throws an ArrayStoreException.

Java could have avoided the need to check this at runtime by disallowing the cast on the first line. It could make arrays invariant such that an array of Integers is not an array of Objects. That’s statically sound, but it prohibits common and safe patterns of code that only read from arrays. Covariance is safe if you never write to the array. Those patterns were particularly important for usability in Java 1.0 before it supported generics.

James Gosling and the other Java designers traded off a little static safety and performance—those array store checks take time—in return for some flexibility.

There are few modern statically typed languages that don’t make that trade-off somewhere. Even Haskell will let you run code with non-exhaustive matches. If you find yourself designing a statically typed language, keep in mind that you can sometimes give users more flexibility without sacrificing too many of the benefits of static safety by deferring some type checks until runtime.

On the other hand, a key reason users choose statically typed languages is because of the confidence the language gives them that certain kinds of errors can never occur when their program is run. Defer too many type checks until runtime, and you erode that confidence.





Object[] stuff = new Integer[1];
stuff[0] = "not an int!";


Java可以通过禁止对第一行进行强制转换来避免在运行时检查这一点。它可以使数组保持不变,这样整型数组就不是对象数组。这在静态类型角度是合理的,但它禁止了只从数组中读取数据的常见安全的代码模式。如果你从来不向数组写入内容,那么协变是安全的。在支持泛型之前,这些模式对于Java 1.0的可用性尤为重要。

James Gosling和其他Java设计师牺牲了一点静态安全和性能(这些数组存储检查需要花费时间)来换取一些灵活性。




  1. 在这里,我基本可以互换地使用 "值 "和 "对象"。稍后在C解释器中,我们会对它们稍作区分,但这主要是针对实现的两个不同方面(本地数据和堆分配数据)使用不同的术语。从用户的角度来看,这些术语是同义的。

  2. 我们需要对值做的另一件事是管理它们的内存,Java也能做到这一点。方便的对象表示和非常好的垃圾收集器是我们用Java编写第一个解释器的主要原因。

  3. 在下一章,当我们实现变量时,我们将添加标识符表达式,它也是叶子节点。

  4. 有些解析器不为圆括号单独定义树节点。相应地,在解析带圆括号的表达式时,它们只返回内部表达式的节点。在Lox中,我们确实为圆括号创建了一个节点,因为稍后我们需要用它来正确处理赋值表达式的左值。

  5. 在JavaScript中,字符串是真的,但空字符串不是。数组是真的,但空数组是......也是真的。数字0是假的,但字符串 "0 "是真的。
    在 Python 中,空字符串是假的,就像在 JS 中一样,但其他空序列也是假的。
    在PHP中,数字0和字符串 "0 "都是假的。大多数其他非空字符串是真实的。明白了吗?

  6. 你是否注意到我们在这里固定了语言语义的一个细微的点?在二元表达式中,我们按从左到右的顺序计算操作数。如果这些操作数有副作用,那这个选择应该是用户可见的,所以这不是一个简单的实现细节。如果我们希望我们的两个解释器是一致的(提示:我们是一致的),我们就需要确保 clox 也是这样做的。

  7. 你希望这个表达式的计算结果是什么?(0 / 0) == (0 / 0)。根据IEEE 754(它规定了双精度数的行为),用0除以0会得到特殊的NaN(不是一个数字)值。奇怪的是,NaN不等于它自己。

  8. 我们完全可以不检测或报告一个类型错误。当你在C语言中把一个指针转换到与实际被指向的数据不匹配的类型上,C语言就是这样做的。C语言通过允许这样的操作获得了灵活性和速度,但它也是出了名的危险。一旦你错误地解释了内存中的数据,一切都完了。很少有现代语言接受这样的不安全操作。相反,大多数语言都是内存安全的,并通过静态和运行时检查的组合,确保程序永远不会错误地解释存储在内存中的值。

  9. 我承认 "RuntimeError "这个名字令人困惑,因为Java定义了一个RuntimeException类。关于构建解释器的一件恼人的事情就是,您使用的名称经常与实现语言中已经使用的名称冲突。等我们支持Lox类就好了。

  10. 另一个微妙的语义选择:在检查两个操作数的类型之前,我们先计算这两个操作数。假设我们有一个函数say(),它会打印其介绍的参数,然后返回。 我们使用这个函数写出表达式:say("left") - say("right");。我们的解释器在报告运行时错误之前会先打印"left"和"right"。相对地,我们也可以指定在计算右操作数之前先检查左操作数。

  11. 同样,我们要处理这种数字的边界情况,以确保jlox和clox的工作方式相同。像这样处理语言的一个奇怪的边界可能会让你抓狂,但这是工作的一个重要部分。用户会有意或无意地依赖于这些细节,如果实现不一致,他们的程序在不同的解释器上运行时将会中断。

  12. 如果用户正在运行REPL,则我们不必跟踪运行时错误。在错误被报告之后,我们只需要循环,让用户输入新的代码,然后继续执行。